pre 1 meseca
Zato što sam mislio da mogu da povratim novac koji sam izgubio.
Because I thought I could recover the money I had lost.
Zato što sam mislio da mogu da povratim novac koji sam izgubio.
Because I thought I could recover the money I had lost.
Ne bih zadržavao dah da dobijem odgovor od destreama obično neće odgovoriti ili će on odgovoriti sa Vi doniranim kreatoru sadržaja. Samo da vas upozorim On nije baš fin čovjek. Ne znam nikoga. koji je primio povraćaj novca od ovog trgovca .Prijavio sam ovog trgovca
I wouldn't hold my breath on getting a response from destream usually they won't responsed or he will respond with You donated to a content creator.Just to forwarn you He is not a very nice man.I don't know of anyone who has recived refunds of this merchant .I reported this merchant
Imao sam uspeha sa destrimom, ali transakcije su obavljene putem dimoco plaćanja koje je upravljalo povraćajem sredstava. Pokušao sam direktno da kontaktiram destream i samo su mi rekli da pošaljem svoje dokumente i onda mi nisu odgovorili.
Takođe sam imao uspeha sa Kuickbitom pre oko godinu dana. Živim u Švedskoj i nekoliko puta sam se žalio njihovoj podršci za ćaskanje i poslao sam zvaničnu žalbu na njihov e-mail. Naveo sam mcc pogrešno kodiranje, kao i neke švedske zakone o potrošačima. Nisam dobio odgovor i imao je delimičan povraćaj novca.
I had success with destream but the transactions were made through dimoco payments which handled the refunds. I tried contacting destream directly and they just told me to send my documents and then never answered.
I also had success with quickbit around a year ago. I live in sweden and complained to their chat support several times and I sent a formal complaint to their email. I stated the mcc miscoding as well as some swedish consumer laws. Didnt get a response and had partial refunds.
Pa da li je razumno juriti ili ne? Vi kažete prvu rečenicu, a onda mi kažete. Kako tvrditi. Nisam siguran šta je šta!
So is it reasonable to chase or not? You are saying the first sentence then telling me. How to claim. I am not sure which is what!
Ažuriranje: Otišao sam u Savetodavni biro za građane i bio iskren, ali gospođa je bila izuzetno gruba prema meni. U trenutku kada sam spomenuo da imam CIFAS marker, ona je potpuno izgubila interesovanje da mi pomogne i samo mi je rekla da potražim banke na glavnoj ulici.
U svakom slučaju, dok dublje kopam po CIFAS-u, imam jedno pitanje: da li je moguće da mi Vajz nije dao CIFAS marker, već me je stvarni trgovac prijavio? Očigledno, kazino to ne može da uradi direktno jer nisu sa sedištem u Velikoj Britaniji, ali šta je sa trgovcem koji im služi?
Update: I went to the Citizens Advice Bureau and was honest, but the lady was extremely rude to me. The moment I mentioned I had a CIFAS marker, she completely lost interest in helping me and just told me to look for banks on the high street.
Anyway, as I'm digging deeper into CIFAS, I have one question: Is it possible that Wise didn't give me the CIFAS marker, but rather the actual merchant reported me? Obviously, the casino can't do it directly as they're not UK-based, but what about the merchant serving them?
Nisam sasvim siguran u to, izvini. Jeste li pitali Vise? Pošto ste dobili svoj novac, izgleda čudno.
I’m not entirely sure on that, sorry. Have you asked Wise? Since you got your money back it seems weird.
Po mom mišljenju, pozitivna odluka FOS-a nije ništa drugo do čudo. U Nemačkoj se žalbe koje se odnose na ilegalno kockanje redovno odbijaju. Međutim, tužbe protiv provajdera su uspešne.
Zašto FOS odbija žalbu ili zašto se slaže sa bankom?
