pre 3 godina
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Vegadream Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
Nikada nisam vidio ovako neugodan kazino kao ovaj.
Osvojio sam 1500 eura i samo zato što sam odigrao jedan više od dozvoljenih 4 eura od hiljadu utakmica koje sam odigrao, pobjeda je poništena.
I have never seen such an uncomfortable casino as this one.
I won 1500 euros and just because I played one more than the permitted 4 euros out of thousands of games I played, the win was canceled.
Ich habe noch nie so ein unkulant es Casino erlebt wie dieses.
Habe 1500 Euro gewonnen und nur weil ich von tausenden gespielten Spielen 1x mehr als den erlaubten 4 Euro gespielt habe wurde der Gewinn storniert.
Ako niste imali značajniji dobitak kada ste se uložili jednom iznad 4 eura, onda je, naravno, nepravedno poništiti dobitak. Kasino bi ga svejedno trebao platiti, jer vam nije dao nikakvu prednost.
S druge strane, ako se to dogodilo više puta i tamo ste imali neke dobitke, jednostavno ste prekršili uvjete i onda postoji razlog da poništite dobitak.
If you didn't have any significant winning when you bet once over 4 euros, then of course, it unfair to void the winnings. The casino should pay it anyway, because it didn't give you any advantage.
On the other hand, if it happened multiple times and you had some winnings there, then you simply breached the terms and then there's a reason to void the winnings.
Daniel I je dva puta igrao preko max -a i nisam imao nikakvu prednost od toga.
Odmah sam to primijetio i promijenio, postavljen je na više od 4 eura, nisam ga sam namjestio.
Molimo kontaktirajte Vegadream i tražite dobru volju koju uopće ne želite 1500, ali samo polovinu sam si to umanjila
Daniel I played over the max twice and didn't get any advantage from it.
I noticed it right away and changed it again, it was set to more than 4 euros, I didn't set it myself.
Please contact Vegadream and ask for goodwill you don't want 1500 at all but only half maybe I've downplayed that to myself
Daniel ich habe 2x über den max gespielt und keinen Vorteil daraus erzielt .
Ich habe es direkt gemerkt und wieder geändert es war so eingestellt auf mehr als 4 Euro hab es nicht selbst eingestellt.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie Vegadream und bitte Sie um Kulanz will garnicht die 1500 sondern lediglich die Hälfte vielleicht das hab ich mir fair heruntergespielt
U tom slučaju morate podnijeti žalbu na našoj web stranici i naš tim posvećen žalbama igrača će to riješiti. Nemam kontakt podatke za kockarnicu (osim onih koji su javno dostupni), ali moje kolege možda znaju druge načine.
In that case, you need to submit a complaint on our website and our team dedicated to player complaints will deal with it. I have no contact details for the casino (except those that are available publicly), but my colleagues might know other ways.
Zanima me postoji li mogućnost poduzimanja radnji protiv kazina. Oteli su mi profit i ne želim to prihvatiti tako lako, već se boriti za to
I would like to know if there is a possibility to take action against the casino. They have robbed me of my profit and I don't want to accept that so easily but fight for it
Ich möchte gerne wissen ob man hier eine Möglichkeit hat gegen das Casino vorzugehen sie haben mich um meinen Gewinn gebracht und ich möchte das nicht so einfach hinnehmen sondern dafür kämpfen
Ovdje sam pronašao vaš slučaj:
Vjerujem da bi najbolji pristup bio pričekati ako kazino reagira na vašu žalbu. Imaju još vremena.
I found your case here:
I believe the best approach would be to wait if the casino reacts to your complaint. They still have some time.
Prevaranti su bedni mali prevaranti sa izmanipulisanim igrama pogledajte isplatu od 24-124€ to je šala
Naziv igre Datum i vrijemeBetWinBalanceDazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:05:480.200.000.04Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:05:370.400.000.24Dazzle™ Megaways™2022-05-22:24Dazzle™05-202 :330.400.000.64Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:05:140.400.001.04Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04:590.400.681.44Dazzle™ Megaways™2022-05-22:24 04:440.400.441.16Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04:400.400.001.12Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04: Megaways™2022-05-22 :04:212,000,003.52Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04:182,000,005.52
Scammers are lousy little scammers with manipulated games look at the payout at 24-124€ that's a joke
Game NameDate and TimeBetWinBalanceDazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:05:480.200.000.04Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:05:370.400.000.24Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03: 05:330.400.000.64Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:05:140.400.001.04Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04:590.400.681.44Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03 :04:440.400.441.16Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04:400.400.001.12Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04: Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04:212,000,003.52Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04:182,000,005.52
Betrüger sind das miese kleine Betrüger mit manipulierten Spiele sieht euch mal die Ausschüttung an 24-124€ das ein Witz
Name des SpielsDatum und UhrzeitWetteGewinnenGuthabenDazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:05:480.200.000.04Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:05:370.400.000.24Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:05:330.400.000.64Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:05:140.400.001.04Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04:590.400.681.44Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04:440.400.441.16Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04:400.400.001.12Dazzle Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04: Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04: Me™ Megaways™2022-05-22 03:04:
da li biste mogli da unesete pauzu između opklade i pobede?
