Hej momci,
Znam da svi čuju svaku vrstu sranja svaki dan, ali ja sam pokušao da testiram, moja sestra je uradila isto, moj brat i TAKOĐE i tvoj otac ili svi zakonski uzrasti za kockanje.
NE! Mi nismo porodični kockari, ali čujem da oni nude besplatne igre pre nego što se registrujete i igrate kroz njih sa promocijama ili brendovima koje nude
Svi smo se preko njih registrovali za jedan od brendova koje tamo imaju i verujte mi, pravo iskustvo igranja je tu sa neverovatnom gejmifikacijom i RTP-om haha bilo je ludo, svi smo kupili kuću u 4. mesecu sa nešto ne preko 2000 evra potrošnje između cele moje porodice.
Verovali ili ne, ovo su prave filijale koje kupuju najbolje brendove, ali uostalom, što više nisu poznati, više ljudi im neće verovati
Hey guys,
I know everyone hears all the sort of B**sht every single day but i tried an testedit, my sister did the same, my brother and ALSO y father or all the legal age of Gambling.
NO! We are not a family gamblers but i hears these are offering free plays before you signup and play through them with the promotions or brands they offer
We all registered through them on one of the brands they have there and trust me, the real gaming experince is there with amazing gamification and RTP haha it was crazy, we all bought a house on the 4th month with just not over €2000 os spending between all my family.
Beleive it or not, these are the real affiliates that are fetching the best brands but ufnorntley, the more they are not known the more people won't beleive them