NaslovnaForumKazinaPower Casino - opšta diskusija

Power Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 5)

 od Anonymized436
29.566 pregleda 98 odgovora |
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Power Casino

Pagliacci, propao (u svakom smislu). I dalje mi moraš vratiti moj novac! Uživam što ste zatvorili. Rukav mentalno retardiranih

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello Marquez,

did I get it correctly that your attempt to escalate the issue by contacting the licensing has failed?

I'm sorry, according to your complaint (closed as unjustified), I would be very surprised if you were successful, though.

I'm sorry, wish you only the best.


zdravo ne,

zatvorili ste ga kao opravdano.

Dobio sam 3.500 eura od kazina, i poruku od vlasnika licence da je zbog moje žalbe konačan izbor da im se skine dozvola za igre.

Tako da sam osvojio veliku 🙂

Bolje ne komentiraj zatvorenu žalbu sa tvoje strane, i zato što onda postajem vulgaran 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:


and congratulation. 🙂

Well, I double-checked and your complaint against the Power Casino (which I was referring to) was closed as unjustified. Kindly check this link:

file let me know if you see the same result.

If you previously commented on a different complaint, however, please do so in the proper casino thread or create a new thread in the complaint discussion section.

Thank you.

Fair enough - I will skip further comments.


Zatvorili ste mi to kao neopravdano. Nastavio sam sam sa svojim advokatima, direktno sa Gaming Curacao.

Od traženih 4000, uzeo sam 3400, rekao bih da je prošlo prilično dobro.

Da je bilo na tebi, morao bih da ostavim svoj novac u rukama tih nitkova, ko zna, možda bi ti dali postotak. Ne znam.

Automatski prevedeno:


even as we try to support players the best we can, we do not speak with the authority of any lawyer. Hence we can't use any kind of leverage, we only serve as the mediator.

Thank you for your update, I'm happy for you.

May I know which argument the lawyer applied to achieve this?

zdravo, naravno,

ostali smo u kontaktu sa korisnikom licence. Dostavili smo gomilu različitih dokumenata da potkrijepimo moju tezu i jednostavno je vlasnik licence uradio sve po pravilima.

kazina su dužna da ODMAH zatvore račun ako postoji problem s kockanjem. 2/3 dana vremena koliko vi dozvolite se ne tolerišu. Vlasnik licence je utvrdio da online kazina moraju biti spremna i efikasna kada je u pitanju kockanje.

Dakle, trebalo je mjesec i po dana, ali smo uspjeli donijeti kući dva vrlo zadovoljavajuća rezultata.

Možemo biti veoma zadovoljni.

Automatski prevedeno:


I must say that I'm positively surprised! Thank you.

I suggest that the first satisfying result would be that you gained a portion of your lost deposits, right?

Wandering about the second, though. The fact that the licensing authority cooperates and solved the matter, maybe?


Poštovani, možete li mi reći kome ste se prijavili? Kontaktirao sam i rekli su da ovaj kazino nije jedan od njih...

Automatski prevedeno:

Čini se da su se odlučili ne zamarati i pokrenuli novi kazino:

Stranica jedan na jedan

I u podnožju stranice isti podaci:


zato budite oprezni i sa ovim kasinom.

Automatski prevedeno:


thank you for your suggestion. I forwarded this information to our Data Team, we will check it out. 👍

možete li još uvijek tražiti novac nazad od ovih kazina?

Automatski prevedeno:

I would start with the licensing authority, but I honestly do not know whether it's even possible to deal with a closed casino. Furthermore, I can't check the license details anymore, so I can't advise you further, I'm afraid.

Based on some recent complaints the casino simply stopped paying before it got closed.

So it seems like a dead end. 🙁


Ako je ovo tačno, onda se sve dobro završilo samo za jednu osobu.

drugi igrači - nisu primili svoje uplate i, pored toga, izgubili su priliku da se žale bilo gde

nekako nepravedno

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, I am trying to go after money that this casino owes me since it closed. Do you have any proof of their licence with Curacao?


Hello I am looking to go after their license provider. Do you have any proof of who used to be?

I would really appreciate your help


Hi, according to our system they had a valid license and as proof I attach this link:

You can also try to file a complaint here, but I do not guarantee that it will be successfully resolved. 

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck and I hope you will be able to get your winnigs.


Hello i have made a withdrawal from powerup casino and have been delayed 10days and they always tell me that my withdrawal is on final stage the last 5days.


Hello, is that all the casino told you ? I would like to add that we give casinos 14 days to sort out everything they need to do around the withdrawal, so if they don't get it right you can contact us and we will try to help you. 

However, I saw that you updated your complaint a little while ago and you said that the money has arrived. Is that it and everything is resolved? 🙂

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