Zdravo, ako si igrao sa bonusima i nisi ništa prekršio i ispunio si sve uslove, onda ne bih razumeo zašto se nisi mogao povući. Takođe sam hteo da pitam o kom kazinu govorimo?
Što se tiče pogrešne adrese, to može biti problem. Da li ste greškom ili svesno uneli pogrešnu adresu? Da li ste rekli podršci da želite da to promenite? Definitivno bih ih zamolio pre podizanja novca da izbegnem bilo kakve neprijatnosti.
Javi mi kako ide.
Hi, if you played with the bonuses and you didn't break anything and you completed all the requirements, then I wouldn't see why you couldn't withdraw. Also I wanted to ask about which casino we talking about?
As for the wrong address, that could be a problem. Did you enter the wrong address by mistake or consciously? Did you tell support that you wanted to change it? I would definitely ask them before withdrawing money to avoid any inconvenience.
Let me know how it goes.
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