Dobar dan svima. Pa... čuo sam priče od drugih igrača koji imaju prednost o tome da se obezbede odbijaju. Nisam očekivao da ću ga tako brzo dobiti. Najčudnije je što se još nisam ni kladio.
Ušao sam u kazino i odlučio da samo proverim svaki sto da vidim koje su opklade sa strane dostupne, jer ja snažno favorizujem određene sporedne opklade. Proverio sam samo nekoliko stolova kada je prišao obezbeđenje i pitao me šta radim. Objasnio sam da proveravam dostupne opklade sa strane. On je odgovorio da "to izgleda mutno". Šta!?!?
U stvarnosti, diskusija je verovatno trajala samo minut ili nešto više... činilo se mnogo duže. Pitao sam da li mogu da igram slotove i on je pristao... ali njihov izbor je bio loš i moje srce nije bilo za to pa sam ubrzo otišao. Sumnjam da ću se tamo vratiti.
Ne sviđa mi se upotreba reči sjenčan (izgovorio ju je najmanje 3 puta) jer implicira da sam radio nešto nezakonito ili pogrešno. Nisam se čak ni kladio... i bio sam izbačen. Vau. Da li sam diplomirao na novi nivo? Ne znam... ali me je to malo potreslo.
Da li još neko ima slična iskustva sa povratkom?
Good day everyone. Well ... I have heard stories from other advantage players about getting pushback from security. I did not expect to get it so soon myself. The oddest part is I was not even wagering yet.
I had entered the casino and decided to just check out each table to see what side bets were available as I am strongly favoring certain side bets. I had only checked a few tables when a security guard came over and asked what I was doing. I explained I was checking the side bets that are available. He responded that "that seems shady". What!?!?
In reality, the discussion was probably only a minute or so ... it felt much longer. I asked if I could play the slots and he agreed ... but their selection was poor and my heart was not into it so I left shortly after. I doubt I will return there.
I do not like the use of the word shady (he said it at least 3 times) as it implies I was doing something illegal or wrong. I had not even made a single bet ... and I was pushed out. Wow. Did I graduate to a new level? I don't know ... but it did shake me up for a little bit.
Anyone else have similar experiences with pushback?