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Verifikacija Kyc procedure

pre 2 godina od Pitter2010
8.007 pregleda 23 odgovora |
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pre 2 godina

Provjerio sam se prije 3 dana, ali ni danas nema odgovora. Poslao sam svoju ličnu kartu naprijed i nazad. I trenutno pismo sa mojom adresom. Da li je to sve što im treba za isplatu. Podrška uvijek kaže da isto traje 72 sata. Ok, razumijem, ali ako i dalje žele nešto, trebat će toliko vremena dok se ne izvrši uplata. U kasinu čekaju svoju kyc potvrdu.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 godina
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina


and where are you playing now?

To me, it sounds like you are verified and the withdrawal should be passed to the finance dept. per 72 hours, right?

I'd say it's quite normal, verification goes first.

Furthermore, when it comes to the first withdrawal, it should be a more time-consuming process than usual, so in this case, we allow casinos 14 full days to proceed with the verification and the withdrawal alike.

Just be patient a bit, please.

pre 2 godina

Nijedna provjera još uvijek nije u toku. Poslao sam svoja dokumenta prošlog četvrtka.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Kaže hvala za vašu evidenciju, sačekajte da kyc potvrdi.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina


that's what I thought. As I already mentioned, the KYC goes first and the withdrawal will not get proceed sooner than you pass the KYC. As those 72 hours have already passed, I would ask the support/chat whether they have all the necessary documents.

I would still like to know which casino are we talking about.

Can you tell, please? I can check its reputation and recently submitted complaints at least.

pre 2 godina

  • Sada sam verifikovan. Ali poslao sam pogrešan dokument za adresu. Sada sam poslao bankovni izvod sa svojom adresom. Dakle provjereno je OK. Ali adresa se sada ponovo provjerava. Ponovo traju dani. U mejlu je pisalo .Dokument je stigao, radimo na tome
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina


kindly stick to this thread only, do not open a fresh new thread otherwise, it will be hard to follow your progress.

To the verification, so far, so good I'd say. You're updated regularly and the casino is working on it.

May I finally know the casino's name, please? 🙂

pre 2 godina

Lol let's have a competition. I think it's one of The Gammix. Casinos

Oh , cool I hae the sub of the week .No tomato. and a medium Coke without ice

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 godina
pre 2 godina

O, izvinite da gammix casino.,ako sve radi sada javiću vam.,,Do sada je sve dobro.Verifikacija od 3 dana.Normalno 72 sata.Isplata prema podršci 48 sati nakon verifikacije.Još je u toku.Pričekajte malo danas se desilo.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Lol let's have a competition. I think it's one of The Gammix. Casinos

Oh , cool I hae the sub of the week .No tomato. and a medium Coke without ice

pre 2 godina

Hello Frankey!

The point is yours 😀!

But I still insist, I'd like to know which exactly. 😂

No tomato and Coke without ice..? That's pretty bad.

pre 2 godina

O, izvinite da gammix casino.,ako sve radi sada javiću vam.,,Do sada je sve dobro.Verifikacija od 3 dana.Normalno 72 sata.Isplata prema podršci 48 sati nakon verifikacije.Još je u toku.Pričekajte malo danas se desilo.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina


so let's just hope that you've found a nice casino. 🤞

I understand that it belongs to the Gammix group, but what's the name, please? 🙂

pre 2 godina

Dragi kladioničari,

Izbegnite 95% vremenskih problema u KIC verifikaciji:

Kao ?

  • budite strpljivi, otvorite kazino račun
  • Nemojte deponovati uskoro.
  • Sve dokumente dostaviti na verifikaciju.
  • Zatim pošaljite e-poštu kazinu i obavestite kazino da čekate verifikaciju da biste započeli deponovanje i igranje.
  • Videćete da je KIC verifikacija 10 puta brža.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu


Zdravo, ako osvojite veći iznos, najverovatnije ćete dobiti e-poruku za KIC verifikaciju. Renomirani kazina to traže. Pošto ste već primili isplate, pretpostavljam da su svi vaši podaci ispravno uneti u vaš profil igrača. Većinu vremena su potrebni vaši bankovni podaci i izvodi iz banke, jer ste i vi prava osoba koja pripada računu. VAŽNO: Preuzmite ne samo snimak ekrana, već i kompletan izvod računa iz vaše banke, sa koje ste takođe izvršili depozite ili koji način depozita ste sačuvali! Zacrnjivanje izvoda računa se može odbiti! Ovo se obično završi u roku od 24 sata i trebalo bi da dobijete isplatu. Mnogi nerado to učine ako podaci ne budu potvrđeni. Takođe ćete dobiti upozorenje da izvršite ovu proveru što je pre moguće. (Barem za renomirana kazina) Ako KCI nije verifikovan, kazino tada može da izbriše nalog igrača a da vi ne primite dobitak. Do sada sam UVEK isplaćivao svoje dobitke 🙂proverite svoje mejlove - da li ste nešto primili. Dakle, pre nego što podnesete žalbu, pročitajte odredbe i uslove kazina i uslove povlačenja. Kazino može da proveri vaš nalog u bilo kom trenutku, čak i ako ste ga poslali bezbroj puta. Tako je! Što brže reagujete, brže ćete dobiti svoju nagradu. Sve najbolje🙂

