Kompanija za kockanje sa sjedištem u Velikoj Britaniji. Ako pretpostavimo da su šanse koje imamo u lotou i sličnim igrama na sreću naše zemlje oko 0000000024, možemo razumjeti da je stopa dobitka od 45% data u ovim sretnim fondovima velika. Kad malo istražim kako bih razumio sistem, kažu da 45% učesnika u bazenu pobjeđuje, drugi gube, a naknade za učešće gubitnika prenose se na pobjednike. Oni naplaćuju porez od 10% sa svih bazena i distribuiraju 5% poreza na reference. Koliko sam primijetio, postoje 3 vrste plaćanja. usdt, papara, kreditna kartica s trc 20 mreže. Pridružio sam se bazenu od 5 dolara kao usdt. Nakon pobjede, povukao sam sav svoj novac, uključujući i ostatak koji sam položio. Ne postoji balansni blok. Znači, bacili ste 100 dolara unutra, ne želite igrati, možete povući novac. Sviđa mi se sistem. Sa domenom https://joinfor.win/, postavio mi je tron u srce. Umjesto da pokušavam saložiti novac sa 1% šanse u smiješnim html5 slot igrama, dovoljno mi je ako saložim 100 usd 2 ili 3 puta mjesečno. Definitivno nije savjet o ulaganju.
UK based gambling company. If we assume that the chance we have in our country's lotto and similar games of chance is about 0000000024, we can understand that the 45% win rate given in these lucky pools is huge. When I do some research to understand the system, they say that 45% of the pool participants win, the others lose, and the participation fees of the losers are transferred to the winners. They charge 10% tax from all pools and distribute 5% of it to references. As far as I have observed, there are 3 types of payment methods available. usdt, papara, credit card from trc 20 network. I joined the 5 dollar pool as usdt. After winning, I withdrew all my money, including the balance I deposited. There is no balance block. So you threw 100 dollars inside, you don't want to play, you can withdraw the money. I like the system. With the domain https://joinfor.win/, he set a throne in my heart. Instead of trying to fold money with 1% chance in ridiculous html5 slot games, it's enough for me if I fold 100 usd 2 or 3 times a month. Definitely not investment advice.