NaslovnaForumOpšta Diskusija o KockanjuSkrill withdrawal 200 Euro

Skrill withdrawal 200 Euro

 od Yauheni
4.856 pregleda 4 odgovora |

Pomozite mi da nađem izlaz iz situacije! Osvojio sam 200 eura u kladionici PINNACLE, nemam pravo povući se na karticu, pišu iz službe za podršku, zatim sam kreirao Skrill novčanik za izmišljene podatke i sada ne mogu potvrditi račun u Skrill novčaniku, recite mi kako riješiti problem? moj Skrill novčanik, nisam mogao poslati povlačenje, jer sam bio prijavljen na drugu poštu, a pošta u uredu i u novčaniku mora biti ista. Dajem pola dobitka ako nekako nađemo rješenje

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes, if I understand it correctly, you must have the same email address on your Skrill account as the one that you used to register at the Pinnacle bookmaker, right? That's what the bookmaker told you?

Then I would change the Skrill email address so it would match the address on your Pinnacle account. There's a guide explaining how to change it. I found it in English, but you can see the Russian translation here.

Let me know if you manage to change it and make the withdrawal.

Another option is to make a withdrawel directly to your bank?


Dobar dan! Skrill mailovi s kladionicom su isti, imam drugi problem, ne mogu provjeriti Skrill, jer sam podatke izumio iz glave

Automatski prevedeno:

Then I guess the best option would be:

1) Change the email on your Skrill account to something different and then create a new Skrill account using the initial email and enter correct data.

2) Contact Skrill, tell them about the incorrect data on your account and tell them if you can and how you can change it.

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