pre 3 godina
Tada biste ih vjerojatno trebali izbjegavati u budućnosti ako tamo nemate sreće 😕
Then you should probably avoid them in the future if you have no luck there 😕
Tada biste ih vjerojatno trebali izbjegavati u budućnosti ako tamo nemate sreće 😕
Then you should probably avoid them in the future if you have no luck there 😕
Bojkotiraj Netent kao dobavljač igara oni su lopovi i kriminalci uzmi uzmi take take dead spin after dead spin bez bonus funkcija apsolutno S ** T !! 😡
Boycott Netent as a games provider they are Thieves and Criminals take take take take dead spin after dead spin no bonus features absolute S**T!!😡
Čini se da vam se dugo ne sviđaju, zašto onda stalno igrate njihove igre iznova i iznova?
Seems like you don't like them for a long time, then why do you keep playing their games over and over again?
Jer kao i svi ljudi koji se kockaju na automatima, ja sam šolja i imam više novca nego razuma have Pokušao sam s drugim pružateljima usluga i smatram da su utori dosadni i dosadni. Netent pravi dobre igre, samo dovodim u pitanje 96,5 RTP s obzirom na gubitke koje sam ostvario. Jedina stvar koju sam otkrio igrajući Finn i Swirly spin, najbolji slot za igranje imopa, je da možete malo osvojiti, a ako ne unovčite novac jednom kada počne padati, nikada se neće oporaviti, dobivate mrtvi spin nakon mrtvog spina dok ne izađete. Kao što sam rekao, oni prave zanimljive slotove, ali budite spremni izgubiti mnogo puta prije nego što dobijete pobjedu. Ionako sam pomalo idiot da se kockam na slot igricama i stalno obećavam da ću prestati, ali zbog dosade i brujanja pobjede nastavljam.
Because like all people who gamble on slots I’m a mug and have more money than sense 🤢 I have tried other providers and find there slots dull and boring. Netent make good games I just question the 96.5 RTP given the loses I have accrued. The one thing I have found playing Finn and the Swirly spin, the best slot to play imop, is that you may win a bit and if you don’t cash out once it starts going down it never recovers you get dead spin after dead spin until your out. Like I said they make interesting slots but be prepared to lose a lot of times before you get a win. I’m a bit of an idiot to gamble on slots anyway and keep promising that I will stop but because of boredom and the buzz of the win I continue.
Vidim ... u svakom slučaju, na našoj web stranici imamo preko 10 000 igara. Siguran sam da mora postojati slot u kojem ćete uživati. Pitanje je želite li zaista posvetiti svoje vrijeme pronalaženju novih mjesta za igru, njihovom testiranju itd.
Uvijek su mi se sviđali NetEnt slotovi jednostavno zato što izgledaju odlično. Vrijeme se malo promijenilo, ali 2015. kada sam počeo raditi na kocki, NetEnt je bio daleko ispred svojih konkurenata u pogledu dizajna i karakteristika igara. I meni se uvijek sviđao Yggdrasil, ali vjerovatno zato što volim svijet mašte i Vikinga. Njihove igre često su inspirirane sjevernjačkom mitologijom. Thunderkick je također napravio odlične igre, Play n GO također, ali sam pročitao mnoge pritužbe čak i prema Play n GO RTP pa je teško reći.
I see...anyway, we have over 10 000 games on our website. I'm sure there must be a slot that you'll enjoy. The question is if you really want to dedicate your time to finding a new slots to play, testing them etc.
I always liked NetEnt slots simply because they look great. Time has changed a bit, but in 2015 when I started working in gambling, NetEnt was far ahead their competitors in terms of game design and features. I always liked Yggdrasil as well, but it's probably because I like the world of fantasy and Vikings. Their games are often inspired by the Northern mythology. Thunderkick also did some great games, Play n GO as well, but I read many complaints even towards Play n GO RTP so it's hard to say.
istina je to.
Netent je najgore. takođe Pragmatic i Microgamin/g
%Ovisi i o kockarnicama, neki od njih su %popravci igara od 96,4 do 60-50 %. Igrajte samo u vrhunskim kockarnicama
Također za početnike ili povremene igrače. Preporučujem EGT slotove, Merkur i Greentube, RTG (ali samo igre poput convertus aurum, fishin freenzy, eye of hours ili magic tree ..) jer RTG čine merkur samo premium igre.
