Jednom sam osvojio malo novca sa web stranice, ionako nakon što sam povukao dio, igrao sam sa ostatkom, i počeo sam da dobijam prazan rulet ili su opklade vraćene i ne prolaze, dok igram martingejl to mi je stvarno pokvarilo igru , žalio sam se i rekli su da ne mogu ništa jer je server u Latviji, a oni u Irskoj.
I won a bit of money once from a website, anyway after I withdrew a chunk I played with the rest, and I started getting a blank roulette wheel or bets were returned and not going through, as I play martingale it really messed up my game, I complained and they said they couldn’t do anything as the server was in Latvia and they were in Ireland.
Suočavam se sa velikim problemom da se iznos dobitka ne dodaje na moj račun. Zahtijevam uklanjanje stranice sa king567 varajući klijenti iznos povlačenja iznos dobitka nedostatak bez obzira oni su prevarili moje povlačenje dobij molim te uklonite svoju stranicu sa king567
I'm facing alot of issue winning amount not adding to my account I'm requesting remove site from king567 cheating customers withdrawal amount winning amount lack of irrespect they cheated my withdrawal get please remove u r site from king567
Zdravo, da li je King567 neka vrsta kazina, molim? Nije na našoj listi kazina.
Hello, is King567 some sort of casino, please? It is not on our list of casinos.
Znam da je ovaj post pomalo star, ali ista stvar mi se desila na Lightning ruletu pre nekoliko godina, kladio sam se na 500 evra na broj i dobio je 500k munje, opklade su prihvaćene. Odjednom je mojih 500 evra nestalo sa tog broja, palo je i 500 k 500 evra mi nije isplaćeno. O moj gospodaru da samo imam snimač ekrana, imam brzi internet u Holandiji, uvek krive vezu. Nikada se nije dešavalo kada gubim veliko samo kada sam pred velikim pobedama. Evolution Gaming treba stvarno da se isključi. Naravno, kazino sa kojim sam igrao mi je uskratio novac.
I know this post is kind of old, but the same thing happened to me on Lightning Roulette few years ago, I bet 500 euro on a number and it got a 500x lightning, the bets were accepted. Suddenly my 500 euro was gone from that number, it dropped and the 500 x 500 euro was not paid out to me. Oh my lord if only I had screen recorder, I have the fasted internet in The Netherlands, they always blame it on connection. It never happened when I lose big only when I'm about to win big. Evolution Gaming needs to be shutdown for real. Of course the casino I played with denied me the money.
Znam da je ovaj post pomalo star, ali ista stvar mi se desila na Lightning ruletu pre nekoliko godina, kladio sam se na 500 evra na broj i dobio je 500k munje, opklade su prihvaćene. Odjednom je mojih 500 evra nestalo sa tog broja, palo je i 500 k 500 evra mi nije isplaćeno. O moj gospodaru da samo imam snimač ekrana, imam brzi internet u Holandiji, uvek krive vezu. Nikada se nije dešavalo kada gubim veliko samo kada sam pred velikim pobedama. Evolution Gaming treba stvarno da se isključi. Naravno, kazino sa kojim sam igrao mi je uskratio novac.
I know this post is kind of old, but the same thing happened to me on Lightning Roulette few years ago, I bet 500 euro on a number and it got a 500x lightning, the bets were accepted. Suddenly my 500 euro was gone from that number, it dropped and the 500 x 500 euro was not paid out to me. Oh my lord if only I had screen recorder, I have the fasted internet in The Netherlands, they always blame it on connection. It never happened when I lose big only when I'm about to win big. Evolution Gaming needs to be shutdown for real. Of course the casino I played with denied me the money.
Šta ste tada radili? Mislim, pokušavam da shvatim šta je najbolje rešenje, pošto bi istorija igre verovatno trebalo da posluži kao neka vrsta dokaza - naravno od kazina. Verujete li da je dobavljaču igara stalo?
Hello there.
What did you do back then? I mean, I'm trying to figure out what is the best solution, since the gaming history should probably serve as some kind of evidence - provided by the casino of course. Do you believe the game provider cares?
Evolution Gaming je odbio vaše četiri dobitne opklade - da li sam dobro uradio? Mislim, dobro bi mi došlo dodatno objašnjenje, ako nemate ništa protiv. Da li je naveden neki razlog, možda?
Evolution Gaming has rejected your four winning bets - did I make it right? I mean, I could use a further explanation, if you don't mind. Any reason given, perhaps?
