Vaš slučaj zvuči kao dobar materijal za odeljak za žalbe. U svakom slučaju, ti kažeš:
"broj koji imaju je netačan"
To zvuči kao da ste im dali pogrešan broj telefona, inače ne razumem šta bi mogao biti drugi razlog za to. Uprkos tome, trebalo bi da vam kažu koji bi sledeći koraci trebalo da budu umesto da vas pošalju na stranicu za prijavu. Dakle, ako ne možete da napredujete i nekako rešite ovo, slobodno podnesite novu žalbu na našoj veb stranici.
Your case sounds like a good material for the complaints section. Anyway, you say:
"the number they have is incorrect"
That sounds like you gave them an incorrect phone number, otherwise I don't understand what might be another reason for it. Despite that, they should tell you what the next steps should be instead of sending you to the login page. So if you can't manage to get forward and resolve this somehow, feel free to submit a new complaint on our website.
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