U svakom slučaju, ako imate pitanje slobodno, znam dosta o bilo kojim pružateljima slot ili igrama (teški igrač) pa vam mogu pomoći ...
true that.
Netent is worst. also Pragmatic and Microgamin/g
The % also depends of casinos , some of them are %fix of games from 96.4 to 60-50%. Play on only top casinos
also for novice player or casual i Recommend EGT slots , Merkur,and Greentube, RTG (but only games like convertus aurum,fishin freenzy, eye of hours or magic tree..) because RTG is kinda made by merkur only premium games.
anyway , if u have a question feel free, i know a lot about basically any slot providers or games (heavy player) so i can help you...
Zapravo ste spomenuli jedno veliko pitanje. Neki igrači kažu da je "ovaj provajder loš", jer "tamo nemam dobitaka", ali važno je uzeti u obzir da neki provajderi dozvoljavaju kockarnicama da smanje originalni RTP!
You actually mentioned one big issue. Some player say that "this provider is bad", because "I have no winnings there", but it's important to take into account that some providers allow casinos to decrease the original RTP!
Netent je sama za sebe misterija - neke igre više uopće ne razumijem.
I ja sam nekada volio svirati gonzo, ali i Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack Halloween, Lost relikvije, Božansko bogatstvo, Milosrđe bogova.
Ali više ih ne možete igrati - sve su to samo igre koje vam zapravo samo od početka daju minus, a dok dobijete besplatnu igru, vaš minus je postao toliko velik da ga teško možete igrati
Netent is a mystery of its own - I don't understand some of the games at all anymore.
I used to like to play gonzo as well, but also Jack and the Beanstalk, Halloween jack, Lost relics, Divine fortune, Mercy of gods.
But you can no longer play them - they are all just games that actually only give you minus from the start, and by the time you get a free game, your minus has become so big that you can hardly play it in
Netent is ja ein eigenes mysterium-ich verstehe einige spiele überhaupt nicht mehr.
Habe früher auch gerne Gonzo gespielt,aber auch Jack und die bohnenstange , Halloween jack, Lost relics.Divine fortune,Mercy of gods.
Die kannst du aber alle nicht mehr spielen-es sind alles nur noch spiele die dir eigentlich von anfang an nur minus bescheren,und bis du da auf ein Freispiel kommst,is dein minus so gross geworden ,dass du es kaum reinspielen kannst
Pa vjerujete li i da se RTP smanjio na NetEnt igrama posljednjih godina?
So do you also believe that the RTP has decreased on NetEnt games during last years?
Definitivno. Postoje različite igre u kojima unaprijed znate hoćete li dobiti više besplatnih okretaja ili je teže ući u besplatne okretaje. Najbolji primjer izgubljenih relikvija. Skoro ste uvijek ulazili u besplatnu igru i otključavali veliku škrinju s blagom, ali sada to jedva vidite. Zatim postoje zaista čudni besplatni okretaji. Često ste imali besplatnu igru u kojoj ste ostavljali sva polja prazna osim 2. i gdje je bila mala škrinja s blagom, upravo tamo u 2 polja. Baš kao i ova igra gorila, koja se temelji na ružičastom slonu. Nedavno sam sve životinje pretvorio u gorile i još 10 okretaja, a prve 2 role i 4 gorile su se pojavile jednom. A ostalo su bili spinovi smrti.
Oprostite, mora li to biti? Morate li tako zavarati igrača. Više nema ni osjećaja besplatnih okretaja. Budimo iskreni, besplatni okretaji ili drugi događaji su vrhunac igre. Nekada ste bili sretni, a danas se okrećem nakon 2 okreta. S vremena na vrijeme odem na dim tokom besplatnih okretaja, jednostavno zato što već osjećate da će se dogoditi još jedno zezanje.
Na primjer, mislio sam da je krckava patka smiješna, a sada ste sretni što vidite besplatni spin nakon 100 okreta.
