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hell spin ne želi da prihvati moj dokaz o uplati da bih mogao da povučem

pre 2 godina od luismikael31
5.616 pregleda 25 odgovora |
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pre 2 godina

Ne mogu da podignem svoj novac, nisam stavio bonus na depozit, a tražili su dokaz o depozitu, poslao sam ga, ali oni ga ne potvrđuju

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Pokušavam da podignem 530 reala i ovaj kazino pokušava da me opljačka

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

that sucks..... hope you resolve the issue soon and get your money

pre 2 godina

Hello, have you any idea what could be wrong with your proof of payment? Is the casino communicating with you now? I saw that you already submitted a complaint, what is alright, but be aware that we give casinos 14 days to verify player's account and proceed the withdrawal before we intervene in the case. Please, what is country of your residence and from what country have you registered? According to our information, this casino doesn't accept players from Brazil, as you can see although here on casino's website. Have you read closely their T&C? This casino is having bad reputation via Casino Guru rating 😕. I would be more careful when choosing another casino next time.


pre 2 godina


you should focus on what is now wrong with the document in the first place. Contact the casino and seek the solution, this is the easiest way. Far better than waiting for the complaint to develop, to be honest.

"If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding."

Let me know how it goes.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 godina
pre 2 godina

Wow, I'm seeing this type of thing more and more on this forum. Let me know if you managed to solve the problem. Fingers crossed

pre 4 meseci

Dajem 4 zvezdice ovom kazinu koji ima veliku mogućnost rasta.

Trenutna podrška i pristojna povlačenja. Nastaviće sa deponovanjem.

-Bonusi treba da budu najviše 100% mak čak 20% ali 10k vagner...bez ograničenja maksimalne pobede, maksimalne opklade, mogućnost igranja bilo gde čak i kupiti 200% sa 40k depozit+bonus

-odmah povlačenja..maksimalno u toku dana

- dnevni besplatni okreti čak i nekoliko od 10 do 20 da biste isprobali nove slotove..

-posebno jednom verifikovano..sve mora biti momentalno i automatizovano, isplate kao i depoziti.

Ko ima najmanje ova 3 uslova postaće kazino broj 1 na svetu.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Hi and thanks for the review. Maybe it would be useful for other players if you put some official one here- User reviews. I think it's quite descriptive what you write and there's a lot of good info there that others could use and maybe decide if they want to play here. 

Anyway, I can see that you have a good experience with the casino and not many players find the time to write something good, so any such comment is definitely welcome. 

What payment method do you use here for withdrawals?

pre 4 meseci

Mislim da sam koristio doge..

Sada ponovo pokušavam ovu zbrku...u međuvremenu ću je staviti u mojih 10 najboljih među stotinama otvorenih i podeljenih u Chrome-u.

Ah, hteo sam da vas pitam kakva su to kazina koja imaju iste slotove, ali nikada nisu viđena..kao desert raider..asgard što je isto kao besmrtna romansa mikrogejmingom.

Sajtovi u pitanju iabbi, brago, goat, limitless itd... grupisao sam ih u prozoru.. sve nekoliko ozbiljnih. Dvosmislen i nejasan TC. Iabbi je čak izjednačio moj dobitak.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

I quite don't understand your question to tell you the truth.🤔

What do you mean that they have never been seen around? Do you mean some new games from another provider?

Please try to make your question clearer so we can find the answer together.

pre 4 meseci

Do sada sam pronašao mnogo kazina sa uobičajenim provajderima kao što je pragramatic. Netent. Novomatic. Elk studio. Plaison itd... gore navedena grupa ima provajdere koje nikada ranije niste videli..i mislim da su neki od njih povezani..imaju isti softver, isti raspored, iste avatare za podršku, poput kopiranja i lepljenja.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

We usually call these casinos "white label" casinos. It is almost the same principle like creating a franchise. However, the fact that they might have the same properties but be run by entirely different management really complicates the family tree of this kind of groups. Although they all appear to be the same at first glance, there are differences in the terms and conditions, game providers, and overall experience, for instance.

Good point anyway.

pre 4 meseci

Hvala na informacijama.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Thanks for bringing that up. We are here if you need us.😉

pre 4 meseci

Pls Reply my post forum

pre 4 meseci

Hi, I've already answered some of them. Please try to look and write back where I replied to you.😉

pre 4 meseci

Jaro did a few hours ago. Have you seen it?

It is here 👈

pre 4 meseci

Momci ja sam advokat nelegalni sajt oduzimanje nezakonite dobiti sutra su tužbe u Solunu u tužilaštvu za elektronski zločin svako ko želi da podnese tužbu neka mi se javi privatnom porukom

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Korisnik sa e-mailom podnela je zahtev za povlačenje koji ju je primorao da šalje svoja lična dokumenta i podatke previše puta i na kraju su joj zaplenili profit koji je ispunjavao sve uslove da je njen profit bio povlačenje i nije bio bonus novac kao rezultat toga ona za njihov razlog da je klasifikujem kao lovac na bonuse Ja sam lovac na bonuse sa ovim izgovorom uzeli su novac bez ikakvog upozorenja i uprkos tome su je naterali da prvo pošalje lična dokumenta i svoje fotografije

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

I can see that you have submitted a complaint here with our team, and Veronika has already started to work on it. She actually needs some additional information, so please provide those whenever possible.

Hopefully, the issue you experience can be solved without any lawsuit.

What do you say? Could you wait to see how it will go?

I have big hopes here that it will get to the best resolution possible.🤞

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