Mora da ste blagosloveni. Zabranjeno im je da plaćaju u UK. Pročitajte prave kritike. Ne brigada za free spin. Probao sam njihovu montiranu platformu. Morali su da odu u istočnu Afriku da bi dobili dozvolu. Šta ti to govori. Dakle, to dokazuje da su prevare plaćajući kupcu iz UK. Igram na svim vhitehat platformama i L i L platformama. Nikada problem. Zlatna opklada je prevara. Dokaz je tu. Ne mogu da pišem ovde kao nedozvoljeno. Oni ne verifikuju kupce iz UK. Činjenica
You must be blessed. They are forbidden to pay to UK. Read the true reviews. Not the free spin brigade. I sampled their rigged platform. They had to go to east Africa to get a licence. What does that tell you. So it proves they are fraudulent by paying to a UK customer. I play on all whitehat platforms and L andL platforms. Never an issue. Golden bet is a scam. The proof is there. I can't write here as not allowed. They don't verify UK customers. Fact