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu


Hej, izvinjavam se, ali kako poslati dokument sa pogrešnom adresom ? Bojim se da neki ljudi misle da možete ostati anoniman---ali ne možete ako tražite isplatu! U većini slučajeva dovoljan je račun za struju ili fiksni telefon.....

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

I think in this case it probably won't be relevant anymore, since you responded to a year old post.

I think that information about KYC is always important and we and other players are happy to welcome it on the forum.

Anyway, I hope you won't keep copying the same text. 

pre 10 meseci

Hi, I agree with you, and as this is a very important process for casinos, I would be just as concerned about it. It is always necessary that the documents are in the right format, that they contain everything the casino requires and most importantly that everything is clearly visible. This could shorten the time, as the casino would not ask for the same document several times. However, I know that players sometimes find it extremely difficult even if they provide what is needed. 

Anyway, for successful withdrawals, this is one of the essential things that players have to go through satisfactorily. 

Have you ever had problems with documents in the casino ? 

pre 10 meseci

I understand how frustrating the KYC verification process can be, especially when you're waiting on a payout. It sounds like you've provided all the necessary documents, but sometimes these verifications can take a bit longer, especially if there's a high volume of requests. In my experience, ensuring that the documents are clear and all information is easily readable can help speed up the process. It's also crucial for companies to have a streamlined and efficient KYC procedure to prevent delays.

That's why solutions like Identity Verification from ID Analyzer are so valuable. They automate and enhance the KYC process by using advanced technology to verify IDs quickly and accurately, making the process smoother for both businesses and customers. This not only helps in preventing fraud but also improves the overall customer experience by reducing waiting times for verifications and payouts.

Izmenjeno od Radka pre 10 meseci
Razlog: made the link passive
pre 10 meseci

Yes, it could simplify the whole process and it could be faster, but on the other hand, sometimes it is probably necessary to have some documents checked directly by people. Of course verification and therefore casinos don't just want IDs, so if it were to be automated, all documents would have to be included. It would also be necessary for the system to detect when something is wrong, so it would be necessary to catch everything.

pre 9 meseci

Zdravo. Cela ova verifikacija u kockarnicama funkcioniše samo na jedan način. Zašto nema verifikacije za prvi depozit? Kazina rado prihvataju depozite od igrača, verifikacija nije potrebna, ali problem počinje kada pobedite i želite da povučete novac. Pa molim vas da mi objasnite, neko ko je uložio novac i izgubio (u mom slučaju je trebalo nekoliko meseci, izgubio sam preko 40.000 evra, nisam morao da verifikujem račun), ima dalje uplate, niko ne traži verifikaciju, tek kada Pobeđujem na stepenicama, potrebna su dokumenta, bankovni izvodi itd. Pa ako izgubim 40.000 evra i ne, proveriću kasnije, sa kojim pravom kazino ima moj novac (ne mislim na dobitak)? Trebalo bi da vratite novac koji ste prethodno položili ili da ga donirate u dobrotvorne svrhe. Kazino uvek pobeđuje, novac možete uplaćivati na neodređeno vreme, ako nema dobitaka i naloga za povlačenje, nije potrebna verifikacija. Da li je ovo pošteno? Sve ove odredbe u uslovima i odredbama kazina imaju za cilj samo da otežaju igraču da podigne svoj dobitak. Pozdravi

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Hello. I will try to explain it to you somehow, if I may. Imagine every casino doing the whole verification process for every first deposit. And then image all the players depositing just to see how they'll go or to check the games and later on moving to a different casino. It would be really unnecessary to verify all this players, I reckon. This is one of the main reasons casinos usually do the verification together with the first withdrawal, actually. I just hope, this will help you to understand better how these casinos work.

May I ask if you have any problem to verify your account at this particular casino? Could be help somehow, perhaps? Please let us know, we'll be here for you, if you need us.

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