Opća poruka za GAMSTOP korisnike!
Nakon što sam ovdje objavio svoju prvu poruku i imao dosta preporuka koje su manje-više odgovarale mojim očekivanjima, igrao sam i uplatio na https://fresh180.casino/en gdje sam imao prilično dobro iskustvo. Prvo deponovano sa bonusom, bilo je nekih problema, nikad ništa nisam povukao, a zatim deponovao oko 140 gbp i povukao 850 $ (neverovatna osnovna igra na bonanci od 40 centi koja je plaćena 576 usd, crveni rubini skroz u max megaways, hit sam sigurno Big Time Gaming nikada nije bio svjestan 🙂)), imao je nevjerovatnu sesiju. Uplatio sam bitkoin i povukao isto, nema problema sa povlačenjem. Zatim sam ponovo deponovao oko 200 GBP, ali izgledalo je da su isplate i rtps igre nekako izmanipulisani i nije da sam paranoičan. Isprobao sam puno slotova koji su platili veliki dan ranije, ali sada ne plaćam ništa uzimajući u obzir volatilnost, ništa! Dakle, zatvorio sam taj račun!
Još jedan kazino u kojem sam igrao i isprva se činio ok je https://m.rolletto.com/en gdje sam deponovao oko 150 GBP i podigao 610 eura imajući liniju istraživača u naslijeđu na 40p i nekoliko dobrih bonusa u Bonanza na 40 eurocenti. Povlačenje je obrađeno nakon 3 dana i nekoliko sati, ali nije bilo problema ni s povlačenjem bitcoina. Onda sam ponovo uplatio i ista stvar se desila. Onda sam napravio još 2 depozita od 280 eura i 120 eura ali ništa nije uplaćeno kao prije, zapravo osim dobrog udarca u opasnosti visokog napona od 220 eura na 40 eurocenti bonusa nisam imao ništa!! I isto, mislim da je rtps-om manipulisano, osim toga imao sam nekoliko epizoda prekinutih sesija tokom ovoga, što mi je izgledalo sumnjivo pa sam i taj nalog zatvorio.
I takođe deponovao na mystake.com, ali nikada ništa nije povukao odatle. Mystake.com i rolletto ili imaju isti chat ili su sestrinske stranice, ali su to kasnije saznali. Pa zatvorio i taj!
Dakle, ono što sam naučio iz ovog jednonedeljnog agresivnog iskustva je da vam ovi kazina u početku mnogo plaćaju, a onda drastično manipulišu rtp-om! I iako sam lovac na bonus mečeve, toplo vam preporučujem da igrate sa svojim pravim novcem. Barem na ovaj način možete biti sigurni da kada uložite x1 ili x2 puta više od svog deponovanog iznosa, onda možete povući ono što je preostalo iz svojih stvarnih sredstava ili svog dobitka ako ste dovoljno "sretni" ili ako vam je dozvoljeno da imate sreće!
Imam dokaze koji podržavaju sve moje izreke! Dakle, ova 3 kazina su generalno dobra, ali pokušajte da ne preterujete sa novcem koji ste uložili i ne uzimajte njihove bonuse! Ps: Imao sam 850 usd na saldu sa aktivnim bonusom i 3.7k preostalo za opkladu od 13k, ali nikad nisam ništa povukao jer slotovi nikad nisu plaćeni kao prije! Dakle, lično vam predlažem rolleto i svježi kazino. Možete zaboraviti na mystake.com. I ono najvažnije. Pobrinite se da koristite VPN u bilo kojem od ovih kazina kako biste iskoristili prednosti svih njihovih provajdera, ima mnogo toga za izabrati! Goldwin nije pouzdan kao što sam vidio! Nakon nekoliko neuspjelih depozita zbog moje nepažnje (pogrešno otkucao datum isteka), pokušali su uzeti novac sa mog računa dok sam gledao youtube fuj...!
Ako je neko pronašao još jedan sličan kazino kao što sam ovde predstavio, ali nije u vezi sa ova dva, molim vas da se javite ostalima!
Hvala na vašem vremenu i igrajte odgovorno!
General message for GAMSTOP users!
After posting my first message here and having plenty of recommendations that fit more or less my expectations, I played and deposited on https://fresh180.casino/en where I had a pretty good experience. Deposited with bonus first, been some issues, never withdrew anything then deposited around 140 gbp and withdrew 850 $(an amazing base game on bonanza on 40 cents that payed 576 usd, red rubins all the way in max megaways, a hit I'm sure Big Time Gaming never been aware of 🙂)), had an incredible session. I deposited using bitcoin and withdrew the same, no issues with the withdrawal. Then, I deposited again around 200 GBP but it looked that the game payouts and rtps were manipulated somehow and its not that I'm paranoic. I've tried alot of slots that payed big the day before but now dont pay anything at all taking the volatility into consideration, nothing! So, I closed that account!
Another casino I played at and seemed ok at first is https://m.rolletto.com/en where I deposited around 150 gbp and withdrew 610 euros having a line of explorers in legacy on 40p and a few good bonusses in bonanza on 40 eurocents. The withdrawal was processed after 3 days and a few hours but no issues with bitcoin withdrawal as well. Then I deposited again and the same thing happened. Then I made 2 more deposits of 280 euros and 120 euros but nothing payed like before, actually apart from a good hit in danger high voltage of 220 euros on 40 eurocents in bonus, I had nothing!! And the same, I think the rtps were manipulated, besides I had a few session interrupted episodes during this, which looked dodgy to me so I closed that account too.
And also deposited on mystake.com but never withdrew anything from there. Mystake.com and rolletto either have the same chat or they are sister sites but found out afterwards. So closed that one too!
So what I learnt from this 1 aggresive week experience is that these casinos pay you big at first and then they manipulate the rtp drastically! And although I am a bonus match chaser, I strongly recommend you to play with your real money. At least this way you can be sure that once you wager x1 or x2 times your deposited amount, then you can withdraw what's left from your real funds or your winnings if you are "lucky" enough or if you are allowed to be lucky!
I have the proofs that support all my sayings! So, these 3 casinos are good overall imho but try not to exagerate with the money that you put in and don't take their bonusses! Ps: I had 850 usd in my balance with bonus active and 3.7k left to wager out of 13k but never withdrew anything because the slots never payed as before! So, I personally suggest you rolleto and fresh casino. You can forget of mystake.com. And the most important thing. Make sure that you use VPN on any of these casinos to take advantage of all their providers, there are plenty to choose from! Goldwin is not trustworthy as I've seen! After a couple of failed deposits due to my lack of attention(mistyped the expiry date), they tried to take money from my account while I was watching youtube soo...!
If anyone found another similar casino as what I presented here but not related to these two, pls comunicate to the others!
Thanks for your time and play responsible!
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Daniel pre 3 godina
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