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Kazino kuća koja ne isplaćuje isplate

pre 11 meseci od Ross10
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pre 11 meseci

Registrovao sam se na 333bbet, tako da sam napravio depozit od 30 gde sam dobio 25 bonusa. Morao sam da igram da bih završio misiju da bih mogao da napravim prvi plen. Već sam imao oko 200 i nisam mogao da ih povučem, igrao sam i igrao i bankrol je padao, uspeo sam da završim misiju kada sam stigao sa bankrolom od 60. Zato sam odlučio da ga povučem da vidim da li će platforma zaista platiti. Zato što je moj zahtev za povlačenje zaglavljen u obradi već 2 dana. Idem podržati da vidim da li mogu da mi daju bilo kakvu podršku i poruke su samo da sačekam.

Ova lažna i obmanjujuća kazina treba zabraniti.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Hi could you please post a link to the casino ? Does your case concern sports betting ?

As far as your withdrawal is concerned, I don't think two days is that long at all and there is no need to be skeptical right away. 

Have you contacted support yet ? What did they tell you ?

pre 11 meseci

Dobro jutro! Kontaktirao sam podršku nekoliko puta, ali podrška Telegrama više ne odgovara. Moj nalog na platformi je čak blokiran, više ne mogu da mu pristupim. Konačno nisam dobio svoje povlačenje, zaključujem da je ovaj kazino čista prevara!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Good day to you!

This is truly an unpleasant situation; hence, naming the casino would only benefit us. I spotted your most recent user reviews about Slottyway Casino and I wonder whether this issue is somehow related. It has been a month or so, and I'm honestly not sure.

Please tell us the casino's name.

The other positive benefit is that we will know what we are facing and may have some advice at least.

Now, to the restricted account: if you try to log in, can you spot any errors or notifications stating the reason?

What was the last thing you were consulting with the casinos about?

Have you come across a working casino email, perhaps?

I asked you a lot of questions, simply because I care to help you, so - let me know. 🙏

pre 11 meseci

Želim da vam ostavim ovde naziv platforme koja ne plaća isplate...

Registrovao sam se, dobio bonus od 2 reala i probao igre, video da mogu da podignem stanje i napravio minimalni depozit od 10. Uspeo sam da dobijem 100 i podignem 80, odbili su. Nastavio sam da igram i podigao 200 i keširao 150 i oni su to ponovo odbili. Nastavio sam da igram i digao 280 i napravio treći servis od 200 i oni su ponovo reied. Razgovarao sam sa podrškom i rekli su mi da povučem 280 da bih mogao da nastavim sa svojim poslom. Pa sam se žalio, jer to nikad nisam video. Moje treće povlačenje od 200 i dalje je ostavilo 80 na nalogu platforme. Jednostavno su nestali sa mojim 280. Resetovali su moj nalog i rekli mi da se ne pridržavam pravila o uplati depozita u istom iznosu koji sam imao na nalogu platforme.

Ostani u pripravnosti!!! je prevara!!!!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci


I can't say I understand the issue well; there are a few bank points left, I'd say.

Since this casino is missing from our database, I'm not familiar with its safety index, but in order to get it reviewed, I informed the Data Team. In my opinion, it seems unlicensed. Not saying it is the end of the world, yet I keep preferring licensed casinos over the rest.

Anyway, back to the issue: Could you help me with this part, please?

"I spoke to support and they told me to withdraw 280 so I could continue with my business. So I complained, because I never saw that." And "I spoke to support and they told me to withdraw 280 so I could continue with my business. So I complained, because I never saw that."

I really do not know what I should make out of it.

Feel free to paste a screenshot showing the casino's explanation, please. I usually use Google Lens to get the translation.

I'll wait for your reply.

pre 10 meseci


I just found this site to be reviewed, further details are here. I'd like to seize this opportunity to ask you whether you found a chance to deal with the casino. The way I see it, you didn't agree with the outcome, right?

pre 3 meseci

333bet je lažov i krade od igrača. Moje čekanje podizanja 250 BRL je poništeno i skinuli su mi ga sa računa uz obrazloženje da moj račun ne ispunjava uslove za ko zna šta! Oni su lažljivi lopovi koji su postavili veb stranicu da kradu od Magla poput mene.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Hi, I'm sorry about what's going on in the casino, but could I ask you to share the link to this casino because it looks like we don't have it in our database.

As for your situation, it would be useful to know a more specific reason because the fact that your account doesn't meet the requirements is not much, we didn't really learn anything from it. Have you tried to find out what it means and are you still in contact with the casino ? I'm wondering if it might have something to do with account verification, but that's just my guess. 

If the casino is just ignoring you and taking your money, you can try filing a complaint with us and we'll see what we can do.

If you decide to take that step, you can do so right here on this link

Will you go for it ? 

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