Dobio sam naplatu preko moje banke od Keigoa.
I got charged back through my bank from Keygo.
Ja sam se nosio sa ovim.
Da li su vaša plaćanja bila plaćanja debitnom karticom i koji šablon ste im poslali?
I have dealt with this lot.
Were your payments debit card payments and what template did you send them ?
Ovo nažalost nije prvi ovakav e-mail koji smo primili poslednjih nedelja. Došlo je do lažnih plaćanja na računima ljudi pod nazivom 'gamingstore' ili stvari koje su slične onima koje su povezane sa našom adresom.
Obavestili smo tim za UK Action Fraud o ovome i pružili smo detalje, međutim izgleda da su vaši podaci možda kompromitovani. Preporučio bih vam da kontaktirate svog dobavljača kartice i podnesete povraćaj sredstava, nadamo se da ćete moći da vratite svoja sredstva.
Sva plaćanja za Kingdom Gaming se prikazuju na bankovnim izvodima kao „Kingdom Gaming – SumUp" u našoj prodavnici u Northamptonu i „Kingdom Gaming – Shopifi" za kupovine na veb lokaciji.
Srdačan pozdrav
Adam KG
This unfortunately is not the first email like this we have received in recent weeks. There has been fraudulent payments on peoples accounts under the name ‘gamingstore’ or things akin to that that have linked to our address.
We have notifies the UK Action Fraud team of this and provided details however it appears that your details may have been compromised. I would recommend contacting your card provider and submitting a chargeback, hopefully you’re able to get your funds back.
All payments to Kingdom Gaming show up on bank statements as ‘Kingdom Gaming - SumUp’ in our Northampton store and ‘Kingdom Gaming - Shopify’ for website purchases.
Kind regards
Adam KG
ovaj šablon.
sva plaćanja su obavljena koristeći starling karticu. Poslao sam im sve informacije koje su tražili, ali se od jutros nisam čuo od njih.
this template .
all payments were made using a starling card . I have sent them all over the information they asked for but have not heard from them since this morning .
Šablon je standardan. Ono što bih sada uradio je da im pošaljem ono što traže jer su oni zapravo legitimna kompanija sa sedištem na Kipru koja obrađuje ova plaćanja, ali su uhvaćeni u prevarama koje koriste kazina. Snimajte transakcije na ekranu i pošaljite im prvih 6 i poslednje 4 cifre vaše kartice, to je sve što im treba. Ako ne odgovore, javite mi i poslaću vam agresivniji (ali prijateljski) šablon iz interesa koji je ovo kazino?
The template is a standard one. What I would do now is send them what they are asking for as they are actually a legitimate company based in Cyprus that process these payments but they have been caught up in the scams the casinos are using. Screen shot the transactions and send them the first 6 and last 4 digits of your card that’s all they need. If they don’t reply let me know and I’ll send you a more aggressive ( but friendly template) out of interest which casino was this ?
Poslao sam im potrebne detalje. Mislite li da postoji ikakva šansa da vam oni vrate novac?
jutros su vrlo brzo odgovorili nakon što sam im poslao detalje, ali nisam čuo ništa od .
gde ste vratili novac od njih?
bilo je preko
I have sent them the details they need . Do you think there’s any chance of been refunded by them ?
they where very quick in replying this morning then after I sent them the details over but I have heard nothing Since .
where you refunded by them ?
it was through
Nažalost, nisam imao nikakve veze sa ovim projektom.
Unfortunately I have not had any dealings with this project.
К сожалению не имел дел с этим проектом.
Pokušali su to, rekli su mi da nastavim, trenutno čekam da mi FOS dodijeli agenta, dobio sam dosta dokaza koji potkrepljuju moju tvrdnju, tako da se radujem što ću juriti da mi pošalje e-poštu sa izvinjavanjem kada FOS stane na moju stranu.
Tried that, they told me to go ahead, currently waiting for the FOS to assign me an agent, got plenty of evidence to support my claim so i do look forward to chase emailing me apologizing when the FOS sides with me.
Hvala vam u svakom slučaju na odgovoru 🙂 Možda ste čuli nešto o ovome. Ove mi još uvek nedostaju
pktb - Panevežis, LTU
Thank you anyway for the answer 🙂 maybe heard something about this I'm still missing these
pxtb - Panevezys, LTU
Danke dir trotzdem für die Antwort 🙂 eventuell etwas hiervon gehört diese fehlen mir auch noch
pxtb - Panevezys, LTU
Okej prijatelji. Dugačka objava.
Ali ovo je trgovac koji imamo sa komentarom.
Tražimo: CSHLTD = Cash TopUp
Tražimo: Bite Nevs
Tražimo: SmPai Gamingstor Northampton
Mi tražimo: Vekoria Kaunas
Tražimo : Cripto Varsava
SmPaiPF*Gamingstore Northampton : Nismo pronašli ovog trgovca
Bite Nevs London LTD: Nismo pronašli ovog trgovca
Bitsent = Kuickbet - Ne vraćaju se. Prijavite ih švedskim vlastima. = Kuickbet - Ne vraćaju se. Prijavite ih švedskim vlastima
GoGetCripto = Kuickbet - vidi gore
Fomiline UAB = Se iznad
CSHLTD = Dopuna gotovine. Ne znam koji trgovac, ali sam vratio 2000 evra. Može biti
KEILSM = Nisam siguran koji trgovac, ali možda isti kao gore
Ramp Netvork = https://ramp.netvork/ odgovori na e-poruke koje nisu sigurni za povraćaj sredstava.