Dana 02.08.2023. oko 6.30 ujutru u vremenskoj zoni Australije, prijavio sam se na svoj rollbit nalog i povezao sam se sa ludim vremenom putem evolucionog igranja. Nakon što sam proverio sve prethodne rezultate, primetio sam da ludo vreme nije iskočilo već neko vreme i odlučio sam da počnem da se kladim na ludo vreme u nadi da ću ga negde uhvatiti i dobiti pristojnu isplatu ili izgubiti novac u isplativom kockanju . Kladio sam se na 25 dolara na ludo vreme i opklada je registrovana i bio sam oduševljen kada se gornji slot koji je bio ludo vreme k 15 spojio sa točkom. Zatim sam bio doveden do funkcije gde sam bio upitan da odaberem boju i izabrao sam plavu boju i kada sam video da je zelena pogodila 3000k bio sam pomalo razočaran jer bi to bila velika epska pobeda za mene, ali sam ipak bio srećan jer sam dobio 375Ks i zaradio bih 8750 USD u tom procesu. Čekao sam dobitke, ali nisam ništa dobio i nisam jurio misleći da je njihov sistem plaćanja preopterećen činjenicom da su mnogi ljudi osvojili mnogo novca i da će to biti odloženo. Nakon provere 10 sati kasnije, primetio sam da sredstva još uvek nisu poslata na moj nalog i nastavio sam da kontaktiram njihovu podršku uživo u vezi sa problemom. Tvrde da se moja opklada nikada nije registrovala i tražili su od mene da proverim svoju istoriju opklada koja na moje iznenađenje ne pokazuje tu opkladu. Ovo je super lažno jer znam da je moja opklada prošla na mojoj strani i primetio sam to na crvenom papiru kada je uneo u funkciju, pa čak i zbog činjenice da mi je bilo dozvoljeno da učestvujem u funkciji. Ono što su uradili je nepravedno i varaju ljude poštenim opkladama i mislim da treba da odgovaraju. Nisam mogao da verujem kada su rekli da opklada nije registrovana i veruju da je to prevara jer nema šanse da mi je dozvoljeno da učestvujem i da znam da je moja opklada na stolu i da mi ovo nije prvi put kladiti se na ludo vreme. Igram ovo od pre 2 godine. Stvarno sam uznemiren i ne znam šta da radim. Mogu li nešto da uradim da dobijem ono što mi dugujem? Ovo je stvarno varanje ljudi
On the 02/08/2023 at approximately 6.30 am in Australia Timezone, I logged into my rollbit account and I connected to crazy time by evolution gaming. After checking all the previous outcomes, I noticed that crazy time had not popped out for quite some time and decided to start betting big on crazy time in hopes that I caught it somewhere and got a decent pay out or lose my money in a worthwhile gamble. I bet $25 on crazy time and the bet registered and was ecstatic when the top slot which was crazy time x 15 connected with the wheel. I was then brought to the feature where I was prompted to pick a colour and I picked the colour blue and when I saw that green hit 3000x I was a bit disappointed because that would have been a huge epic win for me but I was still happy because I got 375X and would have made $8750 usd in the process. I waited for the winnings but I never received anything and I did not chase it up thinking that their payment system was overwhelmed by the fact that many people won a lot of money and it was going to be delayed. After checking 10 hours later, I noticed the funds had still not been sent to my account and proceeded to contact their live support about the issue. They are claiming that my bet never registered and asked me to check my bet history which to my surprise does not show that bet placed. This is super fraudulent as I know my bet went through on my end and noticed it on the red slip when brought to the feature and even for the fact I was allowed to participate on the feature. What they did is unfair and they are cheating people of honest bets and I think they should be held accountable. I couldn’t believe it when they said that the bet was not registered and believe this is fraud because there is no way that I was allowed to participate and know that my bet was on the table and this isn’t the fi st time I bet on crazy time. I’ve been playing this since 2 years ago. I am really upset and I don’t know what to do. Is there anything I can do to get what I’m owed? This is really cheating people
Zdravo. Ovo je teško, biće teško dokazati jer se opklada ne prikazuje u vašoj istoriji transakcija, mislim da je jedina šansa da naterate vaš kazino da kontaktira evolution gaming i da ih pita da li je registrovan na njihovom serveru jer znate tačno vreme kada ste se kladili, mislim da bi trebalo da mogu da provere i ako jeste, to bi takođe zabeležilo pobedu. Ako kazino to ne uradi, možete sami da ih kontaktirate, samo kontaktirajte Google evolution gaming i njihovi kontakt detalji će se pojaviti. Mislim da im možete telefonirati ili e-poštom. Srećno nadam se da ćete ga dobiti 👍
Hi This is a tough one, it's going to be difficult to prove as the bet doesn't show in your transaction history, I think the one chance is to get your casino to contact evolution gaming and ask them if it registered on their server because you know the exact time you made the bet I think they should be able to check and if so it would have registered the win as well. If the casino won't do it you can contact them yourself just Google contact evolution gaming and their contact details will come up. I think you can phone or email them. Good luck I hope you get it 👍
Isto i sa mnom - 6 puta! Nedostaju dobici preko 40 hiljada! I ništa se ne dešava!
gde je podrška igračima i gde su propisi!
