Zdravo, igram na Bet2u par godina, imam problema sa njima jer mi ne isplacuju isplatu na cekanju. Ja sam se u petak pridružio vonusu uplativši 20 eura, sa onima koje sam osvojio 150 eura.
Pokušao sam da podignem 50 eura, ali mi već 10 dana govore da je podizanje na čekanju. Kasnije mi kažu da je povlačenje obrađeno, itd
Prije nekoliko dana tražio sam da zatvorim svoj račun misleći da će mi morati platiti kao i sve kladioničarske stranice. Ali ne, zatvorili su moj nalog i više ne odgovaraju na moje e-mailove. Dobijam samo automatske odgovore. Još uvijek imam 150 eura na računu i ne znam kako da se preselim, možete li mi pomoći?
Imam razgovore i ekrane na kojima mogu demonstrirati šta su mi napisali
Hi, I've been playing on Bet2u for a couple of years, I'm having problems with them because they don't pay me a pending withdrawal. I joined the vonus on Friday by paying 20 euros, with those I won 150 euros.
I tried to withdraw 50 euros, but they have been telling me for 10 days that the withdrawal is pending. The ail later they tell me that the withdrawal has been processed, ect ect
A few days ago I asked to close my account thinking they would have to pay me like all betting sites do. But no, they closed my account and no longer answer my emails. I only get the automatic replies. I still have 150 euros on my account and I don't know how to move, can you help me?
I have chats and screens where I can demonstrate what they have written to me