Igrači iz Njemačke uvijek su imali ugodnu situaciju s obzirom na internet kockarnice, jer ste kao Nijemac prihvaćeni u gotovo svim internet kockarnicama širom svijeta, uz nekoliko izuzetaka. Međutim, njemačko tržište kockanja do sada je bilo uglavnom neuređeno. Ali to će se promijeniti najkasnije do jula 2021. jer će tada na snagu stupiti novi Državni ugovor o igrama na sreću. Kao rezultat toga, neka su kazina već okrenula leđa njemačkom tržištu jer ne mogu ili ne žele ispuniti zahtjeve novog državnog ugovora o igrama na sreću. Ali još uvijek postoje stotine internetskih kockarnica koje i dalje prihvaćaju njemačke igre, od kojih se oko polovine također nude i casino igre uživo poput ruleta, pokera, black jacka, baccarata itd.
Budući da jedva da ikad igram casino igre uživo, nažalost ne mogu dati nikakve preporuke za casino. da bismo bili sigurni, postoji nekoliko malih pomagala za donošenje odluka.
Najlakši način je posjetiti glavnu stranicu casino.guru, kliknuti na malu zastavicu u gornjem desnom kutu i postaviti sve na Njemačku. zatim kliknite na karticu "preporučeno" na vrhu stranice i prikazat će vam se najbolja online kockarnica s najvišim ocjenama. druga zaštita + je napola ozbiljna licenca poput "mga" ili, na primjer, britanske komisije za kockanje.
nadam se da pomaže
Players from Germany had always a comfortable situation with regard to online casinos because as a German you are accepted in almost every online casino worldwide with a few exceptions. However, the German gambling market has been largely unregulated until now. But that will change by July 2021 at the latest because then the new State Treaty on Gaming will come into force. As a result, some casinos have already turned their backs on the German market because they cannot or do not want to meet the requirements of the e new State Treaty on Gaming. But there are still hundreds of online casinos that continue to accept German games, of which an estimated half also offer live casino games such as roulette, poker, black jack, baccarat, etc.
Since I hardly ever play the live casino games myself, I unfortunately cannot give any casino recommendations. to be on the safe side, however, there are a few small decision-making aids.
The easiest way is to visit the main page of casino.guru click on the little flag in the upper right corner and set everything to Germany. then click on the "recommended" tab at the top of the page and you will be shown the best online casinos with the highest ratings. another security + is a halfway serious license like "mga" or from the UK Gambling Commission, for example.
hope that helps
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