Koliko mogu da procenim, odgovori su već dostupni na forumu. Počnite sa vrućim temama, na primer, i pređite na odeljak za žalbe.
Možete li videti koliko igrača dnevno posećuje forum da bi objavili nove probleme ili pratili postojeće?
Da budem skroman sa tobom, mogla bi mi pomoć da razumem ovo?
„Kako vidite kvalitet informacija koje se dele na platformi?" Nesumnjivo, korisnici foruma ga kreiraju; da li možda pitate korisnike koliko su zadovoljni informacijama koje dele jedni sa drugima? 🙂
Hajde da pričamo o pojedinostima.
As far as I can tell, the answers are available on the forum already. Start with the hot threads, for example, and move to the complain section.
Can you see how many players daily visit the forum to announce new issues or follow up witht the existing ones?
To be straitforward with you, I could use some help undestanding this?
"How do you perceive the quality of information shared on the platform?" Unquestionably, forum users create it; are you perhaps asking users how satisfied they are with the information they share with one another? 🙂
Let's talk specifics.
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