Dobro pitanje. Sigurna sam da će vaša ciljana tržišta značajno utjecati na dizajn. Da, ljudi su uglavnom različiti, ali neke nacije preferiraju puno boja, neke preferiraju crtiće (rekao bih da bi Japan mogao biti jedan od takvih), neke preferiraju vrlo čist i jednostavan dizajn (nordijske zemlje, možda Velika Britanija?) , neki su uglavnom usredotočeni na bonuse, tako da bi mogli raditi veliki transparenti s dobrim bonusima (pada mi na pamet Australija).
Zbog toga mnogi operateri kazina posjeduju više kazina. Imaju iste igre, u osnovi iste promocije, iste načine plaćanja, dijele korisničku podršku, ali kockarnice izgledaju vrlo različito (crtano, u casinu uživo = stvarne slike dilera kazina, kotačići ruleta itd.). Mnoga se kasina temelje na određenoj temi (svemir, zapadni kauboji, drevni Rim, superheroji itd.)
Na primjer, ja sam osoba koja voli fantasy i mmorpg igre. Volim da postižem različita dostignuća dok igram. Zbog toga mi se uvijek sviđao gdje odabirete svog lika i otključavate različite dijelove fantasy ostrva samo igranjem, a kada ga otključate, dobit ćete neku nagradu za postignuće. Sistem dostignuća je prisutan i u Casumo (vjerojatno ćete trebati koristiti VPN da biste vidjeli web stranicu)
Good question. I'm quite sure that the design will be quite significantly influenced by your targeted markets. Yes, people are generally different, but some nations tend to prefer a lot of colours, some prefer cartoons (I'd say Japan could be one of those), some prefer very clean and simple design (Nordic countries, maybe the UK?), some are mostly focused on bonuses so a big banners with good bonuses could work (Australia comes to my mind).
That's why many casino operators own multiple casinos. They have the same games, basically the same promos, same payment methods, they share the customer support, but the casinos look very differently (cartoonish, live casino style = real pictures of casino dealers, roulette wheels etc.). Many casinos are based on a specific theme (space, western cowboys, ancient Rome, superheroes etc.)
For example I'm a person who likes fantasy and mmorpg games. I like to reach different achievements while playing. That's why I always liked where you choose your own character and unlock different parts of a fantasy island just by playing and when you unlock it, you get some reward for the achievement. The system of achievements is also present in Casumo (you'll probably need to use VPN in order to see the website)
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