NaslovnaForumSlotoviBIG BASS SPLASH sranje bonusi

BIG BASS SPLASH sranje bonusi (strana 4)

 od paclmaya
27.908 pregleda 95 odgovora |
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I feel this thread might catch your interest too. A few days ago, I took some time to create quite a complex post.


well, what I can share now is. I played a lot of Casino and met a lot of account managers. They told me that if you are a ordinary player, example betting 0.4 euro per spin for whole time. and once your lose and stop, you are the casino player. But I can tell you one thing is you hit a very good bonus just you didn't hit the threshold so you can't win very big. The game showing you meet level 3 but just dead spins for the rest of spin and it's actually very abnormal. Actually another point I can share is, all the RNG and map is pre-determine, example there are 10000 spins and all player like you played normal spin. they will allocate which RNG you will get, example no. 900th spin is x3000 win, so when there are small player who spin from 899th spin and next spin will jump to 901th spin and so on, you can check from your betting history, the trace number is not follow sequence, it will always jump further and come back again. So the system will make it balance. Imagine there are many player betting big bet and most of these player are getting those good pay RNG, just to keep them keep playing because the system know this player has big wagering and having problematic gambling behavior which is addicted. So these player will get the very good RNG and they know these player is chasing loss and will keep playing. Once those good RNG been taken away from big player, the remaining RNG are mostly dead spin, those small bet player will always get these RNG. This is why, small betting always lose.

Well, again. I won't dare to play bigbass, it's horrible game, the hit frequent is bad. Those fish icon is blocker, just to block you to get any link or connection. This is why, I don't feel happy to play this game.


Dakle, to potvrđuje moje mišljenje da mi normalni igrači dobijamo manje fer-pleja od sistema nego oni koji se bave visokom igrom. Poštovanje. Tako nešto je zapravo zabranjeno, ali ionako niko ništa ne radi

Automatski prevedeno:

I ja tako mislim, ponovo sam osvojio 4,25 evra do kraja nivoa 3. 2 puta 2 ribara, što je retko, bez ribe. Takođe mislim da bi u onlajn kazinima mnogo prljavog novca prokockali igrači sa ulozima do 250 po okretu

Automatski prevedeno:

Nekada su postojali onlajn kazina, gde ste morali da izaberete mašinu na kojoj želite da igrate, videli ste koliko ste isplaćeni i tako dalje - da li je to Starmakercasino?

Morali ste da se nadate da ste pronašli pravu mašinu i da je novac potekao. Ali više ne možete pronaći takva onlajn kazina.

Sada svaki igrač dobija ličnu kartu - iako i ja smatram da je ova ID upitna? Za šta bi trebalo da bude dobro? Ranije nije bilo potrebno. Verujem da sa ovim ID-om sistem zna kakvo ponašanje u igricama imate i prilagođava igre u skladu sa tim. Radije verujem u to. Ne treba vam ID-sri za isplatu.

Zato sam za mene odlučio - da okončam svoj onlajn kazino - jer fer plej ovde jednostavno nije moguć. Pogotovo što strimeri takođe utiču na onlajn sistem svojim lažnim visokim novčanim ulozima. Tako da odem u pravi kazino 2-3 puta gde mogu ponovo da iskusim kazino njuh kao mušterija.

Želim vam svima puno zabave, sreće i razmislite o tome koliko ste pošteno tretirani od strane sistemskih onlajn kazina.

Automatski prevedeno:

IDs are technical ways to classify, assess, and effectively use data. It's merely a mark you put on data that belongs to each other in order to access and distribute such data efficiently. It's like comparing a physical phone book with the one you have on your smartphone.

I dare say it has nothing to do with fairness. It's just my point of view, of course.

Despite that, I appreciate your honest opinion. 🙏

I will just leave this here (happened an hour ago)


filled all the power-ups and total wining is x19.4


Hm, obviously much lower that expected, am I close?

Well, not every bonus hit is sky high. Better luck next time, of course!

Out of curiosity, do you play this game because you like it or because you expect decent profit?

Hm, obviously much lower that expected, am I close?

Well, not every bonus hit is sky high. Better luck next time, of course!

Out of curiosity, do you play this game because you like it or because you expect decent profit?

