Kako ste uspeli da saznate ko je bankovni provajder / procesor za trgovca? Nadam se da razumete šta mislim. Izgleda da moja banka ne može da preuzme ove informacije, tako da sam verovatno malo sjeban u vezi s tim. Sve što mogu da vidim je opis. Postoji li neki drugi način?
Pokušao sam da se obratim nekoliko trgovaca, ali oni uopšte neće odgovoriti, što nije iznenađujuće tbh.
Kao primer, jedno od imena deskriptora za mene je: EKSFRAME*MAKSEKSP
https://ekframe.io/ to bi trebalo da bude ova kompanija koja je delovala kao obrađivač plaćanja (ako je ovo tačan termin) - međutim, oni su bili potpuno neodgovorni.
Ali ekframe mora da ima i neku vrstu banke koja možda nije tako mutna kao što jesu i koja će zapravo brinuti?
How have you guys managed to find out who the bank provider / processor for the merchant is? Hope you get what I mean. My bank doesn’t seem to be able to retrieve this info, so I’m probably kind of screwed regarding that. All i can see basically is a description. Is there any other way?
I’ve tried reach out to several merchants, but they won’t reply at all, which isnt surprising tbh.
As an example, one of the descriptor names for me is: EXFRAME*MAXEXP
https://exframe.io/ it should be this company who has acted as payment processor (If this is the correct term) - they have been totally unresponsive though.
But exframe must have some kind of bank too right that might not be as shady as they are and actually will care?
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