Proverio sam vaše žalbe i našao sam obrazac.
Da li tačno pretpostavljam da igrate u kockarnicama koje nisu licencirane u Austriji i ako izgubite tužite ih za vraćanje depozita?
Dozvolite mi da citiram ovde:
„Nažalost, u ovom slučaju nismo u mogućnosti da vam pomognemo i nemate pravo na povraćaj vaših depozita. Mogu vam samo preporučiti da sledeći put bolje istražite i igrate samo u onim kockarnicama licenciranim u vašoj zemlji."
Iskreno, da li biste tužili kazino čak i ako biste pobedili?
I checked your complaints, and I found a pattern.
Do I assume correctly that you play in casinos that are not licensed in Austria and if you lose you sue them for returning the deposits?
Allow me to quote here:
"Unfortunately, in this case, we are not able to help you and you have no right for refund your deposits. I can only recommend you to do better research next time and play only in those casinos licensed by your country."
Honestly, would you sue the casino even if you won?