Upravo ovaj čarobni kamen ili kako se već zove. Nikada nisam imao dobre besplatne okretaje, šta god da izaberem, samo ispadne sranje.
Isto tako, ne mogu razumjeti šta ljudi misle da je tako sjajno o Starburstu. Smatram da je igra uspavljujuća. Muzika je užasna.
Ja sam samo ljubitelj igara sa ljepljivim divljinama. I nisam našao nijednu. I ne, ne igram Starburst😁
Definitive. There are different games where you know beforehand whether you will get more free spins, or is it more difficult to get into free spins. The best example of lost relics. You almost always got into a free game and unlocked the big treasure chest, but now you can hardly see it. Then there are really strange free spins. Often had a free game where you left all fields empty except for the 2nd and where was the little treasure chest, right there in the 2 fields. Just like this gorilla game, which is based on pink elephant. I recently turned all animals into gorillas and 10 more spins, and the first 2 reels 4 gorillas came up once. And the rest were spins of death.
Sry does that have to be? Do you have to fool the player like that. There is no longer even the feeling of the free spins. Let's be honest, free spins or other events are the highlights of a game. You used to be happy, and today, I turn around after 2 spins. At times I go out for a smoke during the free spins, simply because you can already feel that another kidding is going to happen.
For example, I thought scruffy duck was kind of funny, and now you're happy to see a free spin after 100 spins.
Exactly this magic stone or whatever it is called. I've never had a good free spins no matter what I choose, it just comes out bullshit.
Likewise, I can't understand what people think is so great about Starburst. I find the game soporific. Music is terrible.
I'm just a fan of games with sticky wilds. And I haven't found one at netent. And no, I don't play Starburst😁
Definitiv. Es gibt ja verschiedene Spiele, wo man schon vorher weiss, bekommt man da eher Freispiele, oder ist es da schwieriger in Freispiele zu kommen. Bestes Beispiel Lost relics. Du bist eigentlich fast immer in ein freispiele gekommen und hast auch die grosse schatzkiste freigeschaltet, aber jetzt siehst du sie kaum noch. Dazu kommen ja wirklich seltsame Freispiele. Hatte oft ein Freispiele, wo du alle Felder leer gemacht hast, bis auf 2.und wo war die kleine schatzkiste, genau da in den 2 Felder drinnen. Genauso diese Gorilla spiel, was an pink elephant angelehnt ist. Habe letztens alle Tiere in Gorillas verwandelt und noch 10 spins, und gekommen sind einmal auf die ersten 2 walzen 4 gorilla. Und der Rest waren spins of death.
Sry muss das sein? Muss man den Spieler so verarschen. Es kommt ja nicht mal mehr das feeling bei den Freispiele auf. Sind wir uns doch ehrlich,Freispiele oder andere events sind ja das Highlights eines games. Früher hat man sich gefreut, und heute, Dreh ich mich nach 2 spins um. Phasenweise gehe ich bei den freispiele raus eine rauchen.einfach weil du es ja schon spürst dass wieder eine verarsche passieren wird.
Ich fand zum Beispiel scruffy duck irgendwie witzig, und jetzt bist du froh nach 100 spins ein freispiele zu sehen.
Genauso dieses magic stones oder wie das heisst. Ich hatte noch nie ein gutes Freispiele egal was ich wähle, es kommt nur Schwachsinn raus.
Genauso kann ich nicht nachvollziehen was die Leute an Starburst so toll finden. Ich finde das Spiel einschläfernd. Musik ist ja furchtbar.
Ich bin halt ein Fan von Spielen mit sticky wilds. Und ich habe bei netent keines gefunden. Und nein Starburst Spiele ich nicht😁
Zdravo paclmaya,
Žao mi je što vam NetEnt igre više nisu zabavne za igranje.
Dao sam priliku Starburstu i moram reći da bi to mogla biti super igra za igrače koji preferiraju igre staromodnog stila sa jednostavnim simbolima i chillout pozadinskom muzikom. Međutim, moram dodati da mi je bonus "upozorenje" zvučalo prilično neugodno i neprikladno u nekom trenutku.
U svakom slučaju, što mislite pod "igrama s ljepljivim divljinama"? Nisam siguran da sam dobro shvatio ...