Da li je moguće da ste igrali na slotovima sa nižim RTP-om?
could you insert the pause between Bet and Win Balance?
Is it just possible that you played on a slot with lower RTP, maybe?
Zdravo Wibrak,
Vjerujem da morate okretati više okretaja od toga da biste bili sigurni da je slot namješten.
U svakom slučaju, jeste li provjerili RTP kao što sam vas već pitao?
Provjeravam u našoj galeriji i trebao bi imati oko 96,1% RTP-a, ali :
"Veličine opklada, RTP i varijansa:
Povratak igrača ove igre je 96,1%, što je otprilike naš prosječni aršin od otprilike 96%.
Raspon opklada na stranici koju smo testirali kretao se od minimalne opklade po okretanju od $/£/€0,10 do maksimalnog iznosa od $/£/€50,00 po okretu.
Promjenljivost ove igre je srednja, što je čini manje optimalnom za naše preferirane strategije automata. Naše strategije za slotove ciljaju najveću moguću volatilnost."
Hello Wibrak,
I believe you have to spin more spins than that to make sure the slot is rigged.
Anyway, have you checked the RTP as I already asked you?
I check it in our gallery and it should have around 96,1% RTP, but:
"Bet Sizes, RTP and Variance:
The return to player of this game is 96.1%, about our average yardstick of roughly 96%.
The range of bets on the site we tested ran from a minimum bet per spin of $/£/€0.10 up to a maximum of $/£/€50.00 per spin.
The volatility of this game is medium, which makes it a less optimal match for our preferred slot machine strategies. Our slot strategies target the highest possible volatility."
Naišao sam na tvoj sajt i nadam se da ćeš i meni pomoći.
Koristim Casino Vegadream skoro godinu dana, čak sam tamo dobio 11. nivo lojalnosti na Valk of Fame, a takođe sam nedavno dobio i VIP Bronzani status od kazina.
Nekoliko puta sam isplatio po sto ili nekoliko stotina evra, uvek je sve išlo glatko.
Ali sada kada mi je podignuto 2.000 evra, ovaj zahtev za povlačenje se čak ni ne obrađuje, da tako kažem, ignoriše ga kazino.
Možete li mi, molim vas, pomoći da dobijem svoj novac jer na njega imam pravo?
Kao i uvek, deponovao sam RAV CASH bez bonusa!
I came across your site and I hope you can help me as well.
I've been using the Casino Vegadream for almost a year, I even got the Walk of Fame Loyalty Level 11 there, and also recently received the VIP Bronze status from the casino.
I have paid out one or several hundred euros several times, everything always went smoothly.
But now that I have had 2,000 euros withdrawn, this withdrawal request is not even being processed, so to speak, ignored by the casino..
Could you please help me to get my money because I am entitled to it?
As always, I deposited RAW CASH without a bonus!
ich bin auf eure Seite gestoßen und hoffe du ihr könnt mir ebenfalls weiter helfen.
Ich benutze das Casino Vegadream seid fast einem Jahr lang, ich habe sogar dort die Walk of Fame Treue Stufe 11, sowieso letztens auch den VIP Bronze Status von dem Casino erhalten.
Ich habe mehrfach ein sowie auch mehrere Hunderte Euros auszahlen lassen alles immer reibungslos.
Doch nun plötzlich wo ich 2.000 Euro auszahlen lassen habe wird diese Auszahlungsanfrage nicht einmal bearbeitet so zu sagen ignoriert vom Casino..
Könnten sie mir da bitte weiter helfen das ich mein Geld bekommen da es mir zu steht?
Ich habe wie sonst auch immer RAW CASH einbezahlt ohne Bonus!
Drago mi je da ste nas našli!
Ali mislim da bi nam bilo potrebno više detalja, za početak...
Kada ste podneli povlačenje?
Kakav je njen trenutni status?
Kada ste poslednji put bili u kontaktu sa kazinom i o čemu se radilo, molim vas?
Svakako ciljam na potpunu sliku, pa ću čekati vaš odgovor.
Hello there!
I'm glad you've found us!
But I think we would need more details, to begin with...
When did you submit the withdrawal?
What is its current status?
When was the last time you were in touch with the casino, and what was it about, please?
I certainly aim for the full picture, hence I'll wait for your response.
Kazino još uvek nije obradio moje povlačenje! Možete li mi pomoći.. Očajna sam
The casino still hasn't processed my withdrawal! Can you please help me .. I am desperate
Das Casino hat meine Auszahlung immer noch nicht bearbeitet! Können sie mir bitte weiterhelfen.. ich bin am Verzweifeln
Uobičajeno, zamolio bih vas da odgovorite na ta pitanja kako bismo pomogli saradnju, trenutno ne znamo ništa o vašem pitanju osim onoga što je navedeno u žalbi .
Ali nažalost, još nije prošlo 14 dana, pa moramo malo da sačekamo 🙁
Žao mi je što to kažem.
