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Curacao i nema šanse

pre 1 godinu od Blerko
3.976 pregleda 35 odgovora |
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pre 1 godinu

Tako misliš? Ovi poһlepni kriminalci jedva da daju šansu za pobedu? a ako pobedite, nemate šanse za isplatu.

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pre 1 godinu

nema veze, 1red , pledoo, volfi, loft, svuda sam deponovao mnogo ali nikad nisam osvojio.

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pre 1 godinu

većina nas ima problem sa igrama, ali imamo i novac, ne dozvolite da vas tretiraju kao prljavštinu.

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pre 1 godinu

Momci, ne osećam se više.

Ili ćemo raditi nešto zajedno ili ja više ne plaćam.

Molim vas, ne radi se o pobedi, ali ni o gubitku odmaһ da biste odmaһ ponovo uplatili.

Dosta mi je ovoga

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pre 1 godinu

I honestly think you should stop playing.

Once you play with rage, it gets toxic, eating you from the inside slowly... The point is to play responsibly and play for excitement.

pre 1 godinu

Zdravo Radka,

možda, ali lako je reći, većina igra nekontrolisano.

Kada onlajn kazina dozvoljavaju igračima da se kockaju sa uzbuđenjem i odgovorno,

nema toliko onlajn kazina.

Ovde se iskorišćava bolest igrača, delimično ilegalno i nažalost toliko mnogo učestvuje,

posebno provajderi plaćanja.

Ako je to zaista bio slučaj, zašto onlajn kazina ne dozvoljavaju da se igrač verifikuje pre prvog depozita?

Jer znaju da se igrač teško može proveriti, a bla bla verifikacija traje toliko dugo

dok igrač ne izgubi sve.

Smatram da je verifikacija u kockarnicama sa licencom Curacao potpuna glupost. Sve što nude je nelegalno u Nemačkoj, ali oni i dalje žele sve naše podatke.



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pre 1 godinu

I would say it's just so convenient to accuse all casinos in general.

Always play only in DE-licensed casinos, I'd say.

The primary responsibility always starts with the player - in the first place.

Did you know you can ask the casino to verify you before making the deposit? Have you ever tried that?

Every decent casino allows you to do it, it's up to the player. I would not play in a casino unwilling to verify me in advance because such a casino doesn't care much about players' needs.

Sadly, once anyone loses control, this is not an option either I fear... Because compulsive player knows once the account was closed properly due to gambling addiction in the past, there is no chance to pass decent KYC. 🙁

That's what I've learned so far...

Don't get me wrong, each casino is different, and not all are fair and safe. We should do what we can to stay vigilant and learn from our experiences.

pre 2 meseci

Draga Radka,

Nažalost, izgubio sam mnogo novca nakon što sam isprobao brojna onlajn kazina sa licencama Curacao. Vrlo malo njih radi razumno dobro. Većina njih ima užasnu stopu isplate, ali zašto bi je menjali? Jedan kazino se zatvara, a drugi se otvara odmah.

Imperativ je da se preduzmu mere protiv ovih provajdera koji posluju u Nemačkoj bez važeće licence. Naročito ako ste zavisni, često nemate priliku da sami donosite odluke.

Planiram da podnesem sudske mere protiv dobavljača softvera jer zarađuju novac od svog nezakonitog učešća u ovom sistemu.

Srdačan pozdrav

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pre 2 meseci

Hi there!

It's great to see you again after such a long time. Despite the nature of our conversation, I hope you have been well.

I'd like to say I'm convinced it's important indeed to keep this topic open. Safety risks are evident, not just for vulnerable players, and surely some kind of international self-exclusion standard is solely needed to help players evade the temptation to register in available casinos.

The more I get in touch with vulnerable players here on the forum, the more convinced I am when it comes to distinguishing between viewing the license as a symbol of, let's say, trustworthy standards and a license as a grade for being able to self-exclude from the specific casino under a specific license holder.

The way I understand your message, you are also deeply concerned that being excluded from GGL-licensed casinos won't prevent you from receiving the same approach from casinos under other various licenses. am I correct at this point, please?

Perhaps your latest Self-Exclusion Tool, developed in cooperation with many professionals in the industry and supported by the largest collection of casinos we have ever reviewed, might help you too.