Hvala vam 🙂
Hello paclmaya,
I'm sorry to hear that NetEnt games are no longer fun to play for you.
I gave a chance to Starburst and must say that it could be a cool game for players who favours an old-fashioned style games with simple symbols and chillout background music. However I must add that I found the bonus "alert" sound quite unpleasant and inappropriate at some point.
Anyway, what do you mean by "games with sticky wilds"? I'm not sure I got it right...
Thank you 🙂
Mislim da je jedini način da dobijete pravi dokaz onoga što ovdje opisujete voditi evidenciju o svojoj historiji kockanja. U nekim kockarnicama ovo je dostupno. Tada možete lako izbrojati je li RTP manje -više isti kao što tvrdi opis igre ili je MNOGO niži.
Nisam siguran šta da mislim o tome jer niste prvi i definitivno niste poslednji koji tvrdi da je RTP na NetEnt igrama promenjen na negativan način.
I'm thinking that the only way of getting a real proof of what you're describing here is to keep records of your gambling history. Some casinos have this available. Then you can easily count if the RTP is more or less the same as the game description claims or if it's MUCH lower.
I'm not really sure what to think about it since you're not the first one and definitely not the last who claims the RTP on NetEnt games was changed in a negative way.
nije samo Netent već i drugi provajderi.
najbolji primjer Pragmaticplaya i igara ruku Midasa ili psa Hausera.
Jeste li primijetili da što više besplatnih okretaja dobijete, to su okretaji u besplatnim okretajima gori? Bez obzira koje od ta dva - ali ako bih svaki put dobio više od 14 besplatnih okretaja, mogao bih zaboraviti igru. A onda se osećam oteto.
Još jedan primjer-Thunderkick Taider of the Storm ili nešto slično.
Kada uđete u besplatne okrete, imate izbor od 4 mogućnosti
1-15 besplatnih okretaja / 1 naslagana slika (treća najveća) / puta za više igrača 2
2-10 besplatnih igara / naslagana slika (2. najveća) / Miltiplayer puta 3
3-6 besplatnih okretaja / naslagana slika (najviše) / puta za više igrača 5
4-6-15 besplatnih okretaja / naslaganih divljih / multiplayer 2,3 ili 5
Ako se wild pojavi na terenu, on također ima odabrani multiplayer u skladu s tim, i sve dok je wild u igri, računa se kao 1 besplatna igra - wild se pomiče dalje ulijevo sa svakim okretanjem dok ne nestane.
Imao sam i ranije besplatne okrete, ali 4 su se istakla
dozvolite sebi da odlučite jednom nasumično 15 besplatnih okretaja puta 5 sa složenim wild ns ukupno 0 wild se pojavi
# zatim 2 puta sa 10 besplatnih okretaja i jednom 2 i 3 puta ponovo nema džokera iako su bili naslagani.
Mora li biti da se tako šalim sa igračem?
I to traje dugo, više od 2 godine.
Poštovanje fer pleja. Možete se prijaviti na williamshill, ako kliknete na informacije na slotovima, vidite koja je vaša ocjena - većina njih je između 90 i nešto više od 94%.
it is not only Netent are also other providers.
the best example of Pragmaticplay and the games hands of midas or dog Hauser.
Have you noticed that the more free spins you get, the worse the spins in the free spins get? No matter which of the two - but if I got more than 14 free spins each time, I could forget the game. And then I feel ripped off.
Another example-Thunderkick Taider of the Storm or something like that.
When you get into the free spins you have the choice of 4 possibilities
1-15 free spins / 1 stacked picture (the 3rd highest) / multiplayer times 2
2-10 free games / stacked picture (the 2nd highest) / Miltiplayer times 3
3-6 free spins / stacked picture (the highest) / multiplayer times 5
4-6-15 free spins / stacked wild / multiplayer 2,3 or 5
If a wild appears on the field, it also has the selected multiplayer accordingly, and as long as a wild is in play it counts as 1 free game - the wild moves further to the left with every spin until it is gone.
I've had free spins before but 4 stood out
let yourself decide once at random 15 free spins times 5 with stacked wild ns total 0 wild appeared
# then 2 times with 10 free spins and once 2 and 3 times again no wilds seen even though they were stacked.
Does it have to be that I'm kidding the player like that?
