NaslovnaForumSlotoviDoctor Winstein - opšta diskusija

Doctor Winstein - opšta diskusija

 od Meriam
1.054 pregleda 11 odgovora |
Da li vam se sviđa ova igra? Da li ste osvojili veliku nagradu? Ako želite da diskutujete o bilo čemu što se odnosi na Doctor Winstein, možete to uraditi ovde.

This game ate 3000 euros in 5 days, at a bet of 0.30!!!! no profit!!! this RTR is VERY FAKE!!!! Even 5% has no return to the player!!! This game does not give any profits!!!!


Hi, did you play it only here or also in the casino? I can see that after this experience it probably won't be your favourite but if it was just negative then yes I'm not surprised. 

No i play only in the casino ,i did not play here .


And in which casino did you have such a black streak? 😕


palms bet

najgore je što sam nastavio da igram i izgubio još mnogo i ništa!!! nema povratka!!! 200, 300 evra po utakmici ništa!!!! Ne želim ni da razmišljam koliko sam tačno još izgubio!!!! moje mišljenje je da sve ovo namešta kazino!!! po mom mišljenju, svaki pojedinačni račun kontroliše sam kazino!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

It would require a very sophisticated system and I don't think it would be possible and especially effective to check every account. 

I would say if you have a bad streak, take a break and don't play in the casino. Clear your head a bit and make sure you give yourself a limit that you're willing to lose without being uncomfortable. That's probably the most sensible advice from me. 

It's certainly no fun to lose and I understand that players have bad feelings when that happens, so I would take that step if I were you. 

Zdravo ponovo Nije tačno da se računi ne mogu kontrolisati! Sve je to matematika u srcu svakog računa!! sve je urađeno prilikom kreiranja naloga!!! Svaki račun ima formulu za dobitke i gubitke u svojoj srži!!!! 1000% sam siguran. Sve je softver!!!! Evo primera: na turniru sam osvojio 1500 evra i onda sam igrao na slotu sa minimalnom opkladom i naravno izgubio sve što sam osvojio (ovaj iznos od 1500) i trenutno je iznos skoro utrostručen!!!, zapravo govorim upravo o igri Doktor Vinštajn. Ovo govorim iz iskustva i posmatranja od toliko godina!!!! Mislim da nije igra problematična, već kazino!!! pun lopova!!!

Automatski prevedeno:


On the other hand, I'm pretty sure it is not as you say, especially in licensed casinos like Palms Bet. Have you considered taking a break from gambling? You say you have been having these assumptions for so many years, so why come back to play again?

You definitely appear to be in tense due to losing. Would you mind reading this article 👈, please?

Might give you another perspective.

Zdravo, imam višegodišnje iskustvo – možda se nisam dobro izrazio, možda je trebalo da kažem – u vreme kada posećujem onlajn kazino, ali ne igram stalno, volim slotove, ali uvek igram onoliko koliko mogu da priuštim. Ne mislim da sam zavisnik od kockanja. Uvek mogu da prestanem. Možda idem da igram 2-3 puta godišnje, a ne svaki dan.

i uvek igram sa najnižim ulozima. Igram samo u 3 ili 4 utakmice. Igrao sam malo više u ovoj igri jer je to bio mesečni turnir!!!

Objasnite mi drugi način - sa profitom od 1500 morao sam odjednom da preokrenem iznos, kako to da dok sam ga prevrtao, a ovo je velika suma za igru sa niskim ulogom - nisam izgubio! !! Tek nakon što sam prevrnuo iznos bonusa i postao pravi novac (a ovo je sa svim bonus novcem) igre su odjednom prestale da daju???

ima još nešto - igrao sam davno u igrici na Pragmatic Plai-u, onda sam možda posle 5-6 meseci ušao u istu igru, u principu, igre na Pragmatic Plai-u beleže najveće dobitke, i znaš šta? gde su bili prikazani podaci o dobicima, nije bilo ništa!! kako to?? kao da nikad nisam igrao ovu igru??!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi. Thanks for the details. Much appreciated.

I'd say this topic needs far more than words, though. Only math and reverse engineering will give players the assurance they seek. The other perspective, however, is:

Licensed casinos, in my opinion, won't risk the license and fines by somehow changing games. Actually, they do not even have to, because players far too often bet against the volatility or, sadly, remember the losses, adding that into relation with bonuses, which already come with limitations.

More importantly, the slots are the worst kind of casino games to play. Here comes the math again:

Do you consider RTP 97% to be awesome? It actually means that if you play 10k spins, you will end up losing 3%. The overall loss is inevitable the longer you play.

Additionally, casinos do not have technical access to the games. Games are stored and transmitted from game provider servers or other "distant" sources.

The thing with missing winnings may be related to the fact that you come back after several months. I understand these informations are temporary. Lifetime stats are in the gaming history. Not sure whether I got it correctly though. Was the missing score related to the tournament, please? Could be still a special yet temporary feature.

Have you ever tried one of our free slot tournaments? See the other players score, and try how you will compete against them. The score differences are huge. Because the results are random, based on luck.


11 players played the same amount of spins, same game, same bets, same everything. Still, the results scaled from 301K to 155K. Not to mention the results shown on the last site.

What is your opinion on that?

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