NaslovnaForumKazinaSpinbookie Casino - opšta diskusija

Spinbookie Casino - opšta diskusija

 od rikke007
4.832 pregleda 45 odgovora |
1 23
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Spinbookie Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Udaljite plaćate ...čekao više od dve nedelje za mizernih 110 evra...

Automatski prevedeno:

It is so sad to hear, you had such a bad personal experience. Fortunately, you have got your money back. On the other did you like playing at this casino? Was there anything you liked or was everything disappointing? I looked and this casino has a really bad rating. 4.8 out of 10 is pretty bad. However, it's really good that you have got money in the end. 🙂

Terrible. Notorious slow payers. KYC to harrass. Weak license. Poor communication.

Won't use again.

Zdravo, desilo mi se da su me zamolili da pozovem preko skajpa da verifikujem nalog, odgovorio sam da je sve u redu i gospođa je rekla da je sve u redu, čekao sam 1 dan na mejl, prošlo je 3 dana i zatvorili su mi nalog jer nije prošao verifikaciju i dali su mi samo ono što sam položio znam da li se nešto može učiniti...

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, did the casino tell you why they closed your account ? Did you get any information or was it closed without giving any reason ? 

Can you tell us more about the situation that occurred ?

Hello, did the casino tell you why they closed your account ? Did you get any information or was it closed without giving any reason ? 

Can you tell us more about the situation that occurred ?

Zdravo...ono što su mi rekli je da nisam prošao verifikaciju, pošto su mi preko skajpa rekli da je u redu, jedino što mi je privuklo pažnju je da su mi u poslednjem pitanju rekli da li se kladim na kazino ili sport, odgovorio sam samo sport, a gospođica me je ponovo pitala i ja sam joj rekao da li samo sport, pošto se nikad nisam kladio u kazinu, učinilo mi se čudno, kontaktirao sam drugog tipa i on je rekao isto, oni ne dozvoli da prođe Skipe verifikacija da ne platim, imao sam 210 dolara i vratili su mi oko 60 dolara. Ne kažu ništa drugo, a siguran sam da su moji odgovori bili tačni...Mislim da postoji manipulacija da se zatvori i ne plati...

Automatski prevedeno:

I understand, but I have to say right from the beginning that if this case is about sports betting, I will recommend you sites where they could help you and where you could file a complaint, because we do not have experts in this area and we would not be able to judge such a case objectively. Here they are:

If you go ahead and file a complaint let me know and you can update me on the progress. Are you up for it ? 

I understand, but I have to say right from the beginning that if this case is about sports betting, I will recommend you sites where they could help you and where you could file a complaint, because we do not have experts in this area and we would not be able to judge such a case objectively. Here they are:

If you go ahead and file a complaint let me know and you can update me on the progress. Are you up for it ? 

ahh, pa to možete videti ovde samo ako ste igrali u kazinu? Momak koji mi je preporučio stranicu takođe se kladi na sport i ti si mu pomogao da vrati novac...

Automatski prevedeno:

If you only bet on sports and didn't play anything in the casino, it's obviously up to judgement of the whole situation. You also had a problem with verification, so theoretically our team could also deal with such a case. However, it is always up to the discretion of our team to decide how to handle the situation. 

So you can try filing a complaint here and we'll see how our experts decide. 

I'm of the opinion that it's about sports betting and we don't deal with that at Casino Guru as I mentioned before, so if it's strictly about that, our team will tell you. 

However, you won't get anything for trying it. 

Užasan kazino, kloni se toga.

Igrao sam u više od 30 različitih kladionica i ni u jednoj nisam imao problema sa KIC-om.

U ovoj kladionici pokušavam da verifikujem svoj račun više od mesec dana, tražili su od mene dokaz adrese koju sam poslao i PRIHVAĆEN je, međutim tražili su još jedan dodatni dokaz adrese haha kakva šala.

Bez sumnje će biti i problema sa povlačenjem.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, I checked your complaint and the address document which was blurry according to the casino. You sent again a new photo of better quality although I would probably close it up more to see it better and sharpen it more. 

