Hej svima!
Već neko vreme igram Gates of Olimpus, i imao sam neke lude serije, ali i neke brutalne gubitke. 😅 Čini se kao da ponekad množitelji pogađaju drugačije, ali mislite li da postoji obrazac ili je to čista sreća?
Koja je vaša najveća pobeda na Kapijama Olimpa?
Imate li omiljenu strategiju?
Neki ljudi kažu da klađenje u ciklusima funkcioniše bolje od all-in
Da li ste ikada igrali na različitim sajtovima i primetili neke razlike u RTP-u?
Hey everyone!
I’ve been playing Gates of Olympus for a while now, and I’ve had some insane streak but also some brutal losses. 😅 It feels like sometimes the multipliers just hit differently but do you think there’s a pattern, or is it pure luck?
What’s your biggest win on Gates of Olympus?
Do you have a favorite strategy?
Some people say betting in cycles works better than all-in
Have you ever played on different sites and noticed any differences in RTP ?