Best of luck with your intention to bring this matter up close to the law jurisdiction. Will be here to track your progress. 👈

pre 2 meseci

Zdravo Radka,

Ne govorim engleski, ali snaći ću se.

Mislim da je sjajno šta ste tamo sastavili.

Da, zaista mnogo patim od svoje zavisnosti od kockanja i primećujem da opterećujem i one oko sebe. Iako zarađujem dobru platu i uvek sam dobro zarađivao ceo život, nemam ništa osim dugova.

Ono što me nervira je to što sam dugo igrao i imao više dobitnih kombinacija u kazinu sa malteškom licencom. Ali u poslednje dve godine to više nije slučaj u kazinima sa licencom Kurasao. Mislim da je strašno šta je GGL uradio. Praktično su nas doveli u ruke loše regulisanih kazina tako što su igranje u kazinima na Malti učinili neprivlačnim, a da pritom ne blokiraju druge provajdere.

Srdačan pozdrav

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pre 2 meseci

Dear Blerko,

something like this is really hard to read. I can't even imagine how you must feel. Yet you should be proud of yourself; recognizing the problem is, as I believe, quite a painful process. Being able to speak openly about it isn't surely easy either.

When it comes to locally regulated markets, it was with players coming from the UK when I first realized such diversity makes the pithole between the "official" or, if you prefer, "properly" licensed casinos and the rest "off-shore" companies even broader.

Though I always try to think of that as a side effect, the necessary evil, which quite ironically makes the GGL-licensed casinos more safer, I was always quite convinced reducing this side harm will be close to impossible.

To me, it seems, we got used to presenting some numbers representing the current population of addicted players, yet at the same time you may hear the number is probably much higher and grows truly fast over the time. Is it really caused just by the gambling nature and our own weakness to face the pressure, or are similarly contradictive approaches and massive advertisements, for example, also responsible for the global increase of addicted people?

Well, this topic is so huge, and it seems I'm having a hard time staying within the boundaries.

In any case, I wish you an iron will facing the obstacles!

pre 2 meseci

i verujete da licencirana kazina rade bolje od drugih? Sviđa mi se tvoj humor

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pre 2 meseci

Well, it of course depends of the casino. It is surely not guaranteed, let's say, that if a casino operates under the license, it will be better than some other without one.🤷‍♀️

pre 2 meseci

i verujete da licencirana kazina rade bolje od drugih? Sviđa mi se tvoj humor

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pre 2 meseci

Hi there,

from the perspective of the conversation we had with the previous player, I do. There are already changes being made. I just want to remind you we were mainly discussing the possible general way to self-exclude from international casinos. If you, as a compulsive player, chose an unlicensed casino, you may be pretty sure that once you feel overwhelmed and need to close your account instantly, the casino has no objections to ignoring your requests.

Of course, poorly licensed casinos can do the same, but on the other hand, it may also result in significant fines. But only if the casino is licensed, at least somewhere.

Especially vulnerable players tend to play in scammy casinos because the decent one has already excluded them. That was my point.

pre 2 meseci

Čitao sam ovaj forum i problem sa kazinom je kada ima nekoliko uzastopnih pobeda. Postoje problemi sa povlačenjem sredstava.

Čak iu kockarnicama u kojima igrate dve godine kao ja. Čekam dva dana da se obrađuju isplate i ništa. Prema, postoje problemi sa platnim sistemom, ali znam da ništa od toga nije tačno. Samo zato što sam imao sreće i imao veći dobitak, već mi otežavaju podizanje novca. Kazino u kome sam već izgubio mnogo novca.

Beznadežno je znati da ste pobedili i da sada čekate svoj novac ko zna koliko dugo.


Kada uplatite i osvojite nekoliko stotina evra, isplate su momentalne, ali kada dobijete veći dobitak, počinju problemi. Imam odličnog VIP menadžera kazina, ali mislim da je ova situacija izvan njega i vreme je da se cela situacija izloži na forumima i podnese žalba.

Gde mogu da otvorim zvaničnu žalbu u vezi sa ovim tako da mi forum može pomoći da rešim ovo sa kazinom?

Dobio sam novac ispravno, tako da moj dobitak mora biti isplaćen kao i uvek.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci


Da, imao sam isti problem sa Chipstars-om, problemi sa platnim sistemom. Dok se nisam toliko naljutio da sam sve izgubio, o tome spekulišu!

