Vlasnik jedan je najjači, upravljanje je malo slabije, ali ipak značajno, a podružnica je najslabija. Da, većinu vremena kockarnice u grupi dijele ista pravila. Ali ne samo o bonusima - oni obično imaju sličan pristup u rješavanju reklamacija, njihovim uvjetima i odredbama itd. Ovo je izvrstan pokazatelj da ako se neki od kockarnica u grupi ne ponašaju lijepo, postoji šansa da to učine i drugi prije ili kasnije isto.
The owner one is strongest, management is a bit weaker but still significant, and affiliate is weakest. Yes, most of the time, the casinos in the group share the same rules. But not only about the bonuses - they usually have a similar approach for complaint solving, their terms and conditions etc. This is an excellent indication that if some of the casinos in the group does not behave nicely, there is a chance that others will do the same sooner or later.
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