Dobar dan svima,
Prije svega moram u svemu tome prihvatiti svoju krivicu, na kraju krajeva, nedostatak volje, zajedno sa stvarno lošim radnim danom, značio je da sam se vratio kući i osjećao da se moram kockati kako bih se osjećao bolje.
U GamStop sam se prijavio 2019. godine na pet godina nakon što sam imao veliku pobjedu na nekom web mjestu i pomislio da je to to za mene. Osigurao sam da svoju datoteku ažuriram promjenama adrese i broja telefona itd.
U ponedjeljak navečer došla sam kući s posla i pokušala se prijaviti za Ladbrokes, odmah me blokirao. William Hill je učinio isto. Betfred mi je s druge strane omogućio da se prijavim koristeći iste detalje kao na mom GamStop fajlu i koje su Ladbrokes / William Hill pokupili.
Uplatio sam svoj prvi depozit od 50 GBP, a zatim 6 od 100 GBP i 1 od 150 GBP, sve u roku od nekoliko sati. Ni u jednom trenutku nisam tražio ličnu kartu niti sam tražio bilo kakav depozit. Osjetio sam gađenje nad sobom i zapravo sam otišao spavati uzrujan i iznerviran sobom, ali onda se to pretvorilo u osjećaj iznevjerenosti i od GamStop-a i od Betfreda da je to dozvoljeno.
Poslao sam e-poštu Betfredu koji je sutradan rekao da je "vaš račun zatvoren zbog izuzeća GamStop-a" i zamolio me da proslijedim svoju GamStop datoteku pa sam poslao e-poštu GamStop-u (označavanje u Betfred-ovoj e-pošti za podršku) i kako samo čekam da vidim šta dešava se
Kao što sam rekao, prihvaćam da su me snaga volje i mentalno stanje iznevjerili, ali ne mogu vjerovati da mi je Betfred dopustio da otvorim račun od nule i položim tako veliku količinu sredstava. Kakve su šanse da mi se vrate depoziti? Kako sam prilično siguran da sam pobijedio i morao sam poslati fizički ID, primijetili bi da sam registriran za GamStop i ne bi mi isplatili pa je igranje bilo potpuno besmisleno.
Hvala svima što ste ovo pročitali i pretpostavljam da mogu reći da se ne oslanjate samo na GamStop. Sad sam u procesu jurnjave s mojom bankom da vidim mogu li blokirati sve web lokacije s mojim računom.
Good afternoon everyone,
First of all I have to take my side of the blame in all this, after all it was my lack of willpower coupled with a really bad day at work that meant I got home and felt I needed to gamble to make myself feel better.
I signed up to GamStop in 2019 for 5 years after I had a big win on a site and thought that’s it for me. I’ve made sure I kept my file updated with changes of address and phone numbers etc.
On Monday evening I got home from work and tried to sign up to Ladbrokes, it blocked me immediately. William Hill did the same. Betfred though on the other hand allowed me to sign up using the same details as on my GamStop file and that Ladbrokes/William Hill picked up.
I made my first deposit of £50 followed by 6 of £100 and 1 of £150, all within a couple of hours. At no time was I asked for ID or was any deposit queried. I felt disgusted with myself and actually went to sleep upset and annoyed with myself, but then that turned to feeling let down by both GamStop and Betfred that this was allowed to happen.
I have emailed Betfred who said the next day "your account has been closed due to GamStop exclusion" and have asked me to forward my GamStop file so I emailed GamStop (tagging in Betfred’s support email) and how I’m just waiting to see what happens.
Like I said, I accept my willpower and mental state let me down but I can’t believe that Betfred allowed me to create an account from scratch and deposit such a large amount of funds. What are the chances of having my deposits returned to me? As I am pretty sure if I had won and I had to send in physical ID they would’ve noticed I’m GamStop registered and wouldn’t have paid out so playing was totally pointless.
Thank you everyone for reading this, and I guess I can say don’t try and rely on GamStop alone. I’m now in the process of chasing up with my bank to see if I can have all betting sites blocked with my account.