NaslovnaForumKazinaQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (strana 270)

 od kirekin
1.322.321 pregleda 10.357 odgovora |
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Keygo london nobody had any luck with right?


I got charged back through my bank from Keygo.

Post od carsix79 je obrisan

Can some of you UK lads help me find this one?



Was they all debit card payments


I have dealt with this lot.

Were your payments debit card payments and what template did you send them ?


This unfortunately is not the first email like this we have received in recent weeks. There has been fraudulent payments on peoples accounts under the name ‘gamingstore’ or things akin to that that have linked to our address.

We have notifies the UK Action Fraud team of this and provided details however it appears that your details may have been compromised. I would recommend contacting your card provider and submitting a chargeback, hopefully you’re able to get your funds back.

All payments to Kingdom Gaming show up on bank statements as ‘Kingdom Gaming - SumUp’ in our Northampton store and ‘Kingdom Gaming - Shopify’ for website purchases.

Kind regards

Adam KG



filethis template .

all payments were made using a starling card . I have sent them all over the information they asked for but have not heard from them since this morning .

Da li je neko ikada čuo za Voltampa i zna ko stoji iza toga?

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Automatski prevedeno:

The template is a standard one. What I would do now is send them what they are asking for as they are actually a legitimate company based in Cyprus that process these payments but they have been caught up in the scams the casinos are using. Screen shot the transactions and send them the first 6 and last 4 digits of your card that’s all they need. If they don’t reply let me know and I’ll send you a more aggressive ( but friendly template) out of interest which casino was this ?


I have sent them the details they need . Do you think there’s any chance of been refunded by them ?

they where very quick in replying this morning then after I sent them the details over but I have heard nothing Since .

where you refunded by them ?

it was through

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Nažalost, nisam imao nikakve veze sa ovim projektom.

Automatski prevedeno:

Vexoria Kaunas anybody with info?


Tried that, they told me to go ahead, currently waiting for the FOS to assign me an agent, got plenty of evidence to support my claim so i do look forward to chase emailing me apologizing when the FOS sides with me.

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Hvala vam u svakom slučaju na odgovoru 🙂 Možda ste čuli nešto o ovome. Ove mi još uvek nedostaju

pktb - Panevežis, LTU

Automatski prevedeno:

Okey friends. Long post.

But this is the merchant we have with comment.

We are looking for : CSHLTD = Cash TopUp

We are looking for : Byte News

We are looking for : SmPay Gamingstor Northampton

We are looking for : Vexoria Kaunas

We are lookint for : Crypto Varsava

SmPayPF*Gamingstore Northampton : We havent found this merchant

Byte News London LTD : We havent found this merchant

Bitsent = Quickbet - They dont chargback. Rapport them to Swedish authorities. = Quickbet - They dont chargback. Rapport them to Swedish authorities

GoGetCrypto = Quickbet - se above

Fomiline UAB = Se above

CSHLTD = Cash TopUp. I dont know which merchant but charged back 2000 euro. Could be

KEYLSM = Not sure which merchant but maybe the same as above

Ramp Network = anwsering E-mails not sure about chargeback.

Clou Smart Hosty = got 450 euro chargeback

Al_logo Creator = I THINK it is same as above. No chargeback

KyCoin = no respons or chargeback

LUXTel London = Couldnt find this. But should be No chargeback

ETS TICKETZONE = Have not found this

Deposit by crypto warsaw = NOT found this. Any information?

Albedo = No information

Videogameshaven = chargeback 50 euro.

Vexoria Kaunas = NO information. Anybody?

Redwerkonline = maybe this :

BP W Loading = Not sure yet

Canapay = Got chargeback 500 euro

PRL*MgTeche =

Prl*TheJansel =

Apperator = no information

Gametid = got refund 600 euro = no chargeback

Keygo = no charge back

Incredibleskins = no chargeback

Enigma Budapest = Chargeback. 500 euro.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Možda je ovo mala pomoć za mnoge ljude, čak je i adresa e-pošte uključena, jednostavno više ne mogu da pronađem imejlove i nisam siguran za završetak adrese e-pošte, ali pošto dolaze iz Bahreina mislim da bio .com, samo testirajte sve završetke, oni će sigurno vratiti novac :) filefile

Automatski prevedeno:

Ne postoji e-mail adresa, zar ne? ili? može li to biti ovaj?

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Nažalost, kraj više ne znam

Automatski prevedeno:

Samo sam slučajno pronašao BP V Loading jer su pomenuti negde u članku na LinkedIn-u. Zatim sam napisao jedinoj osobi kojoj se dopao ovaj članak i on mi je poslao imejl adresu, ali članak na LinkedIn-u i gospodin koji mi je odgovorio ne mogu se tamo više naći.

Automatski prevedeno:
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