Igrao sam old school Dragons Treasure i primetio ovo:
Za one koji nisu igrali ovu igru kada dobijete besplatne okrete, možete da izaberete specijalni simbol za proširenje. Pretpostavljam da se to podrazumeva pod "korišćenom strategijom"
Pa me je navelo na razmišljanje, koja je najbolja strategija? Da li neko zna?
PS Pretpostavljam da bi izabrao gornji simbol.
PP.S. Dobio sam ceo ekran glavnog simbola pre otprilike 10 godina, za moju najbolju ikada pobedu na mreži od 5000k, tako da je ova igra posebna za mene.
PPP.S. Da li je neko ikada video ovako izražen RTP na bilo kojoj drugoj igrici?
I was playing old school Dragons Treasure and noticed this:
For those who haven't played this game when you get the free spins you get to choose the special expanding symbol. I suppose that's what is meant by "used strategy"
So it got me thinking, what is the best strategy? Does anyone know?
P.S. My guess would be choosing the top symbol.
PP.S. I got a full screen of the top symbol about 10 years ago, for my best ever online win of 5000x, so this game is special for me.
PPP.S. Has anyone ever seen RTP expressed like this on any other games?