Ono što mi je zapravo bolesno je da ako se prema nama postupa pošteno, mi ćemo novac vratiti tamo čak i nakon isplate.

Ali Cars je veoma ugledan, šteta što ni od takvih stvari nema zaštite.

Dobar kazino bi imao opciju da vam ne dozvoli da kladite svoj novac dok se ne isplati!

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Cars casino je dobar kazino, da, ali ponekad postoje ovakve situacije zbog kojih se zapitam da li sistem nije isti...

Ako ne žele da igram dok ne izgubim sve...

Ali neću ponovo da igram dok ne dobijem sve.

Jer ako uvek isplate tako brzo, zašto se problemi sa sistemom dešavaju baš kada sam osvojio najviše novca?

Veoma čudno i zgodno. To me čini tužnim jer stvarno volim ovaj kazino, to je sve.

I kao lojalni igrač, trebalo bi da obrate više pažnje na način na koji se prema meni ophode jer igram u suštini svaki dan u kazinu i nikada nisam imao problema da izgubim tamo. Kockanje je zabavno. Nekim danima pobedite, drugim danima izgubite 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Čitao sam ovaj forum i problem sa kazinom je kada ima nekoliko uzastopnih pobeda. Postoje problemi sa povlačenjem sredstava.

Čak iu kockarnicama u kojima igrate dve godine kao ja. Čekam dva dana da se obrađuju isplate i ništa. Prema, postoje problemi sa platnim sistemom, ali znam da ništa od toga nije tačno. Samo zato što sam imao sreće i imao veći dobitak, već mi otežavaju podizanje novca. Kazino u kome sam već izgubio mnogo novca.

Beznadežno je znati da ste pobedili i da sada čekate svoj novac ko zna koliko dugo.


Kada uplatite i osvojite nekoliko stotina evra, isplate su momentalne, ali kada dobijete veći dobitak, počinju problemi. Imam odličnog VIP menadžera kazina, ali mislim da je ova situacija izvan njega i vreme je da se cela situacija izloži na forumima i podnese žalba.

Gde mogu da otvorim zvaničnu žalbu u vezi sa ovim tako da mi forum može pomoći da rešim ovo sa kazinom?

Dobio sam novac ispravno, tako da moj dobitak mora biti isplaćen kao i uvek.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci


Allow me to congratulate you on winning first.

I spotted the same topic yet less described in the Tsars Thread. So, if you don't mind, I will skip a part of this post because Romi has just explained the complaint possibility there.

Obviously, delayed payment surely spoils the joy of hitting bigger wins. I imagine it is frustrating. For many casinos, bigger wins are subject to investigation; sometimes even the game provider is included, and as a result, the player stands confused because to him it makes little sense.

Therefore, I am interested to know for how long you have been waiting and also how the casino explained the delay to you. Please let me know these details. I'd say it is an important part of this unpleasant situation.

Do you agree, please?

pre 2 meseci


Da, imao sam isti problem sa Chipstars-om, problemi sa platnim sistemom. Dok se nisam toliko naljutio da sam sve izgubio, o tome spekulišu!

Ono što mi je zapravo bolesno je da ako se prema nama postupa pošteno, mi ćemo novac vratiti tamo čak i nakon isplate.

Ali Cars je veoma ugledan, šteta što ni od takvih stvari nema zaštite.

Dobar kazino bi imao opciju da vam ne dozvoli da kladite svoj novac dok se ne isplati!

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

I've been thinking a lot about the responsible principles colliding with delayed payment issues.

One perspective says that delay may occur from time to time and players should also take their responsibility not to lose the money. The delay itself is a very deep topic, since there are still a handful of logical explanations for it. The most common issue I witness comes from the lack of explanation towards waiting players. No wonder that after such circumstances many people tend to see something shady behind the daly.

I'd say the ordinary player still has a chance to endure and avoid losing the balance, but what about hard gamblers? I'm not so convinced it is such a terrible technical miracle to block players balance upon request or present the option in the cashier. I believe that where is the will, there is always a way to be found.

pre 2 meseci

In this moment i have receveid now 3100 euros today .

I have more 6000 euros pending yet last days .

And today i have make more a new withdraw 2000€.

For me the delay of payments is not good . A good casino pay Fastet not with problema and delays . Its my opinion .

But i have talk and talk again i like play in tsars but i dont like this problems for make withdraws

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