Drückglück Casino. Mobilna stranica bila je komplikovana za navigaciju. Mora da su kamenovani kako ga grade. Mnogo pop-up reklamnih bonusa ili specijala čak i kada ste čitali o specijalnoj ponudi na njegovoj stranici pojavio se pop Up o tome. I oni su imali taj žičani odnos sa Merkurom. Postojalo je čak i dodatno dugme za pristup samo slavnim Merkur igrama. Nikad nisam uplatio depozit. Hteo sam da zatvorim svoj nalog, ali opcija nije postojala. Na podršci uživo također nije bilo nikoga. Napisao sam e-mail i oni su se vratili sa "Jesi li siguran". Da, nema pauze za nedelju ili mesec. "Trebate poslati ovo i to na ovaj e-mail......." Sve informacije su već imali na mom računu. Otprilike 3 mjeseca kasnije dobio sam e-mail od kazina sa ponudom. Zašto bi to slali kad ja tamo nemam račun. Imao sam loš predosećaj i kliknuo sam na to. Pravo kroz prijavu kao da nikad nisam otišao. Moj račun je još uvijek bio aktivan. Trebalo je ukupno 11 mjeseci i vrlo ljuti email da se ovaj račun zatvori.
Drückglück Casino. The mobile site was complicated to navigate. They must be stoned building it. Lot's of pop-ups advertising bonus or specials even you were reading about the special offer on its page a Pop Up appeared about it. And they had this wired relationship with Merkur. There was even a extra button for accessing just the glorious Merkur games. I never made a deposit. I wanted to close my account but the option wasn't there. In the live support was also nobody. I wrote a email and they came back with " Are you sure". Yes no break for a week or month. "You need to send this and that to this email......." They had all the information already in my account. Some 3 months later I got an email from the casino with an offer. Why would they send it when I don't have an account there. I had a bad feeling and clicked on it . Straight through login like I never left. My account was still active. It took a total of 11 months and a very angry email to get this account closed.