Dobar posao. Takođe šaljem neke e-poruke drugim kazino operaterima i sumnjivim procesorima plaćanja Gardijanu/Observeru. Evo imejla za jednog od novinara koji je napisao članak - .
Ljudi bi trebalo da pošalju svoja iskustva i da se više ovih lopova razotkrije javno - to je jedini način da se ovo zaustavi.
Evo imejla za novinara Investigate Europe koji je takođe doprineo članku: E
Good work. I am also sending some emails on other casino operators and dubious payment processors to the Guardian/Observer. Here is the email for one of the reporters who wrote the article -
People should send in their experiences and get more of these rogues exposed publically - it is the only way to get this stopped.
Here is the email for the journalist at Investigate Europe who also contributed to the article: Email@maxencepeigne
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