Therefore, we will have to wait for the casino's reply and see if it will be sufficient or you will have to take a new one. I hope you will be able to do it so you can get your money out.

When you have an update, let me know. 

I'll be waiting.

Spinbookie straight up took over 800$ from my account, saying I broke their terms of service. I have read it trough and can't find a single answer for why this is. They also wont verify my account and I have waited weeks. I want to get my money



Hello, is this the email the casino sent you explaining what you did ? I saw there some bonus abuse, forged documents for verification, possibly using some third party tools. These are pretty serious things, so the casino described quite a lot, although more in a general way. 

Are you aware of any of this or not ?

Anyway, if you think you did nothing wrong and you didn't break any rules, I would definitely recommend to file a complaint where a team will investigate us and see what they come up with. 

Do you think you'll go for it ? 

If so you can start one here on this link. 

I'll also add a guide that might be useful to let you know what to expect from this process. 

Good luck. ☘️

spinbookie.....Veoma sumnjiva aktivnost. Zahtevi za povlačenje se odbijaju, sredstva se oduzimaju od bilansa, obećavaju da će platiti isplate, ali to ne čine. Potpuno nepošteni uslovi. Još se pitam zašto dobavljači igara, prenosioci novca, banke omogućavaju rad ovih inferiornih kazina?

Automatski prevedeno:

Do you know what exactly the reason is for rejecting your withdrawals, though?🤔 And could you tell us more about the money deduction, perhpas? I don't fully understand what do you mean by that.

Unfortunately, the safety index of this casino is pretty low, so it doesn't really surprise me that there are these kinds of issues.

I hope that we will be able to help somehow after you provide more information regarding the whole situation. We'll wait for your reply.



Uplatio sam 40e + 80e...prošao sam kroz reciklažu. kada je recikliranje završeno, saldo je bio kojeg je kazino uklonio 300e (maksimalno povlačenje sa bonusom 8kdepozit) Prihvatam ovaj odbitak. Nastavio sam da igram i uspeo sam da sakupim saldo od 1500e. Napravio sam zahtev za povlačenje za 500e (500e maksimalno/povlačenje). Isplata je odbijena i 900e je skinuto sa bilansa, a 600e vraćeno na račun igre. Razlog je taj što sam napravio samo jedan depozit od 40e, maksimalno povlačenje je 15k 600e. (u najmanju ruku nepravedno). 20.8 sam napravio zahtev za povlačenje 500e, koji je sada na čekanju.....obećano je da će biti isplaćeno 23.8....još nije uplaćeno. Korisnička služba je takođe bila loše iskustvo. Kazinoguruova recenzija ovog kazina je potpuno tačna. Očigledno, i drugi korisnici su imali slične probleme.

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, as I can see from your explanation, I really wouldn't call it a deduction. Every casino states in its terms what the maximum withdrawal is, especially in the bonus terms. And they pay this amount, nothing more. Right? This is your case as well.

So, is your account fully verified at this casino, or you haven't gone through the process yet?

I hope that everything will go well, even though when I look at this casino's safety index, which is pretty low, I can not say for sure how it'll turn out. I will keep my fingers crossed, of course.🤞


Dobio sam depozit+bonus kroz reciklažu.....kazino je od tog stanja oduzeo 300e, odnosno 620e - 300.....tako da je stanje 8kdepozit 40e....320. Nastavio sam igru i uspeo da sakupim stanje od 1500e i dao zahtev za povlačenje....

Zahtev za povlačenje je odbijen i uzeto je 900e sa stanja.....kao opravdanje, pošto sam uplatio samo jedan depozit 40e, maksimalno isplata je 15k depozita, odnosno 600e a višak stanja se briše.... .ovo je zaista nepravedno prema igračima. Ni danas na moj račun nije stigla isplata od 500e od 20.8.

Automatski prevedeno:

I do get your point here, believe me. It's just that if the casino has stated those terms, we cannot do much about it. 🤷‍♀️

But if you need help getting your withdrawal, don't hesitate to contact us after the 14-day time period passes. I believe you are already aware of the procedure. Is that right?

1 23

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