ForumKazinaSirwin Casino - opšta diskusija

Sirwin Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

pre 4 meseci od jacozp
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pre 4 meseci

Initially they wanted to rotate one time. When I managed to complete it and order the withdrawal, I received another message that the turnover should be ten times higher.

pre 4 meseci

Nisam uzeo nikakve bonuse. položio depozit i povukao. Do sada me kazino nikada nije povukao. sve je bilo u redu.

njihova pravila ne pokazuju koliki treba da bude promet od depozita. Prema statistici, standardni promet je h1, u retkim slučajevima h3.

ali njihova podrška u Joi operateru tvrdi da se ovo novo pravilo pojavilo 1. juna 2024. godine

Pitao sam ga zašto da patim? moj nalog je napravljen pre 2 nedelje. ovo nije fer, jer nije bilo čak ni obaveštenja da se uslovi klađenja menjaju. Štaviše, moj poslednji depozit je bio 30.05.2024., shodno tome, nisam trebalo da podleže novom pravilu. ali ih nije briga!!

Već sam podneo žalbu i sve detaljno opisao + uz žalbu priložio prepisku sa live chat gde su sve moje reči potvrđene!!

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pre 4 meseci

Imam ažuriranje...


Upravo sam napravio zahtev za povlačenje i novac je stigao u moj novčanik. pitanje je rešeno!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Dear gugesof,

Thank you for your feedback. We take all player comments seriously and aim to provide a transparent and fair gaming environment for everyone. We would like to clarify the situation regarding your account and the actions taken by our Risk Management team.

Our records indicate that:

  Risk Assessment: Our Risk Management team identified certain activities on your account that were flagged as risky. Specifically, although the BetConstruct Betting provider was unavailable, you managed to place bets by using the search bar. This activity raised concerns about potential rule violations.

  Wagering Requirements: Based on our site's rules, a conversion was requested. Even though the initial wagering requirements were completed, additional measures were taken due to the nature of the activities observed. Despite these concerns, your withdrawal was processed and sent.

  Activity Analysis: Our analysis showed that after placing bets, you started playing 1:2 and 1:3 games, attempting to double the funds, which further indicated risky behaviour.

  Fraud Prevention Measures: In cases where fraudulent or risky activities are detected, our policy allows for imposing additional wagering requirements. Specifically, a 10x wagering requirement for sportsbook and 1x for slots can be applied. We also reserve the right to request KYC verification after such requirements are met to ensure compliance and account security.

  Account Handling: Despite the identified risks, we did not close your account or remove your balance. Instead, you were asked to complete the wagering requirements. Although these requirements were not fully met, we proceeded with your withdrawal in good faith.

  Multiple IP Addresses: Our investigation also revealed the use of multiple IP addresses, which is a common indicator of account sharing or other non-compliant activities.

In light of these findings, our actions were in accordance with our terms and policies to protect the integrity of our gaming environment. If you have any further questions or need additional clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our support team directly at

Best regards,

The Sirwin Team

pre 4 meseci

Hi, I have the same situation like others - they asked me about wagering my deposits 10x on multibets with min. odd 3,00.

I created an account 14.05.2024 - I played a lot of bets during that 1,5 months. I made 7 deposits (all toghether 3401 USD) and I made a one withraw (2101 USD) and my current balance is 876 USD - which means I lost 424 USD.

My last deposit was on 29.05.2024 (526 USD) - then I played 3 bets - 526 USD, 1 USD and 50 USD (stakes)

my login is "flaminguk88" - is there anybody who will help me about withdraw my current balance? The rules (10x wagering are incredibly unfair)

I don't want to make a complain about them but I'm afraid It'll be necessary

pre 4 meseci

Initially they wanted to rotate one time. When I managed to complete it and order the withdrawal, I received another message that the turnover should be ten times higher.

pre 3 meseci

Is this also related to sports betting, please? I can see some other players writing about similar issues here. And also, we have an active casino representative in this thread, so hopefully your situation will get solved soon.🤞

pre 4 meseci

Imam ažuriranje...


Upravo sam napravio zahtev za povlačenje i novac je stigao u moj novčanik. pitanje je rešeno!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Yay, that is really great. I can also see the casino representative explaining the whole situation here. That is really helpful to others as well.👌

pre 4 meseci

Hi, I have the same situation like others - they asked me about wagering my deposits 10x on multibets with min. odd 3,00.

I created an account 14.05.2024 - I played a lot of bets during that 1,5 months. I made 7 deposits (all toghether 3401 USD) and I made a one withraw (2101 USD) and my current balance is 876 USD - which means I lost 424 USD.

My last deposit was on 29.05.2024 (526 USD) - then I played 3 bets - 526 USD, 1 USD and 50 USD (stakes)

my login is "flaminguk88" - is there anybody who will help me about withdraw my current balance? The rules (10x wagering are incredibly unfair)

I don't want to make a complain about them but I'm afraid It'll be necessary

pre 3 meseci

Unfortunately, I have to tell you that even if you make a complaint, it will be rejected due to sports betting. We do not have any branches dealing with it yet.🤷‍♀️

I can see that the casino representative is pretty active here,, though, so hopefully your case will get the attention as well.

