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1.066 pregleda 6 odgovora |

Budite veoma oprezni! Ovaj kazino je potpuna prevara i ne znam kako da to prijavim. Uplatio sam 25 €, a oni su mi uzeli 52 €! I mislio sam da je to 100% bonus. Uplatio sam još 25 €, a nisu mi dali ni 1 € kao nagradu. Razgovarao sam sa timom za podršku i rekli su mi da im pošaljem PDF. Banka mi je uzela novac sa računa. Sada ću blokirati svoju karticu. Evo fotografija i dokaza. filefilefilefilefile Ako primetite, kažu da je Hrist kupio novčiće

Automatski prevedeno:


I don't believe we are familiar with this casino. Could you kindly provide the full web address, please? Might be important.

As far as I can understand, you are in no contact with anyone from this casino; am I correct? I think these screenshots seem only to present your messages. May I know whether and what the casino has told you so far?

Is the main issue missing deposit bonus?

To me, it seems that the deposited sum was larger than you expected, yet somehow you depsoit again to get some bonus.

Since it is not very clear to me, I'd prefer to wait for your replay first. Thank you.

Prevara file Budite oprezni kada uplaćujete novac, oni ostavljaju vaš račun prazan. Položio sam 25 evra i sve su mi skinuli sa bankovnog računa.

Automatski prevedeno:

I just found your additional posts. It almost sound like your payment method details were

misused. Have you informed your bank? You should do so immediately! Additionally, a word of advice: never use debit card issues to your main bank account; prefer much safer virtual cards. Use a separate amount allocated on the virtual card for paying online. If this virtual card gets abused, only the amount reserved for the virtual card will be "lost." Yet your main balance will very likely be untouched.


Da file

hvala vam puno.

Izmenjeno od Radka
Razlog: made the link passive for security purpose
Automatski prevedeno:

Glavni problem nije nedostatak bonusa, naprotiv, nisam želeo bonuse, napravio sam depozit od 25 evra da prođe vreme i uzeli su mi 52 evra pošteno, hvala Bogu da sam imao samo taj novac u taj nalog i postavio sam ovaj komentar da se i vama ne desi isto što se meni desilo u ovom kazinu.

Automatski prevedeno:


I finally managed to access the site; thank you for the link. I also made the link passive so the others would have more time to read this conversation first.

Hopefully I got it right this time: you only wanted to deposit €25; instead, €52 was debited from your bank account. Luckily for you, it was left on your account, so you have not lost more.

After that, the support told you to send them some pdf file—transaction history perhaps?

More importantly, has anyone responded to you ever since, please? In most cases, it takes some time to investigate the matter, and I presume this is not something easy. Still, I'm not that convinced the casino is responding to you regarding the problem.

Well, you are more than welcome to submit a free complaint against the casino; it does not matter this site is not in the list - just use the option "Casino not in the list above? Click here".

This link leads to the complaint section 👈

Let me know how it went!

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