„Ako je vaš nalog uspešno verifikovan, vaša istorija igara proverena, vaše povlačenje odobreno od strane kazina, a još uvek niste primili svoje dobitke 14 dana od zahteva za povlačenje, mi ćemo intervenisati i dati sve od sebe da vam pomognemo.
Normally, I would ask you to answer those questions to help the cooperation, at the moment, we know nothing about your issue aside from what is stated in the complaint.
But sadly, it has not yet been 14 days, so we have to wait a bit 🙁
I'm sorry to say that.
"If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you."
Već sam potpuno verifikovan pošto koristim ovaj kazino skoro godinu dana! Povlačio sam se nekoliko puta, nikad nije trebalo duže od 48 sati! Rekli smo zato što kazino ima maksimalno vreme obrade od 48 sati za isplate! Smešno je to što moje povlačenje nije čak ni obrađeno i sve moje poruke podrške su ignorisane! Već sam poslao e-mail Vegadream-u da ću preduzeti dalje korake, ali ništa nije došlo!
Pored toga, VIP klijenti tamo imaju veći prioritet, a primećujem i 0.
I'm already fully verified since I've been using this casino for almost a year! I have withdrawn several times, it never took longer than 48 hours! We said because the casino has a maximum processing time of 48 hours for withdrawals! The funny thing is that my withdrawal wasn't even processed and all my support messages were ignored! I have already sent an email to Vegadream that I will take further steps, but nothing came!
In addition, VIP customers have higher priority there, and I also notice 0.
Ich bin längst vollständig Verfiziert da ich dieses Casino seid fast einem Jahr über benutze! Ich habe öfters Auszahlen lassen es hat nie länger wie 48 stunden gedauert! Wir gesagt weil das Casino für Auszahlungen eine Bearbeitungszeit von maximal 48 stunden hat! Der Witz ist aber das meine Auszahlung nicht einmal bearbeitet wurde und meine ganzen Support Nachrichten ignorirt wurden! Ich habe auch schon eine beschwerde Email an Vegadream gesendet das ich weitere Schritte einleiten werde trotzallem kam nichts!
Auserdem haben dort VIP Kunden höhere Priorität davon merke ich auch 0.
Vidim. Da li je od vas zatraženo da se ponovo verifikujete?
Zato što zvuči sasvim prirodno povremeno ažurirati verifikaciju.
Vidite, znam šta je izazvalo ovo kašnjenje, a kazino je taj koji je trebao da vam kaže. Ali mi ćemo se potruditi da vam pomognemo.
U svojoj žalbi ste zaboravili da navedete sve te detalje. Da li ste primetili?
Molim Vas da pravilno ažurirate žalbu .
Hvala vam.
I see. Have you been asked to verify yourself again, perhaps?
Because it sounds quite natural to update the verification occasionally.
Look, I do know what caused this delay, and the casino is the one who should have told you. But we will do our best to help you.
In your complaint, you forgot to mention all those details. Have you noticed?
I ask you kindly to update the complaint properly.
Thank you.
Ne, od mene se ne bi tražilo da se ponovo verifikujem jer su moja poslednja povlačenja takođe obrađena odmah najkasnije u roku od dva dana. Prošlo je tačno nedelju dana, a još uvek nije ni uređen. Nemam ga kao što sam im rekao. Kazino jednostavno ne želi da isplati. Primećujem kakve se igre tamo igraju. Ali ako ne želiš da mi pomogneš, kao što vidim, možeš samo da kažeš...
No, I would not be asked to verify myself again as my last withdrawals were also processed immediately within two days at the latest. It's been exactly a week now and it still hasn't even been edited. I don't have it like I told them. The casino just doesn't want to pay out. I notice what games are being played there. But if you don't want to help me, as I can see, you can just say so...
Nein, ich würde nicht gebeten, mich noch einmal zu verifizieren, da meine letzten Auszahlungen auch sofort innerhalb spätestens zwei Tagen bearbeitet wurden. Wir sind jetzt schon genau eine ganze Woche drüber und es wurde immer noch nicht einmal bearbeitet. dafür habe ich nicht, wie ich es ihnen gesagt habe. Das Casino will einfach nicht auszahlen. Ich merke, was Spielchen dort gespielt werden. Aber wenn sie mir nicht helfen möchten, wie ich merke, dann können Sie es auch einfach sagen….
Draga Lea_06.
Ovo je forum na kojem se raspravlja o pitanjima vezanim za kazino, uprkos onome što možda mislite, ovo nije tema za žalbe. Delim samo ono što sam usput naučio o odloženim povlačenjima i dodatnoj verifikaciji. Ako niste spremni za diskusiju, sasvim je u redu. Samo reci.
Ali radi žalbe, predlažem da ostanete u kontaktu sa njom i da je pravilno ažurirate kada za to dođe vreme.
To je sve. Želim vam prijatan dan.
Dear Lea_06.
This is a forum, where casino-related issues are discussed, despite what you might think, this is not the complaint thread. I'm only sharing what I have learned along the way about delayed withdrawals and additional verification. If you are not up to discussion, it is perfectly ok. Just say it.
But for the complaint's sake, I suggest you keep in touch with it and update it properly when the time comes.
That is all. I wish you a pleasant day.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.