Clou Smart Hosti = get-ai.vorld dobio povraćaj od 450 evra
Al_logo Creator = MISLIM da je isto kao gore. Nema povraćaja
KiCoin = bez odgovora ili povraćaja
LUKSTel London = Ovo nisam mogao pronaći. Ali treba da bude Nema povraćaja
ETS TICKETZONE = Nisam ovo našao
Depozit od strane kripto varšave = ovo NIJE pronađeno. Ima li informacija?
Albedo = Nema informacija
Videogameshaven = povraćaj 50 evra.
Vekoria Kaunas = NEMA informacija. Bilo ko?
Redverkonline = možda ovo:
BP V Loading = Nisam još siguran
Canapai = . Dobio povraćaj 500 evra
PRL*MgTeche =
Prl*TheJansel =
Aperator = nema informacija
Gametid = je dobio povraćaj 600 evra = bez povraćaja
Keigo = bez povraćaja
Incredibleskins = bez povraćaja
Enigma Budapest = Povrat. 500 evra.
Okey friends. Long post.
But this is the merchant we have with comment.
We are looking for : CSHLTD = Cash TopUp
We are looking for : Byte News
We are looking for : SmPay Gamingstor Northampton
We are looking for : Vexoria Kaunas
We are lookint for : Crypto Varsava
SmPayPF*Gamingstore Northampton : We havent found this merchant
Byte News London LTD : We havent found this merchant
Bitsent = Quickbet - They dont chargback. Rapport them to Swedish authorities. = Quickbet - They dont chargback. Rapport them to Swedish authorities
GoGetCrypto = Quickbet - se above
Fomiline UAB = Se above
CSHLTD = Cash TopUp. I dont know which merchant but charged back 2000 euro. Could be
KEYLSM = Not sure which merchant but maybe the same as above
Ramp Network = anwsering E-mails not sure about chargeback.
Clou Smart Hosty = got 450 euro chargeback
Al_logo Creator = I THINK it is same as above. No chargeback
KyCoin = no respons or chargeback
LUXTel London = Couldnt find this. But should be No chargeback
ETS TICKETZONE = Have not found this
Deposit by crypto warsaw = NOT found this. Any information?
Albedo = No information
Videogameshaven = chargeback 50 euro.
Vexoria Kaunas = NO information. Anybody?
Redwerkonline = maybe this :
BP W Loading = Not sure yet
Canapay = Got chargeback 500 euro
PRL*MgTeche =
Prl*TheJansel =
Apperator = no information
Gametid = got refund 600 euro = no chargeback
Keygo = no charge back
Incredibleskins = no chargeback
Enigma Budapest = Chargeback. 500 euro.
Možda je ovo mala pomoć za mnoge ljude, čak je i adresa e-pošte uključena, jednostavno više ne mogu da pronađem imejlove i nisam siguran za završetak adrese e-pošte, ali pošto dolaze iz Bahreina mislim da bio .com, samo testirajte sve završetke, oni će sigurno vratiti novac :)
So maybe this is a little help for many people, even the email address is included, I just can't find the emails anymore and I'm not sure about the ending of the email address, but since they come from Bahrain I think it was .com, just test all the endings, they will definitely refund :)
Also vielleicht für viele hier eine kleine Hilfe sogar die email Adresse steht mit dabei ich kann nur die mails nicht mehr finden und bin mir nicht mehr sicher bei der Endung der Mail Adresse aber da sie aus Bahrain kommen denke ich es war .com einfach alle Endungen testen erstatten tun sie auf jedenfall 🙂
Ne postoji e-mail adresa, zar ne? ili? može li to biti ovaj?
There is no E-mail address, right? or? could it be this one?
Det står ju ingen E-postadress? eller? kan det vara denna?
Nažalost, kraj više ne znam
Unfortunately I don't know the ending anymore
leider weiß ich die Endung nicht mehr
Samo sam slučajno pronašao BP V Loading jer su pomenuti negde u članku na LinkedIn-u. Zatim sam napisao jedinoj osobi kojoj se dopao ovaj članak i on mi je poslao imejl adresu, ali članak na LinkedIn-u i gospodin koji mi je odgovorio ne mogu se tamo više naći.
I only found BP W Loading by chance because they were mentioned somewhere in an article on LinkedIn. I then wrote to the only person who had liked this article and he sent me the email address, but the article on LinkedIn and the gentleman who answered me can both no longer be found there.
BP W Loading habe ich auch nur aus Zufall gefunden da diese irgendwo in einem Artikel bei LinkedIn erwähnt wurden daraufhin habe ich die einzigste Person die diesen Artikel geliked hatte angeschrieben und dieser hatte mir die Mail Adresse zukommen lassen aber der Artikel bei LinkedIn sowie der Herr der mir antwortete sind beide nicht mehr dort zu finden.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Currently, you are browsing the responsible gambling section of our website, which contains information related to problem gambling and responsible gambling practices. You clicked a link that leads outside of this section.
If you feel like you struggle to keep your gambling habits under control, we strongly recommend staying in the responsible gambling section and seeking help.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.