Iako sam obećao da ću vam dati svoje nalaze, čak ni moje malo kašnjenje nije dalo neke posebno korisne informacije. Najbolje što sam mogao zaključiti je da ima smisla ostati kod licenciranih kazina. S druge strane, isključivo od organa za licenciranje zavisi kako i da li se proverava autentičnost igre.
Jedini način da se suočimo sa poreklom i poštenjem igre je preko organa za licenciranje, koji je kazinu dao licencu.
Ostalo nam je daleko van domašaja.
U svakom slučaju, voleo bih da vidim kako Anžuan, na primer, pregleda utakmice... Našao sam ovaj deo
„Testiranje i sertifikacija: Odbor može zahtevati od operatera onlajn igara da svoje sisteme i igre testiraju i sertifikovane od strane nezavisnih laboratorija za testiranje kako bi se osiguralo da su fer i nasumični . Odbor takođe može da sprovede sopstveno testiranje kako bi potvrdio rezultate."
Stoga mislim da bi čak i ovaj davalac licence sa slabijom licencom trebalo da bude u stanju da ispita bilo kakve sumnje.
Za nelicencirana kazina, međutim, ne postoji procedura.
Although I promised to provide you with my findings, even my slight delay did not yield any particularly useful information. The best I could conclude is that it makes sense to stay with licensed casinos. On the other hand, it solely depends on the licensing authority how and whether the game's authenticity is checked.
The only way to confront the game's origin and fairness is through the licensing authority, which has granted the casino its license.
The rest is far beyond our reach.
In any case, I would love to see how Anjouan, for instance, is reviewing the games... I found this part
"Testing and certification: The board may require online gaming operators to have their systems and games tested and certified by independent testing labs to ensure that they are fair and random. The board may also conduct its own testing to verify the results."
Therefore, I would think that even this license provider with a weaker license should be able to look into any suspicions.
For the unlicensed casinos, though, there is no procedure.
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