Ne, nema sreće! Ovde sam čuo da su to ista kompanija pa sam ih poslao e-poštom da pitaju da li obrađuju transakcije na to ime... rekli su ne! Pa sam tražio SAR, rekli su zašto biste ovo želeli, nemamo saznanja o vama kao kupcu da imate pogrešnu kompaniju. Izjavio sam da je moje zakonsko pravo na SAR itd... eto, imaju listu transakcija iv koje su im napravljene koje se tačno poklapaju sa „depozitom putem kriptovalute" sa mog bankovnog računa! Od tada neće odgovarati ni na jednu e-poštu. Prijavio sam AML u Švedskoj i Finskoj. Takođe su povećani povraćaji sredstava, ali je to dug proces
No, no luck at all! I heard on here that they were the same company so emailed them to query if they were processing transactions in that name… they said no! So I asked for a SAR, they said why would you want this, we have no knowledge of you as a customer you have the wrong company. I stated it was my legal right to a SAR etc… lo and behold they have a list of transactions iv made to them which match exactly with the "deposit by crypto" from my bank account! Since then they will not reply to any email. Have reported to AML in Sweden and Finland. Also raised chargebacks buts its a long process