Transakcije se obično obezbeđuju korišćenjem bezbednog metoda, 3D-S ili verifikovane za VISA. Ova funkcija je zaštitna funkcija za vlasnika kartice da izbegne lažne transakcije. Kada se potvrdi, banka pretpostavlja da je sve u redu sa transakcijama. Nakon potvrde, vlasnik kartice obično dobija nešto zauzvrat, kredit u kazinu. Sve što dolazi posle toga je građanski spor. Ovi sporovi se obično rešavaju na sudu; nije posao banke da sudi o tome.
Još jedna važna tačka je sledeće:
Ako je plaćanje karticom verifikovano, onda bi banka bila odgovorna u slučaju povraćaja sredstava. Ako su transakcije plaćene bez verifikacije, odgovoran je trgovac.
Međutim, banka ne može da snosi odgovornost jer ne može da predvidi da su transakcije namenjene nelegalnom kockanju. Banka radi šta želite, šalje uplatu provajderu KSIZ. Ombudsman samo procenjuje da li je banka pogrešila, ali nije, jer ste uplate poslali na provereno.
In my opinion, a positive FOS decision is nothing short of a miracle. In Germany, complaints relating to illegal gambling are regularly rejected. However, lawsuits against the providers are successful.
Why does the FOS reject a complaint or why does it agree with the bank?
Transactions are usually secured using the secure method, 3D-S or verified for VISA. This function is a protective function for the cardholder to avoid fraudulent transactions. When confirmed, the bank assumes that everything is OK with the transactions. After confirmation, the cardholder has usually received something in return, the credit in the casino. Everything that comes after that is a civil dispute. These disputes are usually settled in court; it is not the bank's job to judge this.
Another important point is the following:
If a card payment was verified, then the bank would be liable in the event of a chargeback. If the transactions were paid without verification, the merchant is liable.
However, the bank cannot be held liable because it cannot foresee that the transactions are intended for illegal gambling. The bank does what you want, sends the payment to provider XYZ. The ombudsman only assesses whether the bank made a mistake, but it did not, because you sent the payments in a verified manner.
Ein positiver FOS-Bescheid grenzt aus meiner Sicht an ein Wunder. In Deutschland werden regelmäßig Beschwerden mit Bezug zum illegalen Glücksspiel abgewiesen. Jedoch sind Klagen gegen die Anbieter erfolgreich.
Warum lehnt der FOS eine Beschwerde ab, bzw. warum stimmt er der Bank zu?
In der Regel sind die Transaktionen im Secureverfahren abgesichert, 3D-S oder verified bei VISA, diese Funktion ist eine Schutzfunktion für den Karteninhaber, um betrügerische Transaktionen zu vermeiden. Bei Bestätigung geht die Bank davon aus, dass mit den Transaktionen alles in Ordnung ist. Nach Bestätigung, hat der Karteninhaber in der Regel einen Gegenleistung erhalten, die Gutschrift im Casino. Alles was danach kommt, sind zivilrechtliche Streitigkeiten. Diese Streitigkeiten werden in der Regel vor Gericht ausgetragen, es ist nicht die Aufgabe der Bank, dies zu beurteilen.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Punkt ist folgender:
Wenn eine Kartenzahlung verifiziert war, dann wäre im Falle eines Chargebacks die Bank haftbar. Sind die Transaktionen ohne verifizierung bezahlt wurden, haftet der Händler.
Die Bank kann man jedoch nicht in Haftung nehmen, weil sie nicht hellsehen kann, dass die Transaktionen für das illegale Glücksspiel gedacht sind. Die Bank macht was Ihr wollt, die Zahlung an Anbieter XYZ schicken. Der Ombudsmann beurteilt nur, ob die Bank fehler gemacht, hat sie jedoch nicht, weil Ihr die Zahlungen verfiziert gesendet habt.
Nećete svi verovati u ovo, ali kazino od kojeg sam tražio povraćaj novca za odgovorno kockanje je zapravo pozvao hitnu pomoć jer sam rekao da me je kockanje duga ostavilo u nevolji. Nikada u životu nisam bio tako užasnut javljajući se na poziv 111. Nisam pomenuo samopovređivanje ili bilo šta slično, nisam pretio, samo sam rekao da sam pod stresom i da ne spavam dobro. Mislim da su hteli da me osramote. Žao mi je, nije baš relevantno za ovu temu, ali samo želim da se izjasnim.