Evolucija ne podržava! Bumerang kazino (u mom slučaju) takođe!
kazino uzima vaše opklade - gubite! Ako pobedite, problem je sa vezom ili softverom! Ako ovo nije prevara/prevara….
Same with me - 6times! Missing winnings over 40k! And nothing happens!
where is the support for the players and where are the regulations!
Evolution is not supporting! Boomerang Casino (in my case) neither!
the casino takes your bets - you lose! If you win its a connections issue or software problem! If this is not fraud/scam….
Dana 02.08.2023. oko 6.30 ujutru u vremenskoj zoni Australije, prijavio sam se na svoj rollbit nalog i povezao sam se sa ludim vremenom putem evolucionog igranja. Nakon što sam proverio sve prethodne rezultate, primetio sam da ludo vreme nije iskočilo već neko vreme i odlučio sam da počnem da se kladim na ludo vreme u nadi da ću ga negde uhvatiti i dobiti pristojnu isplatu ili izgubiti novac u isplativom kockanju . Kladio sam se na 25 dolara na ludo vreme i opklada je registrovana i bio sam oduševljen kada se gornji slot koji je bio ludo vreme k 15 spojio sa točkom. Zatim sam bio doveden do funkcije gde sam bio upitan da odaberem boju i izabrao sam plavu boju i kada sam video da je zelena pogodila 3000k bio sam pomalo razočaran jer bi to bila velika epska pobeda za mene, ali sam ipak bio srećan jer sam dobio 375Ks i zaradio bih 8750 USD u tom procesu. Čekao sam dobitke, ali nisam ništa dobio i nisam jurio misleći da je njihov sistem plaćanja preopterećen činjenicom da su mnogi ljudi osvojili mnogo novca i da će to biti odloženo. Nakon provere 10 sati kasnije, primetio sam da sredstva još uvek nisu poslata na moj nalog i nastavio sam da kontaktiram njihovu podršku uživo u vezi sa problemom. Tvrde da se moja opklada nikada nije registrovala i tražili su od mene da proverim svoju istoriju opklada koja na moje iznenađenje ne pokazuje tu opkladu. Ovo je super lažno jer znam da je moja opklada prošla na mojoj strani i primetio sam to na crvenom papiru kada je uneo u funkciju, pa čak i zbog činjenice da mi je bilo dozvoljeno da učestvujem u funkciji. Ono što su uradili je nepravedno i varaju ljude poštenim opkladama i mislim da treba da odgovaraju. Nisam mogao da verujem kada su rekli da opklada nije registrovana i veruju da je to prevara jer nema šanse da mi je dozvoljeno da učestvujem i da znam da je moja opklada na stolu i da mi ovo nije prvi put kladiti se na ludo vreme. Igram ovo od pre 2 godine. Stvarno sam uznemiren i ne znam šta da radim. Mogu li nešto da uradim da dobijem ono što mi dugujem? Ovo je stvarno varanje ljudi
On the 02/08/2023 at approximately 6.30 am in Australia Timezone, I logged into my rollbit account and I connected to crazy time by evolution gaming. After checking all the previous outcomes, I noticed that crazy time had not popped out for quite some time and decided to start betting big on crazy time in hopes that I caught it somewhere and got a decent pay out or lose my money in a worthwhile gamble. I bet $25 on crazy time and the bet registered and was ecstatic when the top slot which was crazy time x 15 connected with the wheel. I was then brought to the feature where I was prompted to pick a colour and I picked the colour blue and when I saw that green hit 3000x I was a bit disappointed because that would have been a huge epic win for me but I was still happy because I got 375X and would have made $8750 usd in the process. I waited for the winnings but I never received anything and I did not chase it up thinking that their payment system was overwhelmed by the fact that many people won a lot of money and it was going to be delayed. After checking 10 hours later, I noticed the funds had still not been sent to my account and proceeded to contact their live support about the issue. They are claiming that my bet never registered and asked me to check my bet history which to my surprise does not show that bet placed. This is super fraudulent as I know my bet went through on my end and noticed it on the red slip when brought to the feature and even for the fact I was allowed to participate on the feature. What they did is unfair and they are cheating people of honest bets and I think they should be held accountable. I couldn’t believe it when they said that the bet was not registered and believe this is fraud because there is no way that I was allowed to participate and know that my bet was on the table and this isn’t the fi st time I bet on crazy time. I’ve been playing this since 2 years ago. I am really upset and I don’t know what to do. Is there anything I can do to get what I’m owed? This is really cheating people
To je veoma uznemirujuće, i drago mi je što ste došli da kažete ovo naglas.
