Zdravo ljudi..
U poslednje vreme igram dosta slotova i stalno vidim da se pojavljuju ove igre Drops & Vins, gde dele ogromne nagrade – poput miliona dolara tokom godine. Video sam reklame i neke promocije u igri, ali me zanima: da li je neko ovde zaista osvojio nešto kroz ove Drops & Vins?
Takođe, koja je prava svrha provajdera igara da ovo rade? Mislim, daju ogromne količine novca... Mislite li da to rade samo da bi privukli više igrača na svoje igre, ili postoji nešto veće iza kulisa?
Hi folks..
So I’ve been playing a lot of slots lately, and I keep seeing these Drops & Wins popping up, where they give away huge prizes – like millions of dollars across the year. I’ve seen the ads and some in-game promotions, but I’m curious: has anyone here actually won anything through these Drops & Wins?
Also, what’s the real point of game providers doing this? I mean, they’re giving away massive amounts of money… Do you think they do it just to drive more players to their games, or is there something bigger behind the scenes?