Sve naše veze su službene web stranice kockarnica. Neke kockarnice posluju na više domena. To je iz različitih razloga (sigurnost, performanse itd.), Ali uvijek biste se trebali moći prijaviti. Ali budite svjesni ako ste primili e-poštu, gdje je veza u kockarnici obično s nekom hitnom porukom, rekavši da trebali biste promijeniti lozinku za web mjesto. Mogli biste biti žrtva phishing napada.
Jeste li kontaktirali korisničku podršku i pitali vas zašto se ne možete prijaviti?
All our links are the official websites of the casinos. Some casinos are operating on multiple domains. This is from various reasons (security, performance, etc.), but you should always be able to log in. But please be aware, if you received an email, where is the link on the casino usually with some urgent message, saying that you should change the password to the website. You could be a victim of a phishing attack.
Did you contact the customer support and asked why you can't log in?