Najverovatnije, zbog veoma nejasnog prevoda, zaista mi je teško da pronađem zasluge ove priče.
Dozvolite mi da počnem sa pitanjem: Koji je zapravo problem koji želite da rešite, molim?
Znate, kako ja to vidim, ovo je kristalno jasna prevara. Budite sigurni, tamo ne postoje algoritmi koji rade, posebno oni koji nisu dostupni preko kanala društvenih medija. Uprkos ovoj očiglednoj prevari, aspekte koje moram da pomenem da bih objasnio dubinu cele ove situacije. Iz onoga što ste do sada rekli, uveren sam da niste ni upoznati sa uslovima kazina, zar ne?
Samo da budemo sigurni, da li ste sami registrovali svoj nalog ili je "Carla Arces" otvorila nalog u vaše ime?
Da vam malo pomognem, koristio bih nekoliko saveta.
Čekaću vaš odgovor.
Hello there.
Most likely, due to a very unclear translation, I'm having a really hard time finding the merit of this story.
Allow me to start with a question: What is the actually issue you aim to resolve, please?
You know, the way I see it this is a crystal clear scam practise. Rest assured, there are no working algorithms out there, especially not available through the social media channels. Despite this obvious scam, the aspects I have to mention in order to explain the depth of this whole situation. From what you said so far, I'm convinced you are not even aware of the casino's terms, are you?
Just to be sure, did you register your account on your own, or did "Carla Arces" create an open on your behalf?
To help you out a bit, I could use a few hints.
I'll wait for your reply.