NaslovnaForumKazinaOnline kockarnice i fizičke kockarnice: šta više volite nakon Covid-19?

Online kockarnice i fizičke kockarnice: šta više volite nakon Covid-19?

 od Italo5Ruiz
14.020 pregleda 30 odgovora |
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Pandemijska situacija uzrokovala je mnoge gubitke za fizičke kockarnice i dobitke za online kockarnice. Kako se situacija poboljšava, hoćete li opet izaći ili ćete ostati kući igrati online?

Lično mislim da je bolje nastaviti igrati od kuće.

Automatski prevedeno:

It's more convenient to play from home, but I still think that it's hard to compare it with the atmosphere of a big land-based casino.

Yes I will go out suited and booted.. with my happy go lucky lefty, die hard I love the real CASINOS bit this will do.


better ? maybe safer... i always prefer gb casinos because if u gonna lose at least u have good time

free drinks , environment , pretty ladies 😀

also u have more feelings how much u lose compare to online casinos where u just pay with card.

also u don't wait for payout ,or wondering if your acc gonna be disabled,suspended or have some prob

I think people will choose online casino rather than physical casinos.

People stay home and stay safe.

I think this will bring revolution in casino games in shifting audience from physical to online.

I prefer online casino before covid 19 and after covid 19 as well.


Of course, an online casino, since the situation has not been stable for a long time, and for the sake of diversification I do not want to risk it.

Online casinos are safer... against the COVID insanity, no arguments there...

Physical casinos - have a better gambling experience, free drinks, environment etc..

Više volim biti kod kuće ... ne samo zbog virusa, već više volim igrati na mreži. Veći su bonusi i MaChance je moj omiljeni casino. Nikada nisam volio pretrpane sobe i bučno okruženje. A to je čest osjećaj u svim fizičkim kockarnicama, posebno tokom ljeta.

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm enjoying playing at home right now. One thing I like playing at home is I don't have to worry about social embarrassment or feel awkward in the sea of casino experts in land-based casino halls. I just love that I can play without anyone’s interference.

got 2 main reason why i always liked the online casinos. First, when i win at home, its only me who knows it. In a physical casino im surrounded by stalkers looking at my balance like i commited a crime or something. And secondly, the money you win in a online casino belongs to another dimension if you compare it with the money someone wins in a physical casino.

After pandemic situation i got no money , so i need money now, i think im gonna play on some casino. I was advised by a friend who is a very experienced and cool casino player, a good site W88 where you can play and not be cheated. We have been playing on this site for several months now and everything is fine, we win bets, and the money is transferred to the card. We play with my friend every weekend at this casino and win a lot of money. I mainly play poker, and he plays dice and wins very often, probably we are just lucky. So good luck and good game to everyone!


If you don't have money, the last thing you should do now is playing casino games + you should probably watch this video: 😉

Stoga bih zaista preporučio uplatu u GARKEIN Casino ako vam nedostaje novca i prvo riješite sve tekuće poslove. Ponovno će doći bolja vremena kako bi zabava bila besplatna 😉

Automatski prevedeno:

Mislim da je to jako loša ideja

Automatski prevedeno:

Za mene je to tako da automati u online kazinima prolaze mnogo gore od Covida 19. Ako uzmete u obzir gubitke koje su kladionice imale zbog neuspjeha fudbalskog klađenja, već mogu zamisliti da pokušavam minimizirati gubitke putem online slotovi

Automatski prevedeno:

I might be cautious after this pandemic and I would prefer an online casino for the first few weeks after covid lol. But on the other hand I do miss going to physical casinos, you get to have fun with your friends and family and the environment is much more lively. I think if we are to go back it's much safer if we still wear face masks and bring sanitizers with us cause we never know..


I've heard playing with the chips in land-based casinos can be a big issues. Even before corona, tests made in different casinos proved that they contain a lot of bacteria. What do you like to play when you go to a physical casino?

Honestly I'd rather visit physical casinos, but online ones are just the future: overall, this is the case for any kind of brick-and-mortar entertainment system, online will most likely replace them in the next future. Sure, maybe this will not happen for the entirety of the casinos, which have a long tradition and history, and it's undoubtedly a different feeling being there playing your odds, but I would say this pandemic will help this process speed up.


Baccarat je prvi izbor mnogih ljubitelja klađenja zbog svog uzbudljivog igranja, a ovaj poseban kladioničarski sport privlači mnoge kladionike da nastupe. Baccarat može biti učinkovit u brzom donošenju puno novca, a ovu online igru vrlo je jednostavno igrati jer je zaista jednostavno implementirati pravila ove igre. U Koreji mnogi ljudi vole igrati baccarat i druge kockarske igre na mrežnim kazinima na mrežnim kazinima . Pouzdana casino stranica je ono što zahtijeva da svaki pojedinac u Koreji igra utakmice za klađenje. U Koreji postoji nekoliko kockarnica koje nude internetske kockarnice, to je najveće poduzeće u zemlji i zaista je teško odrediti najbolju stranicu kasina za mnoge pojedince u Koreji. Za Korejce je Casino Korea jedna od najboljih web lokacija za kockanje koja nudi mnoštvo najboljih usluga i sigurnih internet kockarnica. Puno je bolje kliknuti na vezu ili posjetiti službenu web stranicu kako biste saznali više informacija vezanih za kazino.

Automatski prevedeno:

Idk how is it in other countries, but here workers are obligated to spray every machine every hour or so and wipe them .. so i think bacteria prob is no that big issue... but still yea, no one thinks of that since now

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