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Introduce Yourself

 od Daniel
131.055 pregleda 229 odgovora |
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I would like to introduce myself since you'll probably see my name here on the forum quite often. My name's Daniel, I'm almost 30 and I come from the Czech Republic.

When I finished my university degree, I decided to move to Malta where I started working for the casino LeoVegas. I worked on different positions starting with the customer support agent, copywriter, SEO and social media specialist. I also closely cooperated with the CRM department. To sum it up, I spent almost 4 years in one of the biggest online casinos in Europe where I gained quite a decent overview about the online gambling business and "how things work". It's been almost a year since we started developing a brand new forum here in Casino Guru that we can finally introduce you today.

I love to travel mainly to places with beautiful lakes, rivers and pure nature. I can't imagine my life without watching football (soccer for our US readers :) and I also like to play World of Warcraft.

I hope we'll enjoy the time spent on the forum together!

Hi everyone,

My name is Erik and I am a tester for Casino Guru's bonus codes team. I enjoy creating and designing new casino websites and getting them ranked and shown on googles page 1 . Most of my posts here will probably be for USA bonuses because im from the USA and I enjoy sharing the best and new online casino options to my fellow players from the USA and everywhere else:)

Hi there! 


Let me introduce myself, my name is Jindrich and I am from Czech republic same as Daniel above but I am already 32 and 33 comming this Year, it's scaring me because I still feel for 25 maximally :D :)) (Forever Young)

I mainly work as Casino Guru's tester, information collector and reviewer. I participate in collecting and updating informations about casinos, their availability, offered deposit bonuses, no deposit bonuses and verifying the truth of already published data on In the past I worked in top management of large "unnamed" companies focusing on automotive but I changed my focus for personal reasons and now I travel around Europe as self employed person. I have a rich experiences with many casinos not only from Czech republic but from whole world and I am still enjoying getting new ones from every where.  


I hate stereotypes, I love challenges, and with each new gained experience or knowledge I move a little closer to my goals and dreams. I like women, parties, fun and games like Dota 2 and Fifa .....


I would like share my experiences and I hope you will see many of my posts, answers, advice and recommendations on this new forum. 

Please don't be shy/afraid and Ask for anything!!! :)


We do our best for your welfare.

hey there

my name is chris and i am from germany. don't be scared jindrich i am 45 now

i feel like i'm still 20. i do some tasks here and there for casino guru as a freelancer.

started with online poker 10-12  years ago which i rarely play today. these days i play

slots and some table games most of the times...


Hi, I'm just wondering, why did you quit playing poker?


well because i was not able to make any  good profit out of it. the golden

times of online poker where you got 7-8 fishy players at a full ring table

are over for a long time. if you play eg at poker stars you got 7-8 regs at

a full ring table or more even at the micro stakes. and it is the same at

sit n gos or tournaments. at the end it was a wast of times for me to play

hours and hours only to get break even.


Yeah, I feel like ppl are much more educated regarding poker than 10 years ago. Nowadays, you can read a lot of useful info or even use a software that helps you to make decisions. It's difficult to meet really bad players.
I knew a guy who lived in Malta, his only income came from online poker, but he played on 14 tables at the same time. That doesn't sound like fun to me.

Izmenjeno od Daniel
Razlog: added info

absolutly the only way to beat the rake and make a good profit is to increase the number of tables you play and to use any permitted software support such as poker tracker, heads up display, etc that you can get. and play well of cause. if you don't  use a hud you have a clear disadvantage to the players who do that. that is also a reason why i stopped playing. and belive me to play 14 tabels at a time is no fun at all and there are not much players who can handel that and also play profitably.

Hello everyone,


I work for casinoguru as a freelancer tester. I love playing slots and roulette, but my interest was to understand how the casinos work, what determines RTP etc., I am basically intrigued by the functioning of casinos. 

It has been a great experience to be associated with casino guru. I would like to thank Joe for the opportunity.




Pozdrav, također radim za Casino Guru kao neovisni tester, ja sam iz Čilea i zovem se Paulina, a svojim iskustvom uspio sam dati svoj doprinos iz Čilea sve što sam živio u kockarnicama i igrama, a zahvaljujem i Joeu za priliku koja je bila sjajan domaćin i podrška za provođenje testova i ispitivanja, uvijek spremni pomoći svojim suradnicima.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi Everybody, its certainly nice to meet you My Name is Bianca and I'm from South Africa I also work as a tester for this Awesome site Casino Guru I love playing slots And not to Forget I would love to thank Joe for this opportunity Your Awesome Joe! And it is certainly a pleasure to meet all of you 

My name is Milos, im also tester for Casino Guru.Im huge lover of slots classic,modern,u name it. playing slots for 10years.Im from Serbia . Im a web developer and also digital marketing expert

Im an also huge sports fan

Pozdrav virtualni testeri / prijatelji!

Dolazim iz Paragvaja, radim testove raspoloživosti za Casino Guru prije otprilike 7 mjeseci!

Volim igrati na automatima i uvijek učim nove stvari na ovom području.

Zadovoljstvo mi je upoznati se ovdje i nadam se da će nam svima to pomoći da naučimo i zabavimo se!


Automatski prevedeno:


Moje ime je Victorio, ali možete me zvati i Marcial. Veliki sam ljubitelj casino igara i sportskih klađenja. Volim putovati po cijelom svijetu i upoznavati različite ljude. Mislim da ću u ovome čitati mnoge zanimljive teme i naravno zabaviti se.

Pozdrav svima

Automatski prevedeno:

Speaking about travelling, I planned go to Spain - Vigo, Pontevedra, Illas Cíes last year, but they cancelled our flights so I was looking forward to this summer, but I'm probably not gonna get there again due to COVID-19 😕


Ažurirano od strane autora

Zdravo svima,

Volim učestvovati na forumu sa toliko pozitivnih i prijateljskih ljudi. Kada je u pitanju putovanje, također sam planirao otići u Venezuelu na tjedan dana, ali u ovoj situaciji to nije sigurno. Nadam se da će pandemija i njena ograničenja proći za nekoliko dana.

Pozdrav i sve najbolje!

Automatski prevedeno:

Pozdrav foreros, Diego me zove i ja sam iz Granade. Obožavam casino igrice - slotove, ruletu, baccarat, itd. Trenutno radim u kompaniji za mrežni marketing i u slobodno vrijeme više volim forume za igranje kako bih poboljšao svoje strategije i, naravno, zabavio se.

Zadovoljstvo je biti ovdje.

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, ja sam Rubén i dolazim iz Malage. Volim gledati nogometne utakmice i kriminalne filmove. Neki dan čitam forume poput ovoga jer uživam i u igrama kasina.

Sretna sam što sam dio ovoga i učim od zanimljivih novih ljudi sa iskustvom.

Automatski prevedeno:

Do you like baccarat? I must admit it's probably the only casino game I've never tried before + I have no clue about the rules. Is it difficult to learn how to play it or is it simple? Do you have any favourite casino where you play it or a live casino provider?

Zdravo svima,

Moje ime je Gabriel i radim kao kreativni direktor u stranoj kompaniji, ali volim casino igre i klađenje tokom slobodnog vremena. Uživam u jazz muzici kad sam na kraju dana umorna i meksičkoj hrani. Nadam se da ću ovdje naći neke sjajne prijatelje. Hvala administratorima na forumu.

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