Zdravo druže kao dole, počeo sam tako što sam rekao da nikada nisam dobio ništa poput parfema ili nameštaja iz Nigerije, a onda sam na kraju bio čist i rekao da je pranje pogrešne mcc transakcije i da su druge banke dobile novac nazad, morao sam da podnesem žalbu i onda sam dobio the fos. Uključeni u njihovo kopiranje nakon što su rekli idi kod njih, a zatim su ih podigli, takođe su me zamolili da ih kontaktiram, lukavi trgovci, ali, grubo rečeno, nije bilo odgovora da su to lažne veb stranice
Visefare mirisi - ( ) i Horlakimotek Furniture - (https://horlakimotek.com/contact/# ) prijavite ovaj incident kao prevaru i zamolite ih da ponište transakciju.
Hi mate as below I started off by saying I never received anything like perfume or furniture from Nigeria then eventually I came clean and said its incorrect mcc transaction laundering and that other banks had got the money back I had to raise a complaint though and then got the fos. Involved copying them in after they said go to them then they raised them they also asked me to contact them the dodgy merchants but of coarse there was no reply it was fake webpages
Wisefare Fragrances - (scents@wisefarefragrances.com) and Horlakimotex Furniture - (https://horlakimotex.com/contact/#) please report this incident as fraud and ask them to reverse the transaction.
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