pre 4 godina
da li je neko igrao ili imao posla s ovom kasinom? = Do sada sam imao nekoliko pobeda, ali čini se da u ovom trenutku neće platiti dobitak koji sam imao (3 odvojena povlačenja, od kojih su dva bila procesuirana pre nekoliko dana - sada mi kažu da postoji kašnjenje zbog tehničkih problema) - hoću li biti razočaran) i od 725 £?)
anyone played or had dealings with this casino? = I have so far had a few wins but it seems at this point that they are not going to pay the winnings I have had (3 seperate withdraws, two of which say have been processed days ago - now I am being told there is a delay due to technical issues) - am I going to be disappointed )and out of 725£?)