You all won’t believe this but a casino I requested a Responsible Gambling refund from actually called the ambulance on me because I said the debt gambling had left me in caused me distress. I’ve never been so mortified in my life answering a call from 111. I didn’t mention self-harm or anything of that nature, made no threats, just said that I was stressed and not sleeping well. I think they wanted to embarrass me perhaps. Sorry, it’s not really relevant to this thread but just wanted to vent.
Nisam vratio novac, a moj Vise nalog je blokiran. Ne mogu da ih dobijem – kada pokušam da pristupim njihovoj e-pošti, ona me usmerava na stranicu za prijavu, koja pokazuje da je moj nalog ograničen.
Odlučio sam da pišem direktno ombudsmanu jer mi se čini da je lakše. Nadamo se da mogu pomoći u uklanjanju CIFAS markera. Biću iskren prema njima – ja sam zavisnik od kockanja i pronašao sam Casino Guru forum na kome se mnoštvo ljudi samo igra i dobija povraćaj sredstava nakon što tvrde da roba nije primljena. Za sve se kajem i izvinjavam se – nisam zločinac.
I haven't received my money back, and my Wise account is blocked. I can't get hold of them - when I try to access their email, it directs me to the login page, which shows my account is restricted.
I've decided to write directly to the Ombudsman as it seems easier. Hopefully, they can help with removing the CIFAS marker. I'll be honest with them - I'm a gambling addict and found the Casino Guru forum where loads of people just play and get chargebacks afterwards by claiming goods not received. I regret everything and apologise - I'm not a criminal.
Kompanija za kockanje? Da, pretpostavljam da bi od kada sam se prijavio. Molim se da mi se večeras u stanu ne pojavi hitna pomoć jer nisam spomenuo da sam sebi povredio niti nameravam.
The gambling company? Yes, I imagine they would from when I signed up. I’m praying I don’t have any emergency services show up at my flat tonight because I genuinely did not mention harming myself nor do I intend to.
Da li ste se osećali kao da je to stvar za kvačicu ili su imali iskrenu zabrinutost? Naravno, ne morate da kažete jer možda ne želite da se vratite tamo. Definitivno mogu da razumem u nekim slučajevima zašto bi to uradili, ali se osećam kao da pokušavaju da daju primer od mene više od bilo čega drugog.
Did you feel like it was a tickbox thing or they had genuine concerns? Of course you don’t have to say as you may not want to take yourself back there. I can definitely understand in some cases why they would do this but just feel like they are trying to make an example of me more than anything else.
Mislim da ste promašili poentu ovog foruma, dok neki ljudi zloupotrebljavaju savete ovde da igraju i dobijaju povraćaj novca zvani 'freerolling', oni su u manjini, drugi, poput mene, idu ovim putem jer kazino odbija da isplati dobitke ili refundiranje deponovanog novca, u suštini krađu jer su kazina na crnom tržištu, ili imaju probleme sa zavisnošću na koje su ova ofšor kazina ciljala i koristila pogrešno kodiranje MCC-a itd. zaobiđite blokove koje imaju na mestu kada se ponovo pojave. Ako ste se kockali i izgubili pa ste odlučili da uzvratite, onda vas to stavlja u zagradu 'freerollers'.
I think you missed the point of this forum, while some people misuse the advice here to play and receive refunds aka 'freerolling', they are in the minority, others, such as myself, go down this route as the casino refuses to pay out winnings or refund the money deposited, essentially stealing as they're black market casinos, or have addiction issues which these offshore casinos have targeted and used miscoding MCC's etc to get around blocks they have in place when they relapse. If you gambled and lost then decided to charge back, then that puts you in the bracket of the 'freerollers'.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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