To je glupost - izvinite, ova igra, baš kao i Big Bass Bash, ima tačno 2 dodatna bonusa koji uvek rade! Jednom kada počnete na nivou 2 i kada dobijete još 2 besplatna okretanja. Sve ostalo nije važno šta dobijete jer to nema uticaja na igru. Do danas nisam dobio ni 2 ribolovca od More Anglers.

Većinu vremena veća je verovatnoća da ćete dobiti dobar besplatni obrt ako vam to ne daje dodatni bonus!

Automatski prevedeno:

It sounds like you're not a big fan of this game at all. Right?🤔


I love the whole Big Bass series, so because I like it 🙂

But was super excited when it filled all additional benefits in fs, just to be "okaaay" when it finished


Volim da igram seriju – ali mislim da ako kupcu obećate dodatni bonus ili ga aktivirate, a to se ne desi, onda nešto nije u redu. Ne trebaju mi nikakvi dodatni pecaroši ako samo 1 ili 2 pecaroša slete na teren, jer se to dešava i ako ga nisam aktivirao.

Ja sam obožavatelj serije ili veće bas serije ili slotova koji imaju drugačija imena, ali su identični seriji - kao kod samuraja.

Ali ne može biti da sistem interveniše ovde na štetu igrača

Automatski prevedeno:

I love the whole Big Bass series, so because I like it 🙂

But was super excited when it filled all additional benefits in fs, just to be "okaaay" when it finished

And if you had to choose from the whole series which is your favourite, which slot would you choose? 😀

I mean which Big Bass?

Did you ever get all improvements in free spins and hit 3 stage there?

Volim da igram seriju – ali mislim da ako kupcu obećate dodatni bonus ili ga aktivirate, a to se ne desi, onda nešto nije u redu. Ne trebaju mi nikakvi dodatni pecaroši ako samo 1 ili 2 pecaroša slete na teren, jer se to dešava i ako ga nisam aktivirao.

Ja sam obožavatelj serije ili veće bas serije ili slotova koji imaju drugačija imena, ali su identični seriji - kao kod samuraja.

Ali ne može biti da sistem interveniše ovde na štetu igrača

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for your insides. We appreciate your contribution, as always.


to hit that can only be a dream 😀

i hit x10 on regular big bass and big bass christmas blizzard, not max wins but it was pure joy 🙂

and if I had to choose one? hmmmm, maybe the newest one Big Bass Vegas Double Down Deluxe. I like the 2 kinds of fisherman 😀

and i see that there are 2 new releases expected!!

Big Bass Halloween 2 - 21.10.2024

Big Bass Xmas Extreme - 18.11.2024.

Looking forward to them


Vau. Nova ribolovna putovanja) I ja ih čekam :)

Automatski prevedeno:

to hit that can only be a dream 😀

i hit x10 on regular big bass and big bass christmas blizzard, not max wins but it was pure joy 🙂

and if I had to choose one? hmmmm, maybe the newest one Big Bass Vegas Double Down Deluxe. I like the 2 kinds of fisherman 😀

and i see that there are 2 new releases expected!!

Big Bass Halloween 2 - 21.10.2024

Big Bass Xmas Extreme - 18.11.2024.

Looking forward to them

I've only seen it about once for a player to be in Stage 3 so I was quite interested in it but yes it would be a dream come true. Especially when sometimes you miss one fisherman and you have 5 more spins and it still doesn't come, that would make me angry. 😀

I see you have this Big Bass series mapped out and I don't know what slot I would choose from these. 

I also notice that there are some new ones coming, so hopefully we'll add them soon so you can try them out. 

Thank you for this conversation. 😉


you could say i am a big fan of big bass series 🙂

I will try to dig up I should have a video somewhere of me playing x10 spins...those were the days 😀


By all means, I'll be glad to see it and enjoy it together with you and we'll reminisce about the good old days. If you can make it, I'll be here. 😀

Prošle godine sam takođe imao do 10k bonus igara. Ali ti dani su prošli nakon ove promene programa. Sad pecaroši dolaze samo u besplatnoj igri broj 7. Trenutno me uzbuđuje pivo bez slota iz Novaline, gde je i sa 40 centi često preko 100 evra

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