Nažalost, kao što je rečeno, ključna stvar je da dokažete da je vaša opklada bila legitimna i na taj način prihvaćena. Ako ga ne možete pronaći u svojoj istoriji klađenja, ja to vidim kao glavnu borbu. 😕
Pa, slobodno podnesite žalbu, naravno:
Ali prilično sam ubeđen da su šanse za uspeh male bez dokaza da se to zaista dogodilo. Mislim da se suočimo sa kazinom, moramo da podržimo vašu tvrdnju. U suprotnom, nema smisla pitati kazino "Šta se dogodilo?" Isto važi i za provajdera igara, rekao bih.
Da li ste napisali video ili snimak ekrana koji podržava, molim?
U svakom slučaju, i dalje verujem da je podnošenje žalbe korak koji vredi preduzeti, besplatno je i takođe obaveštava ostatak zajednice o situaciji sa kojom se suočavate.
Šta mislite o tome, jeste li za?
That is very unnerving, and I'm glad you came here to say this aloud.
Sadly, as being said the key point is to prove your bet was legit and thus accepted. If you can't find it in your betting history, I see that as the main struggle. 😕
Well, feel free to submit a complaint, of course:
But I'm quite convinced the chances to succeed are low without proving it has actually happened. I mean to confront the casino, we need to support your claim. Otherwise, it has no sense to ask the casino "What has happened?" The same goes for the game provider, I'd say.
Did you caption a video or supportive screenshot, please?
Anyway, I still believe submitting a complaint is a step worth taking, it is free and also informs the rest of the community about the situation you're facing.
What do you think about it, are you in?
Isto i sa mnom - 6 puta! Nedostaju dobici preko 40 hiljada! I ništa se ne dešava!
gde je podrška igračima i gde su propisi!
Evolucija ne podržava! Bumerang kazino (u mom slučaju) takođe!
kazino uzima vaše opklade - gubite! Ako pobedite, problem je sa vezom ili softverom! Ako ovo nije prevara/prevara….
Same with me - 6times! Missing winnings over 40k! And nothing happens!
where is the support for the players and where are the regulations!
Evolution is not supporting! Boomerang Casino (in my case) neither!
the casino takes your bets - you lose! If you win its a connections issue or software problem! If this is not fraud/scam….
Zdravo, sećam se žalbe!
Objavljujem vezu kako bi drugi igrači mogli da vide napredak koji je do sada postignut:
Voleo bih da vidim izjavu iz Evolucije...
Hello, I recall the complaint!
I'm posting the link so other players may see the progress made so far:
I would love to see the statement from the Evolution...
Najgore je što se izvučeš. Naravno, u skladu sa prevarantskom industrijom, mnogo je lakše prevariti igrače. Ali to ide predaleko – to je krivično delo!
Jasni dobici su nestali. Ili kazino odlučuje da ukrade ili provajder. Ne bih se iznenadio da su bacili novčić ko je sledeći.
nema podrške/zaostajanja/spore isplate/eksploatacije zavisnosti.
Nikada nisam video problem sa softverom/vezom kada sam izgubio. I odigrao sam hiljade ruku zaredom
Oni prevare igrače u vezi sa troškovima deviznih transakcija
Mreža ofšor kompanija koje pokušavaju da sakriju osobu koja stoji iza toga. Sve je povezano i pomaže da se još više sakrije.
Nema propisa / a ako i ima, to je šala. Rekao bih da je svaki ilegalni posao tamo više regulisan - jer oni i dalje imaju neke ugovore ili moralne obaveze i znaju da ne mogu da opljačkaju svoje mušterije.
Međutim, imam još mnogo toga da kažem ili podelim, ali ovo čuvam za dalju akciju...
Dragi kazino, dragi provajder! Imate moje incidente i moj nedostajući profit. Isplatite ih - to je sigurno!