And that has been going on for a long time, for over 2 years.
Respect for fair play. You can log into williamshill, if you click on the info at the slots, see what your rating is - most of them are all between 90 and a little over 94%.
es ist ja nicht nur Netent sind ja auch andere provider.
bestes Beispiel Pragmaticplay und die Spiele hands of midas oder doghause.
Ist ihen schon aufgefallen ,je mehr freispiele sie bekommen,desto schlechter werden die spins in den freispielen? Egal bei welchen von den beiden-aber wenn ich jedesmal mehr als 14 freispiele bekam,hab ich das spiel vergessen können. Und dann fühl ich mich verarscht.
Anderes beispiel-Thunderkick Taider of the Storm oder so ähnlich.
Wenn sie da in die Freispiele kommen haben sie die auswahl von 4 möglichenkeite
1-15freispiele /1 gestacktes Bild (das 3.höchste)/multiplayer mal 2
2-10freispiele/ gestacktes Bild (das 2.höchste)/Miltiplayer mal 3
3-6 freispiele /gestacktes Bild (das höchste)/Multiplayer mal 5
4-6-15 freispiele /gestacktes Wild/Multiplayer 2,3 oder 5
Wenn ein wild auf dem feld erscheint ,hat es dementsprechend auch den ausgewählten Multplayer,und solange ein Wild im Spiel ist zählt es als 1 Freispiel-das wild wandert mit jedem spin weiter nach links,bis es weg ist.
Ich hatte schon öfters freispiele aber 4 stachen hervor
einmal zufall entscheiden lassen 15 freispiele mal 5 mit gestackten wild nsgesamzt 0 Wild erschienen
#dann noch 2mal mit 10 freispielen und einmal mal 2 und mal 3-wieder keine wilds gesehen obwohl sie gestackt waren.
Muss das sein,dass ich den Spieler so verarsche?
Und das geht seit längerer zeit so, seit über 2 jahren.
Respekt vor dem fairplay. Sie können sich bei williamshill ,wenn sie auf die info klicken bei den slots schauen was sie für ein rating haben-die meisten sind alle zwischen 90 und bischen über 94% Früher waren viele spiel auf 95 bis 97%
Zanima me koji provajder - generalno, može se trenutno označiti kao dobar?
Imaš li nešto na umu?
I'm wondering which provider - in general, could be marked as good at the moment?
Do you have any in mind?
Sa moje tačke gledišta, trenutno ne postoji provajder koji se nekako ističe, gde bi se moglo reći da se danas nešto dešava?
Ali ja sam i loš primjer u smislu - imam svoje određene igre koje igram. Nekako nedostaje pravo aha iskustvo.
Pragmatična igra Jedva mogu da uđem u besplatne vrtnje u kućici za pse, zlato divljeg zapada, spartanski kralj. Ludo. Čak i sa chickenrun-om jedva da nešto dolazi.
Zaista nemam pojma da li postoji provajder koji radi na pola puta pozitivno za igrača.
From my point of view, there is currently no provider that somehow stands out, where you could say, yes there is something going on today?
But I'm also a bad example in terms of - I have my certain games that I play. Somehow the right aha experience is missing.
Pragmatic play I can hardly get into free spins in dog house, wild west gold, Spartan king. Crazy. Even with chickenrun hardly anything comes.
I really have no idea whether there is a provider that is doing halfway positively for the player.
es gibt zurzeit aus meiner sicht keinen provider der da hervorsticht irgendwie,wo man sagen könnte,ja da geht heute was?
Ich bin aber auch ein schlechtes beispiel in der hinsicht-ich habe meine gewisse Spiele die ich spiele. Es fehlt so irgendwie das richtige Aha-erlebnis.
Pragmatic play komme ich kaum in freispiele rein-Dog-house,Wild west Gold,Spartan king.Wahnsinn.Selbst bei chickenrun kommt kaum was.
Ich habe echt keine ahnung,ob es eine Provider gibt der halbwegs positiv für den Spieler läuft.