Please let us know about any news regarding this.

pre 3 meseci

Zdravo timu kazino gurua,

Nažalost, dali ste potpuno pogrešne vrednosti za maksimalan iznos povlačenja. Isplate imaju fiksne maksimalne limite (između €2,000 i €3,500). Dakle, to je potpuno drugačije od depozita od 40k u vašem pregledu. Ovo je suštinski važno za mnoge igre, na primer, neću deponovati iz ovog razloga.

Edit: još je gore, maksimalna isplata za normalan bonus dobrodošlice je €1,500! To je zaista loše i treba hitno da se promeni.

Srdačan pozdrav

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

May I ask which bonus you are referring to, exactly, please?

If you have any information that needs to be correct in our review of the casino, please use the link at the bottom of each review:


pre 3 meseci

i da su postojale sportske opklade. Ovo je unutar ovog kazina. Imaju odeljak za sportsko klađenje, tako da je ovo odgovornost kazina. A mi govorimo o tome da razgovaramo o ovom kazinu, a ne o klađenju u ovom kazinu.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Zašto je to? Sportske opklade su postavljene unutar ovog kazina. Ovo je odgovornost kazina. To jest, želite da kažete da avijatičar nije u vašim ograncima ili virtuelnim igrama. Diskusija se vodi o kazinu u celini, a ne o kladionici unutar kazina. Trebalo bi da se bavite administracijom kazina, a ne provajderima unutar kazina!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

i da su postojale sportske opklade. Ovo je unutar ovog kazina. Imaju odeljak za sportsko klađenje, tako da je ovo odgovornost kazina. A mi govorimo o tome da razgovaramo o ovom kazinu, a ne o klađenju u ovom kazinu.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

It is indeed inside the casino, but we do not deal with the sports betting side. We do not have any branches here at Casino Guru.🤷‍♀️

pre 3 meseci

Zašto je to? Sportske opklade su postavljene unutar ovog kazina. Ovo je odgovornost kazina. To jest, želite da kažete da avijatičar nije u vašim ograncima ili virtuelnim igrama. Diskusija se vodi o kazinu u celini, a ne o kladionici unutar kazina. Trebalo bi da se bavite administracijom kazina, a ne provajderima unutar kazina!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

You need to understand that we specialize only in casino games, not sports. Even though it is inside the casino, it is out of our sector, as I could say.

pre 1 meseca

Zašto ne objave moju recenziju ovog kazina?

Drsko se drže novca!!!

Ja igram po tvojim pravilima a ti ne podižeš novac. Potrošio sam depozit tri puta, iako pravila kažu da je jedan put dovoljan. I dogovorili ste čekove, najzanimljivije je da je ček bio za suprotne opklade, trajao je 3 nedelje, a u stvari jednostavno niste hteli da platite!!

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Sometimes you have to persevere because if the complaint is open, the user review is then dealt with according to the result. However, I approved yours because, in my opinion, waiting 3 weeks for the money is enough. Especially if you get the same thing every couple of days and that means there is some kind of check.

I'm sorry that it was like this, but I'm glad that you got the money in the end.

pre 1 meseca

Ne mogu povući svoje povlačenje. Napravio sam depozit, igrao slotove u brzim igrama, zatim počeo da se povlačim, pola traženog je brzo povučeno, sutradan sam tražio još i dobio sam poruku iz kazina: Vaš nalog je u pregledu zbog sumnje da se protivi opklade. Nakon pregleda od strane našeg provajdera, bićete kontaktirani i obavešteni putem e-pošte ili željenog načina kontakta. Reci mi dragi kazino kako možeš da se kladiš na suprotne ishode u slotovima ili brzim igrama????? Da li se nekom ovo desilo??

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca


I must say it is rather strange that the casino paid a portion and then started investigating irregularities in your play style. Aside from slots, have you also played anything else, please? I also find it hard to imagine someone being able to place opposite bets on slots.

Just for you to know, it's highly unlikely from someone from the casino will answer here on the forum. We are not the casino either.

Well, since this whole situation feels weird, I would say submitting a complaint might be a good call. Are you familiar with this feature? 👈

Let me know what you think about the idea, please.

pre 1 meseca

Igrao sam samo slotove i brze igre. To ja kažem, kazino se ponaša veoma čudno. Smislili su razlog za suprotne opklade. Sada ću napisati žalbu. Priložiću sve snimke ekrana!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

In my opinion, this is a good decision. For now, focus on providing all related communications and details to Veronika, please. Apparently, she's waiting for your update. Please use this green link 👈 to update the complaint.

It's important for her to understand the relevance, especially under such weird circumstances. I know we are a bit ahead on the subject here on the forum, so inform her too.

Perpahs, you may help me recognize what "fast games" are supposed to be. Any chance these are crash games or aviator games?

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