Igram internetske slotove već desetljeće, ali ovo mi je prvi put da pišem na Thunderkicku, jer su prilično novi i nedavno sam za njih znao samo zahvaljujući postu na blogu koji sam pročitao na CasinoVIPOffers. Ali isprobao sam njihovu igru Full Moon Romance, odgovara mjesecu i svemu, i pomislio sam da je to bilo odlično. Ima odličnu funkciju kloniranja i grafiku. Jako sam uživao u igri. Ulog je također dobar 0,1 najniži po okretu, a likovi i pobjede su također dobri. Definišite moju veliku preporuku.
I have been playing online slots for a decade now but it is my first time writing on Thunderkick, as they are fairly new and I recently only knew about them, thanks to a blog post I read on CasinoVIPOffers. But I tried their game Full Moon Romance, fits the month and all, and I though it was great. It has a great cloning feature and graphics that I enjoyed the game a lot. The stakes are also a good 0.1 lowest per spin and the characters and wins are good too. Def a big recommendation from me.