Ne mogu da zamislim šta rade igračima koji igraju "autoplai mode"!! Uskoro ćemo saznati - jer ću ih naterati da mi prijave svaku opkladu!
The worst thing is, you get away with it. Of course, consistent with a fraudulent industry, it is much easier to cheat players. But that's going too far - it's a criminal act!
Clear gains gone. Either the casino decides to steal or the provider. I wouldn't be surprised if they flipped the coin for who's next.
no support/lag/slow payouts/addiction exploit.
I've never seen a software/connection issue when I've lost. And I've played thousands of hands in a row
They scam players regarding the cost of foreign currency transactions
A network of offshore companies trying to hide the person behind it. Everything is connected and helps to hide even more.
No regulation / and if there is, it's a joke. I would say that any illegal business out there is more regulated - as they still have some covenants or moral obligations and they know they can't rip off their customers.
However, I have a lot more to say or share, but I'm keeping this for further action...
Dear casino, dear provider! You have my incidents and my missing profits. Pay them off - that's for sure!
It's beyond my imagination what they do to players who play "autoplay mode"!! We'll find out soon - because I'll force them to report every single bet to me!
Das Schlimmste ist: Sie kommen ungeschoren davon. Natürlich ist es im Einklang mit einer betrügerischen Branche viel einfacher, Spieler zu betrügen. Aber das geht zu weit – es handelt sich um eine kriminelle Handlung!
Klare Gewinne weg. Entweder entscheidet sich das Casino für den Diebstahl oder der Anbieter. Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn sie die Münze werfen würden, wer als nächstes dran ist.
keine Unterstützung / Verzögerung / langsame Auszahlungen / Sucht ausnutzen.
Ich habe noch nie ein Software-/Verbindungsproblem gesehen, als ich verloren habe. Und ich habe tausende Hände hintereinander gespielt
Sie betrügen die Spieler hinsichtlich der Kosten für Fremdwährungstransaktionen
Ein Netzwerk von Offshore-Unternehmen, die versuchen, die Person dahinter zu verbergen. Alles hängt zusammen und hilft, noch mehr zu verbergen.
Keine Regelung / und wenn es eine gibt, ist es ein Witz. Ich würde sagen, dass jedes illegale Geschäft auf der Straße stärker reguliert ist – da sie immer noch einige Vereinbarungen oder moralische Verpflichtungen haben und wissen, dass sie ihre Kunden nicht übers Ohr hauen können.
Allerdings habe ich noch viel mehr zu sagen oder zu teilen, aber ich behalte dies für weitere Aktionen …
Liebes Casino, lieber Anbieter! Sie haben meine Vorfälle und meine fehlenden Gewinne. Zahlen Sie sie aus – das ist klar!
Es übersteigt meine Vorstellungskraft, was sie mit Spielern machen, die den „Autoplay-Modus" spielen!! Wir werden es bald herausfinden – denn ich werde sie zwingen, mir jede einzelne Wette zu melden!
U ovom slučaju, uveren sam da ovo nije poslednji put da čujemo o vama i vašoj potrazi.
Pa, forum će biti ovde.
In this case, I'm confident this is not the last time we hear about you and your quest.
Well, the forum will be here.
Suočavam se sa potpuno istim problemom!!
Pokrenuo sam pitanja i oni dolaze sa najsumljivijim odgovorima na svetu:
kada pokažem da sam UŽIVO na 2 stola i 1 radi, a drugi odbijaju opklade, kažu da je problem sa UI UKS u mom SISTEMU (Bog zna ko je njihovo tehničko lice) i kada pokažem video dokaz za 1 sto, kažu da je to moj internte problem
i u svim slučajevima oni uzimaju BET 1 i odlaze je OBAVEZNOST gubi.
Neko treba da preduzme STROGE Akcije protiv takvih stvari
I am Facing exact same issue !!
i have raised issues and they come with most wiered answers in the world :
when i show that i am LIVE on 2 tables and 1 is working and othe ris rejecting bets , they say its UI UX issue in my SYSTEM ( God knows who is their technical person) and when i show video proodf of 1 table they say its my internte issue
and in all cases they take way BET 1 and leave is COMPULSORITY loosing .
Someone needs to take STRICT Actions against such things
Po mom mišljenju, situacija nije ista. Ipak, budite slobodni da preduzmete STROGU odmah. Ne zaboravite da nas obaveštavate o svom napretku, molim vas.
In my opinion, the situation is not the same. Yet, feel free to take STRICT action right away. Don't forget to keep us updated on your progress, please.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.