Osvojio sam $1000 na 888 casino canada i kada sam otišao da povučem, ceo iznos je bio u bonusu. Počeo sam sa depozitom od 34 dolara, okrenuo dnevni bonus točak i dobio bonus od 10%. Igrao sam najmanje sat vremena pre nego što sam osvojio $1000. Nema šanse da je dobitak otišao u bonus. Nema smisla. Ćaskanje uživo nije dostupno i nigde na sajtu nema informacija o kontaktu e-pošte. Tako sam frustriran. Prošao sam kroz ceo odeljak sa čestim pitanjima „pomoć" i nisam mogao da pronađem nikakvu informaciju o tome zašto se to moglo dogoditi. Ima li neko ideju zašto bi se to dogodilo? šta da radim? Često igram na ovom sajtu i nikada nisam naišao na probleme. Ako ikada preostane iznos bonusa nakon povlačenja, možete ga izgubiti.
I won $1000 on 888 casino canada and when I went to withdraw, the entire amount was in the bonus. I started with a $34 deposit, spun the daily bonus wheel and received a 10% bonus. I was playing for at least an hour before I won the $1000. There's no way the winnings should have gone into bonus. It makes no sense. Live chat isn't available and there is no email contact info anywhere on the site. I'm so frustrated. I went through the entire "help" FAQ section and couldn't find any information as to why this could have happened. Does anyone have any idea why this would have happened? What should I do? I play on this site often and have never encountered any issues. If there's ever a bonus amount remaining upon withdrawal you can forfeit it.