Možda biste mogli pogledati manje poznate i popularne provajdere. Postoje doslovno stotine provajdera igara i osjećam da se svaki mjesec osnivaju novi.
Maybe you could take a look at the less known and popular providers. There are literally hundreds of game providers and I feel like new ones are established every month.
Poznajete li Wild Toro iz Elk Games? Volim da je igram, iako znam da će me ta igra izluditi. Ali samo grafika i događaj čine ovo tako zabavnim.
Sada postoji knjiga tora i divlji toro 2 - isti grafički stil i strašno ako čekate velike pobjede.
Pri čemu je I book of toro iz gameplaya zapravo najzanimljivija knjižna igra.
Ovdje imate 3 događaja.
3 knjige su vjerovatno jasne - 10 besplatnih okretaja / 4 knjige 15 i 5 knjiga 20 besplatnih okretaja. Ako ponovo dobijete besplatne vrtnje u besplatnoj igri, postoji dodatni simbol - kao kod naslijeđa mrtvih.
Ako sada imate 2 knjige i bik dođe na zadnji valjak - knjige ostaju fiksne i imate priliku da dobijete knjige na preostala 3 koluta sve dok je bik tu - on luta s desna na lijevo kao i uvijek pri svakom okretu .
Ako se barem 2 mumije pojave na kolutovima 2, 3 i 4, imate respin-dolazi dok bik trči do munije i ostavlja divljinu na putu do tamo, a koluti na kojima su mumije postale su potpuno divlje. A sve ovo sa Bikom može vam se dogoditi i u slobodnoj igri
Ali šansa za auzf besplatne okrete je još uvijek vrlo mala - oko 100-150 okretaja u prosjeku za besplatnu igru
Do you know Wild Toro from Elk Games? I like to play it, although I know the game will drive me crazy. But it's just the graphics and the event that make it so fun here.
Now there is book of toro and wild toro 2-the same graphic style and terrible if you are waiting for big wins.
Whereby I book of toro from gameplay is actually the most interesting book game.
You have 3 events here.
3 books are probably clear-10 free spins / 4 books 15 and 5 books 20 free spins. If you get free spins again in the free game, there is an additional symbol - as with legacy of dead.
If you now have 2 books and the bull comes on the last roller - the books stay fixed and you have the opportunity to get books on the remaining 3 reels as long as the bull is there - it wanders from right to left as always every spin.
If at least 2 mummies appear on reels 2, 3 and 4 you have a respin-comes as the bull runs to the munia and leaves wilds on the way there and the reels where the mummies were become completely wild. And all of this with the Taurus can also happen to you in free play
But the chance of auzf free spins is still very small - about 100-150 spins on average for a free game
Kennen sie Wild Toro von Elk Games? Ich spiele es gerne.obwohl ich weiss ,dass mich das spiel in den wahnsinn treiben wird. Aber es ist halt die grafik und das event was hier so fun macht.
Jetzt gibt es book of toro und wild toro 2-Der selben grafikstil und furchtbar wenn du da auf grosse gewinnen wartest.
Wobei ich book of toro vom gameplay,eigentlich das interessanteste bücherspiel ist.
Du hast hier 3 events.
3 Bücher sind wohl klar-10 freispiele /4 bücher 15 und 5 Bücher 20 freispiele.Solltest du nochmal freispiele im freispiel bekommen kommt ein zusätzliches Zeichen dazu -so wie bei legacy of dead.
Wenn du jetzt 2 Bücher hats und auf der letzten walze kommt der stier -bleiben die bücher fest und du hast auf den restlichen 3 walzen solange die möglichkeit Bücher dazu bekommen ,solange der Stier da ist-der wandert ja wie immer von rechts nach links mit jedem spin.
Wenn auf den walzen 2,3 und 4 mindestens 2 Mumien erscheinen hast du einen respin-kommt da der Stier-rennt er zu den Munien und hinterlässt auf den weg dort hin wilds und die walzen wo die mumien waren werden vollkommen zu wilds. Und das alles mit dem Stier kann dir auch im freispiel passieren
Aber die chance auzf Freispiele sind trotzdme sehr gerin-ca 100-150 spins im durchschnitt für ein freispiel
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Link će isteći za 72 časa.
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Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.