Ne, strimeri nemaju veze sa onim što govorim, skrenuo sam sa teme i to je pogrešno, govorim o onlajn kazinu uopšte. Lažnu igru otkrivam po čudnom okretanju slotova, ovi okreti se sporo završavaju, ponekad se zalepe, drugi put vas izbace iz igre. Lažni provajderi imaju iste karakteristike kao i pravi provajderi, kopiraju svoje igre, tako da je teško dokazati da su lažni, ali to razumete iz onoga što sam rekao gore. Mnogo puta sam osvojio Ks1000 u nekom kazinu, zatim sam promenio kazino i moj napredak se potpuno smanjuje u profitu, može biti nasumično, ali možda nije.
No, streamers have nothing to do with what I'm saying, I've gone off topic and that's wrong, I'm talking about online casinos in general. I detect the fake game by the strange spin of the slots, these spins are slow to complete, sometimes they stick, other times it throws you out of the game. Fake providers have the same characteristics as real providers, they copy their games, so it is difficult to prove that they are fake, but you understand that from what I said above. Many times I have won X1000 in some casino, then I have changed casino and my progress is completely decreasing in profits, it may be random but it may not be.