Prvi put sam se registrovao koristeći računar. Igrao sam malo i izgubio do 600 dolara, a onda sam napravio depozit i povukao ga. Drugi put sam koristio telefon i osvojio 2.000 dolara. Uplatio sam još jedan depozit, ali su počeli da sumnjaju i rekli su da treba da istraže. Sačekao sam neko vreme, ulogovao se kasnije i uspeo da podignem novac. Mislim da neću moći ponovo da ih prevarim. Najlakše 2600 dolara u mom životu
I registered for the first time using my computer. I played a little and lost up to $600, then made a deposit and withdrew it. The second time, I used my phone and won $2,000. I made another deposit, but they started having some doubts and said they needed to investigate. I waited for a while, logged in later, and managed to withdraw the money. I dont think I will be able to trick them again. Easiest $2600 of my life
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