Hvala na vezi do recenzije ... Volio bih da sam ovo vidio prije nego što sam polagao stotine 😢
Pitam se da li se taj tip ikad povukao ...
Danima prolazim kroz obruče kako bih pokušao povući ...
Prvo su htjeli fotografiju prednje i stražnje strane moje licence i kartice kod koje sam položio, poslao sam ovo, a onda su mi rekli da ne vrše isplate na kartice u Australiji.
Stoga se od mene traži da dostavim dokument o adresi kako bih svoje povlačenje stavio na svoj bankovni račun.
Dao sam dokaz o adresi, ali rekli su jer je na mojoj licenci srednje početno slovo, a na dokumentu s adresom samo moje ime i prezime, otkazali su povlačenje.
Pokušavam to popraviti danima, puno naprijed-natrag uz pomoć chata svaki dan ...
Stalno će se ažurirati 😳
Thanks for the link to the review... Wish I'd seen this before I deposited hundreds 😢
I wonder if that guy ever got his withdraw...
I've been going through hoops for days to try and get my withdraw...
First they wanted a photo of front and back of my license and the card which I deposited from, I sent this but then they told me they don't cash out back to cards in Australia.
So then I am requested to supply a proof of address document to get my withdraw put into my bank account.
I've supplied this proof of address document but they've said because my license has my middle initial on it and my proof of address document just has my first name and surname on it they cancelled the withdraw.
Been trying to fix this for days, a lot of back and forth with chat help every day...
Will keep updating 😳
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